Failed mission....... Date?!

It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]

Jiyeon's POV 

I won't let them hurt another person..

'' Are you okay? '' Thunder tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped in shock.. 

'' Oh gosh! '' I breathe heavily as I patted my chest 

'' Oh..... Sorry. '' He looked at me and I just glared at him.. My outside cool and spicy character kicks in again 

'' Does it look like I'm okay? '' I gave him attitude and then  I rolled my eyes and stood up and walked away 


Thunder looked at her from behind and just chuckled 


'' You guys ready? '' Leejoon sensei asked us and we all nodded. Everyone had gathered everything they needed and had changed into our mission outfits already. All of us were actually very nervous.. This mission was a mission that can't guarantee if we'll make it back alive. We were told that team 7 was highly advanced than all the others, but I'm positive we are no where near the level of dealing with S-class criminals. I don't know what they're capable of yet, but I hear that they are a group of mysterious people that are capable of destroying the hope and lives of many people. I've always lived a life of no regret... Not even hope. I truely don't even know who I am for starts. So I'm far from thinking of what I live for. 

'' Lets move. It'll take us 3 weeks and a half just to get there. '' Leejoon Sensei said and we all nodded. We were traveling on foot first, and then by boat. It wasn't long until we reached the harbor and got on the boat that Leejoon found 

'' This is the boat sensei? '' I looked at him with disbelief and shook my head. He could have done better. Way better 

'' hehehe.... It's kinda nice. '' He giggled as he rubbed the back of his head. I could just tell that he was an immature dude. For someone that's 34, he still looks very young. In fact, I noticed that all the sensei, including Kahi, looked like they were in their 20s.

Everyone had settled in heir cabins. We weren't a very social group. The only one that's perky and childish was Leejoon sensei and that Thunder guy. Then there's me and that Hoya guy. He's very strange... He's also one of the flower boy in Konoha. But he's such a statue all the time. 

Everyday was the same. All of us were always in our room. The only time we walked out was to us the restroom. We finally reached our last hours on the boat, and coincidentally, all of us came out for some air. It was very awkward at first at how all of us stepped out at the same time and eyed each other until Leejoon and Thunder broke off the silence by greeting each other. I sighed and walked out to the deck first and they all followed after. I leaned on the railing while the 3 boys were leaning on the one across form me 

I caught the thunder guy glancing at me sometimes, but I didn't care. 

'' So...... Let's get to know each other more. '' Leejoon smiled and ran over to grab me and then followed that by grabbing the boys. He made us all huddle up in a circle on the floor..

'' So... any interest? '' Leejoon asked and I was kinda surprise myself that I was the first to speak 

'' I like sports. '' I said and smiled.. The least I could do was make the boat more lively 

'' Look at that, the statue speaks. '' Hoya smirked and I glared at him 

'' Look who's talking. '' we both shot each other a glare until Leejoon sensei broke it off 

'' Okay.... Let's talk about the mission. There's plenty of time to talk about our feelings. '' He smiled and all of us just looked at him, not caring so much of what he says 

'' Okay... Once we reach the hidden rain. I need all three of you to secure the perimeter. Identifying the whole place and spot any odd things. Then I need Thunder to come with me to find the one that's in charge of the village.. I need Hoya to go and search for the girl and bring her to us... And for Jiyeon. I need you to go gather supplies such as Herbs and antidotes. Since we're here, I heard that there's The E- '' 

'' Elix HERB!? '' I cut off Leejoon and started to flustered with excitement and joy.. I felt that my eyes were all sparkled and my smile actually wasn't an awkward grin that the Jokwon dude always do. 

'' Uh..... Yuh-yes? '' All of them stared at me like I was crazy or something an I just smiled it off until Leejoon gave me a huge smile 

'' You remind me so much of her. '' He said and I just gave him the WTF look 

'' Okay back to the plan..... Hoya. You can handle it right? '' He asked, changing it to a different subject. 

'' Of course. '' He smirked and I just rolled my eyes. Mr. Perfect think he's all that 

'' Oh.. I guess we're here. '' Leejoon said as we all felt the boat hit something. After all of us got off the boat, we all went our separate ways.

I widened at my eyes at this place. It was raining, hard. I heard that there isn't one day that this place doesn't rain. It looked completely different from Konoha. It had big tall buildings.. Like an actual city.. One that you would read in books and made up stories that Kahi told me.. It was like Kahi knew what the Future was like.. However, the negative part was that the city was like a run down city that just experienced War or something like that. All the buildings were half destroyed and broken. I still can't believe how the buildings haven't collapsed yet. 

'' How am I going to find a rare herb in this joint? '' I sighed at how it had no sight of grass at all. It was all dirt and cracked up roads. I walked around on the outer side of the city until I finally reached a place with trees... Beautiful blossom trees... 

'' What? '' I widened my eyes at every step I make, the rain became less and less.. And the forest became more beautiful... I stopped when I heard someone calling out for me 

'' Miss! Miss! '' The voice became clearer and I turned around to see a man in his 50s approached me 

'' Deh? '' I smiled to him 

'' Please don't go in there.. Whoever goes in there, never returns back alive or even in one peice. You're still young, I beg you please not to go in there. ''  The man begged and I just smiled 

'' Everythings fine sir.. I promise I won't die that easily. '' I still haven't found out who I am yet. 

I smiled to him and continued walking into the forest 

'' Poor girl '' The man said and walked away... His words made me worry a little, but if it's for the Elix Herb, I'll do anything.. I've been working at the hospital every summer and seen many patients with serious diseases that can't be saved, but if I had the Elix Herb, I could save them. I only had just 3 more months left until the Elix herb was fully harvest, but that rotten brat took it.

The Ellix herb was popular for its rare existence and mysterious behavior.... It was a plant that can't be touched by water... Blood was the only thing that it lives on... and its Thrones are deadly... With one poke from it... You will slowly turn into a puddle of blood within hours. Not to mention that it takes 7 years to harvest and every 7 years to grow out one seed. '' I must get it. '' I whispered and stepped deeper into the forest 

I still can't believe how a plant that can't handle water live in such an environment... And to top it off, Someone must be in possession of it since it can't survive on its own


No one's POV 

'' Aish! Why did Minho have to throw the Football so far! ''  Chunji rolled his eyes as he was hopping from tree to tree until something made him stop. He glanced down to see a pretty girl with light brown golden hair. She was pretty, but he sensed an odd aura from her. He dangled himself from the tree and watched the view 

Jiyeon's POV 

where on earth am I going to find The Elix when all I see are pink flowers? I sighed. At this point, I felt kinda frustrated because the more I walked, the more I see blossom trees. It was if I was walking in circles. But that did not make me give up 

" maybe. " I tapped my chin and tapped my right foot to the ground to push myself up. It's best to get a view from up high. I didn't even reached half way up the ground until I was being pulled down by blossom tree branches. The branches were shifting everywhere. As if it was dancing around me. One of the branches caught my foot and dragged me further into the forest. I finally spotted a small little pond and used my foot to scoop and bit of water and splash it on the tree and it let go of me. 

" figured. " I smiled proudly as I dusted dust off of me. Turns out that these blossom trees were no ordinary tree and the 2nd reason why it wasn't raining here was because they were sensitive to water.

" Pretty clever little girl. " someone jumped from one of the branches and stared me in the eye. He had red hair and was wearing sweat pants and a simple OBEY tee shirt.. Exactly something Kwangsoo would make 

" thanks? " it turned Into a question since it wasn't everyday that a cute boy lands right in front of you 

" you think I'm cute? " he asked and I just flustered red. He noticed and chuckled

" um... n-no. " I crunched my nose and stared at him 

" yeah yeah... I suggest you turn back before Nichkhun catches you. I'm being nice today, so I'll let you go  " The tomato head gave me an evil grin and vanished right before my eyes.. 

" Nichkhun? What kind of name is that? " I squinted my eyebrows together and then didn't hesitate to continue walking further. It was my mission after all. And orders are orders. 

" since I'm here. " I evilly grinned and took my kunai out and cut a small portion of the blossom tree and snuck it in my bag. Might as well take some samples for future reference 

I walked a little further into the forest, making sure my water bottle was out, until another branch attacks me.  I walked calmly for a while until I reached a small little bridge and a little stream of water flowing beneath it. 

The blossom trees were out of sight by now, all there was were grass, grass, and then more grass. Then leading to a huge basketball court. This was the second I came across a basketball court. I might as well be the first one since Gary Oppa only showed me when I went to visit him in the hidden sand village. Apparently he said he invented it. 

I picked up the basketball that was lying on the court and threw the basketball and it made a swish 

" OHHHH! " I smiled and continued walking until I came across a cave near the oak tree. I sense strong chakra in there.. 

" found cha. " I smiled and walked in there. It was surprisingly very bright and very warm. A little bit too warm. I walked in a little closer and right there, where the sun shine shined on it. The Elix Herb 

" isn't this a little bit easy ? " I whispered. I mean, the last time I got the Elix Herb was all the way on Are mountain and it was guarded by a huge toxic spider.  

I pulled out my plaid shirt and wrapped it around the flower so that I wouldn't get stabbed. What now? 

I looked around the place a spotted a bucket. " this will do. " I took it and spilled whatever was out of it

" Ahh- " I covered my mouth so I couldn't scream anymore.. The bucket was a bucket of pure fresh human blood. It had such a strong smell. At least I don't have to worry about watering. I sighed and covered the plant with the bucket. 

" this is so gross. " I let out a constipated face was blood was dripping to my palm. I was thinking of exploring a little more, but too late now. I hurried out of the forest, splashing water around me. Finally after a good hour of running, I made it out of the forest 

" great. Just great. " I sighed as the rain started to become heavier and heavier. I ran to the nearest building I could find and took a break. " take this. " Hoya threw a bottle of water at me and I just looked at him

" what..... What's this for? " I asked him 

" to drink? "He rolled his yes at me and I just glared at him 

" I don't need your water. " I glared at him and he looked at me 

" sure you don't. " he smiled and just ruffled my hair. My face was like a red Tamar's mixed with a little bit of green for being in shock. The statue smiles? 

" you should stop giving me that look. It's weird. " he smiled and let his hand out to feel the rain 

" I- " I was about to say something when he splashed water in my face

" yah! " I kicked him but missed and was about to fall but he caught me 

" the statue's an idiot. " he smirked and I just looked at him. Didn't mind that he called me an idiot, but he caught me. I told he would let me fall, but he didn't 

" are you gonna get off now? " he rolled his eyes and I jumped out of his grip 

"sorry... " I said and he just chuckled 

" now the statue has feelings. " he chuckled and I just glared at you 

"the statue can throw a punch too. So be careful. " I warned him as I sent him a death glare and he just ruffled my hair again 

" sure it can. " he said sarcastically

"I have a name you know? " I narrowed my eyes at him and he smiled

" yeeh. I know... I just don't bother saying it. " he smirked and walked away. Leaving me there wanted to break something. Not in my life have I met such an irritated jerk like him. 

Soon, after which had been an hour, we all met up at a small little shop and talked about our fail mission.. 

" I thought you got this. " I gave Hoya a little chuckle

" I did! But- "

" but? " I lifted up my eyebrow and grinned 

" yah! Cut it you two. " Leejoon smacked his hands on the table to shut us all up. For once, he was acting like a real commander. Taking charge and yelling at us. It was usually the other way around. 

" I know the mission wasn't a success and good thing you made it back alive. What happened when you reached her house though? " Leejoon asked us Hoya 

" there was a guy and a little boy about 6 Stan- 

" a boy?! Who?! What did he look like?! Where!? WHEN!? '' I jumped out of my seat and grabbed Hoya's hand tightly with my eyes sparkling with curiosity 

'' Um.... '' Leejoon interrupted and I turned around to see the two of them giving me the WTF look as If I was high on drugs or something. 

'' He.he.he.he. '' I laughed awkwardly and slowly went back to my seat and realized how embarrassing that was 

'' Um.. okay then? The two of them already vanished with the girl when I got there... My theory was that she had already died when they took her. '' Hoya sighed as he took his time to glance at me with his left brow raised. 

'' At least we got the plant. '' 

'' STOOP! '' I jumped over to yank the plant away. Leejoon sensei was about to touch the throne 

'' Are you crazy sensei?! This can kill you! '' Jiyeon sighed.


                                                                          [ 1 year has pasted ]       

Jiyeon's POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door.. I slouched over to the door and opened it to see IU and Nicole rushing in and hurrying me to change...

'' What izzzz it? '' I groaned as I slouched back to my bed

'' Wake up! It's your big day! '' IU yanked me by the ear and I shot up screaming

'' Yah! '' I glared at her but then Nicole threw something at me. I took it off of my head and noticed it was a cream strapless mini dress

'' What's this? '' I asked her and I raised it up

'' What you'll be wearing for your date. '' IU smiled at me creepily and raised her eyebrows

'' I told you guys I'm not going! '' I shouted and then hid my body under the covers

'' Walk up! '' Nicole yanked the covers away and glared at me

'' Fine. Happy?  '' I sighed and she gave me a satisfying smile 

'' But I don't want to go... I didn't even agree to going in the first place. '' I pouted and folded my hands together and kicked my foot on the bed like a little 5 year old 

'' He's going to be waiting.. And guys hot like him don't come around twice. '' IU said as she handed me a pair of heels to go with the dress 

'' But... '' I pouted and they both glared at me 

'' That pout won't work on us. '' Eunjung and Hyomin said at the same time while walking in like my place was Kwangsoo's store. Yup.. His business has been booming lately. Thanks to my advertising... I still need to get paid for it though....

'' Hurry up already. You'll lose your chance. '' Suzy said as she was walking in and sat on the sofa 

'' But I don't like him. '' I sighed. I lied as well. I liked him ever since we came back from that one mission to the Hidden Rain. He gave me the courage to be more open to people. And I got to see the real him. The real him wasn't a jerk at all. He was a nice and sweet person.

'' Liar. '' IU glared at me... She had the power to read peoples minds. Although, only mine at times.

'' Stawp that! '' I glared at her and she giggled evily

'' Nice one. '' Eunjung giggled as she hurried up and shoved me into the bathroom

'' YAH DONE!? '' I could hear Hyomin's hyper voice kick in again

'' It's too short! '' I shouted back only to be shocked when Eunjung kicked my door right open

'' Are you serious?! I just got that fixed because of last time! '' I glared at her. This wasn't the first time she broke my door. Her toilet was broken and needed to use mine. Freaken barged in when I was still taking a shower 

'' Your fault for locking it. '' She rolled her eyes 

'' Because it's normal to leave it wide open. '' I said sarcastically 

'' I do that. '' Nicole said and the others and I just looked at her and sighed. Except for Eunjung... I bet she does it herself. The woman has no shame. 

'' Why are you guys staring at me like that? '' I asked. Getting kinda creeped out at their sinister smile 

'' Looking Geewd. '' Hyomin winked at me and I quickly covered up whatever I could


( just think of it as like 3 inches shorter. ) 

'' STAWP IT! You look Good! '' IU and Nicole said and yanked my hands away. Revealing myself once more. 

'' I'll go if you tell Hyomin to stawp giving me that look. It's creeping me out. '' I glared and she just pouted 

'' What look? '' She gave me her puppy dog face and I just sighed 

'' Come on.. Let's curl your hair now. '' IU smiled and I gave up. I let them do whatever  they wanted with me now. They could even me if they wanted to. Of course Hyomin will.. Somehow, things got more lively in my life. I finally for once had friends that made me wake up in the morning knowing that they were there for me. These girls always kept a watch for me for all these years, even if I did push them away. They were about to give up until IU proved them wrong. I'm happy that she did that. They were all so surprised at how my real character is... But yet, I'm still not open to everyone yet. 

'' Prefect. '' Hyomin winked at me when she saw how pretty IU did my hair 











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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...