Chapter 1

No matter what

The bright morning sun shone brightly into the middle sized dorm,it's warmth marking another peaceful day for it's occupants,the 5 shining shinee.One by one the young men began to stir from their night sleep.

All except for a certain clumsy leader.

"Hyung,wake up."taemin gently tried to wake the still dozing leader.

Onew didn't stir from his slumber.He groaned and wrap the warm blanket around his body.Key,being the umma he was,gently tried to wake up  their hyung.

"Hyung,come on.we're gonna be late."

Still he didn't show any sign of wanting to open his eyes.Key was beggining to lose his patience and yelled.....

"Yah,lee jinki,wake up or there will be no chicken for the rest of the week."

Hearing the words 'no chicken',onew quickly got out from his bed.

"I'm awake,i'm awake."he quickly yelled.

The others began to laughed at their leader's obsession over the piece of poultry.

With all of them up,the 5 members of shinee got ready for their usual day at work.

After washing themselves up,they went to the table and began to eat breakfast that key made for them.As s were busy eating,key went to the bathroom to wash himself up.

"Hyung,are you sure your fine to come to work today?"asked a worried taemin.

"Yes taemin,i'm don't have to worry."onew replied.

They couldn't believe that it has been 2 months since their leader returned to them after he lost his memories from a deadly illnese.Now,with him returned,they felt as if their family was complete again.

After closely coming to losing him,they had been careful to observe if their leader was in any way showing signs if being ill.But eversince he got his memories back,onew didn't shown any sign of being ill again.

What really made them happy was that despite everything that had happened a few months ago,their leader didn't changed.Despite him not remembering them for some time,onew was still the kind and gentle leader they knew.He stil had that smile that can always brigthen everyone's day.And their gonna make sure that smile will not fade.

"So how about after practice,we go for a little karaoke?"said jonghyun.

"Hyung,we already sang so many times."minho complained."How about we play some football?"

"I don't feel like in the mood for sports."

As jonghyun and minho were busy arguing about where to they want to go that night,key finally came out of the shower.

"Yah,you 2.if your gonnq argue over something like that,i'll make it simple.neither of us go out tonight."key said to them.

Both jonghyun and minho wanted to argue but they knew it was no use persuading him once he made up his mind.So the two of them just sent angry glares to each other,careful to not get notice by key.

They quickly finished up their breakfast and headed of to SM building.


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Chapter 10: i'm hoping you will update soon..this story is just too awesome and great. I'm totally love it.
Chapter 10: please update soon. I really want to know what happens. Good story so far. I really love it.
Chapter 10: Taemin is always so caring, I'm glad that he hesitated but Onew still managed to fool him! I'm so worried about him, I don't want him to get hurt!!! T-T Please update soon, arasso?! <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 9: Ugh Poor Onew, he still has such trouble trusting people!!! :( This guy had better be careful or i will SERIOUSLY have to injure him for threatening my Onew Oppa!!!!! Wae do i feel like something REALLY bad is about to happen??? :( <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: I'm not usually someone to hate somebody but with how little humanity in this guy, i honestly now despise him!! Onew please be careful! Luved this chapter, please update soon, arasso?! Kamsahamnida! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: The other book was an angsty little booklet but now I'm scared for Onew's life > ~ < good story btw
Chapter 7: Really powerful chapter! I Luved it!!! <3 Poor Onew though, so much pain. And Taemin is growing up, isn't he. No wonder the others are proud! I'm sorry i am a little late but my life is starting to become less stressful! Nothing like a bit of fanfiction to take me away from it, even if it is this sad and painful. Kamsahamnida for your efforts in your writing!! Update soon, arasso?! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 6: Omg..... So sad.... :'(
Chapter 6: OMO! Poor Onew Oppa! T-T it always hurts me when he is hurting but at the same time it reminds me of how good my life is but gives me a break from it while i read this! Kamsahamnida! I will try to continue commenting as much as possible! <3 Ppyong! Xx