Kill her

It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]

" Is she going to be alright? " Zelo asked as he was thinking about turning back and checking up on her 

" Don't. We don't have enough time. I'm sure she's okay. She's one of them anyways. " Nichkhun said and he signaled them to turn left. He was following the map that Jiyeon drew by memory. She went to this prison at the age of 5 with Kahi.


jiyeon's POV 

I sprinted as far away as I could. But then, something held me back. Why should I be running? I didn't do anything wrong. Running, would only tell them that I'm guilty. 

I stopped running when I reached the ocean harbor. Not too long, Kahi and the others caught up to me 

" Stopping because you've decided to turn yourself in? " Yoseob asked 

No ones POV

" I stopped because I did nothing wrong. " Jiyeon said and turned herself to face Kahi. 

Good answer Jiyeonah. Kahi thought. Kahi knew that Jiyeon had her reasons. But whatever the reason was, rules were rules. Jiyeon knew that Kahi still cared. Because if Jiyeon was someone else, Kahi would have killed her on the spot. Not let her run away so easily. 

" Take her. " Kahi instructed and IU and Hyomin went over and bonded her with their chakra chain. The chains could be easily broken by Jiyeon with a finger, but she didn't resist. She didn't want them to have a hard time

" MIANHE Jiyeonah. " Hyomin and IU whispered. They knew that their Jiyeon would never do something like this. There must be some mistake, they thought. 


instead of taking a month to get back to Konoha. Kahi used a forbidden teleportation jutsu. The jutsu was last used by Jiyeon's grandfather, Maru. 

Arriving at the Konoha entrance, Kahi ordered everyone to use their chakra chains to bind Jiyeon up. So she would not escape. Kahi didn't know this, but even with 12 chakra chains binding her neck, hands, legs, and waist, she could still easily break free. But she didn't want to make it hard for Kahi, so she remained calm. Kahi never knew that Jiyeon was capable of much more. Although Jiyeon is a jinjuriki, it was still impossible for Jiyeon to make direct contact with the beast. Even Jiyeon's mother and grandmother hasn't gotten that far yet. 

Kahi stepped into entrance to see that ( first generation Minho and Hoya ) were guarding the entrance 

" Kahi? Isn't that? " Hoya pointed out 

" Please call in all head admins of The five great nations. That include the Kage's as well. . " Kahi lowered her head and walked in without bothering to hear a reply. 

" Deh. " Minho bowed as he send jutsu scrolls that went soaring into the sky. Flying in different directions.

Jiyeon and the others walked through the town as everyone looked at her with those eyes. 

" what's going on? " 

" Whats happening? " 

" I knew that kid was trouble" people looked down on her 

" Once a beast. Always a beast. " people whispered around. Jiyeon could hear every bit of what they were saying. She held it all in and kept calm.cshe never really did care of what people thought.

After the ANBU and Konoha's admin received the Scroll first. They immediately locked Jiyeon in a secure place. It was a secret jail cell hidden in the depths of Konoha. There was a pool of water down there. It was meant to lock away any threat to the world. It was made by Gem crystal water that had melted into 3000 years of ancient fluid. The water was able to sustain any chakra. Even a jinjuriki and its beast

" they're waiting Kahi. " Jihyo whispered as she pulled the sad Kahi away. She was standing 200 feet above the crystal chamber that Jiyeon was locked up in. 

All of the Kage's have finally arrived after hours of receiving the scroll. They too, had someway to get fast since it was an important meeting.

" We've received your message princess Kahi. " Ji suk Jin said as they sat down around the round table 

" How can you let someone that's a thread to our nation walk around freely for so many years! " Jongkook slammed the table 

" I wish you could please stop. She's one of us. ".Jihyo spoke 

" exactly. Because she's one of you, that's why she's such a messed up creature. " Jongkook raised his voice 

" stop ! " Kahi stood up 

" please... Can we just discuss the matter without your hurtful comments for once? " Kahi asked and Jongkook nodded 

" I think that she should stay locked up. She is a jinjuriki after all. Who knows what she's capable of. " Ji suk said 

" I understand, but- " 

" Kahi... I know you're close to her. But please wake up and accept the facts. She interacted with Akatuskis. She should be killed. " Jongkook said 

" she would never- " 

Kahi was then cut off again 

" lets face it Kahi. Jiyeon's daughter was like this, because she didn't have her by her side. None of us, would have guess that the child was up to no good. " Bongsun said 

" I heard that she wasn't socially active. " Ji suk said 

" This child should be locked up... The news has gone around already. It's better if she stays forgotten. " Jin suk said 

" I have to agree. " Jihyo said 

" Jihyo! Why?! " Kahi turned over and shouted 

" even if Jiyeon is innocent. People won't believe that. Her life will even be more devastating. She will be walking on the streets, being killed by the looks and the trash talk that people give her. She will be feared and hated by everyone. Even her friends will turn against her. " Jihyo said 

" think about Konoha. the five nations. About the people. " Haha said and Kahi slowly nodded 

" then we have it... She shall be killed. " Jongkook said and Kahi's eyes widened 

" what do you mean killed!? " Kahi shouted and slammed he thanks in the table as she stood up. 

" now. " haha said and Bongsun used a jutsu that made JYP, Jihyo, Kahi, and Gary fall asleep 

" sorry Hokage. We can't risk your emotions get in the way " Bongsun said 

" proceed as plan then? The girl will be killed at dawn tomorrow on the stone stadium. " Jongkook said 

" shouldn't we at least not make it public?  " Ji suk asked 

" the people want proof that she's dead. We'll give them proof. " Jongkook said 

" so you want to repeat what happened in history!? When Song joong ki was killed off? " Jin suk asked

" it really is fate huh? Song joong ki was also a spark. A great and noble one. The best, until he fell in love with an akatsuki. " Jongkook said 

" to think about it. Joong ki is her great great great grandfather. " Bong sun said 

" yes. But no one knows. And will never know. " Jongkook said. The ancient history book has now been burned and the story should never be spoken of. It's a forbidden story. The only people that knows about it, are in this room, the rest have long been dead. 

" Is this the only way? " haha asked 

" it's the best way. " Jongkook said and they all nodded 


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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...