Flower of Life

It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]


Zelo, Nichkun, Luhan, and L.joe slowly walked into the massive high level security dungeon. Then, with a few small steps, right below them, was Zinger. She was sealed away in an ice crystal. 

" zinger Nunna? " Zelo whispered as he walked down the path and the others followed. 

Luhan glanced over to his left, only to see a scary guard look at him straight in the eye. 

" he can't see me right? " Luhan asked and the guard had a confused look on his face. " Did you hear something? " the guard asked the guard standing right next to them 

" shut up! " L.joe quickly pushed Luhan to go faster as the guards kept on talking 

" no. I didn't hear a thing. " the guard replied. As they reached down there, they found out that the crystal was fake.cZinger wasn't really trapped in there 

" it's a trap. " Nichkhun whispered 

" clever boy. " a voice spoke. The voice slowly came out of the dark shadows and stood infront of them, was a lady dressed in full armor. Just like Athena, the goddess of war 

" can she see us? " Zelo asked as he waved his hand infront of her face 

" it's so nice to see visitors come to my prison. Not many choose to come to a prison, but it's okay, " she smiled as she looked at them 


" Quick Minho! Save her! " L shouted as he placed Jiyeon on the crystal bed. She was lying there, like a sleeping beauty. " she's dead... " Minho checked her pulse and then turned around to look at the others 

" we know that, that's why, save her! " L shouted and Minho just shook his head 

" I'm a healer,vnot a miracle worker.. She's gone L. " Minho said as he checked her pulse one last time 

" that's strange. " he gave a confused look and the others quickly turned over to look at him. " what is it? " L ask 

" you said that you could sense her chakra, and for some reason, I sense it as well. " Minho said as he sighed 

" what do you mean?! " Leejoon shouted 

" it's hard to say.. But, I don't think she's dead. Or alive. " Minho said 

" what?! " The others looked at him if he was some kind of freak or so

" you see, unlike us, she's not immortal. But she is somehow, in a way. " Minho said and now,the others were just too confused.

" Wait... So she's not dead? " Leejoon asked 

" she's alive. She just doesn't realize it. She trapped in what we call the Nether World. I've only read about it  in legends, but I hear its a state of mind. 

" how does she come out? " L asked 

" the only way is for her to come out on her own. " Minho said as she sighed 

" there has to be another way! " L gripped Monho by the arm 

" there's always another way! I need her! " L shouted as he shook Minho 

" there is one way. But it's impossible L. Even if you teleport there.theres no garuntee you'll return." Minho said and he looked at him 

" what is it!? " L asked with fear in his eyes 

" mount Azen. Where Dark poison is buried. People say, that once he died, he ordered his student to bury him in the ice tomb and all of his belongings. Including the enchanted flower of life. It's a flower that never dies. There is only one in the world. People have searches for it and other things he has left, but never has anybody returned. " Minho said as he shook his head 

" how would you know this? " L asked 

" I hired some stupid person to go up there. Too bad he never returned. " Minho sighed 

" I'll go look for it. " L said but was pulled back by Minho 

" I wouldn't go if I were you. " Minho said 

" why? " Leejoon and L asked 

" even if you do get the flower, it's impossible to melt it. That's why it never dies, because it's frozen. " Minho asked 

" I'm still going. " L said but was then pulled back by Leejoon

" you're still injured, don't go. It's not worth it. " Leejoon said as he held L back. It was too risky. The last thin he wants, is another member dying. 

They all been waiting for EXO ( the second akatsuki group ), but it's been 17 years since they've returned. All hope was lost for all of them. 

" I must save her. I won't let her die. " L said and with a quick flash, he vanished from the scene 


the wind was cold as frost. The place was like a blizzard. It was hailing like rain, just 10 times worst. L was in his akatsuki cloak, covered in snow. He's been walking for 2 days none stop now. There was no where to go. No where to take shelter. Everywhere was like a jungle of snow and mist. It was almost impossible to see. 

There were so many mountains, that he didn't know which one to climb. He finall stopped by a frozen lake. It would be safe to to around it, but it would take hours, even days. So, he walked across it. Walking on it normally, he heard a crack sound. 

He lifted his right foot up and slowly set it back down, he then continued walking casually. Then, with his last step, the ice broke. 

He managed to leap over to the other side and his right foot skidded to the side. Leaving as cracked up straight line. The ice continued to break so suddenly, that he didn't have to time move.

The water made a huge splash and he came tumbling down. 


Once he hit the water, something stopped him from rising up to the surface

' why is the water so warm, he thought. The more he swam down, the warmer the water got. He knew something was strange, and continued swimming. The water was so clear, that he saw something unbelievable. It was a field of grass and flowers. Fully growing flowers.

He continued swimming for a while and then finally rose up to the surface when he widden his eyes. It was a beautiful forest cave. A cave full of  life. Then, right before his eyes, was a big door. 40 times bigger than a normal door. He walked closer to it and sensed the sound wave of the door barrier. It was protected with magnetic steal that would kill anything instantly. He smirked and then raised his right hand up. He opened his hands slowly and lights of sparks started forming out of his hand. As he turned his hand like turning a knob, the lightning got stronger and bigger. 

" you haven't changed a bit old hag. " he smirked and then blasted the door,  right at the center of the barrier. The door slowly began to crack and then with more lightning, the door bursted into millions of crystals. 

" You got to do better than this old man. " L walked into the door way and ended up seeing a large stair way . As he walked up, there dark poison was. Lying inside an ice crystal. And right inside the Iceberg, he was holding the flower. L held up his hand and blasted the ice but it did not break.

" Don't waste your time L. " a huskey voice spoke and L stopped his track. This voice he thought. The tone that he could never forget.

" you're not dead after all. " L smirked 

" I am my boy. But my spirit lives on. " Dark position said 

" you old hag. " L spoke 

" you never really did respected elderly. And you even dare to come here wanting something from me. " He spoke in an angry voice 

" I came here to- " 


" you came here to save a girl name Jiyeon. You want my flower of life. Is that right? " he asked and L stood there without saying a word. 

" I'd give it to you. But I just don't like you. " he said

" listen you old hag! I'm not going to en stand around here and wait for your bull . It's rather you give It to me nicely, or I take it away from you. " L bursted. He was now frustrated. The more time he waste, the more in danger she can be.  

" see? This is why I don't like you. " The voice spoke 

" but since I was waiting for you, I guess I have to follow the rules. " he said 

" what do you mean by waiting for me? " L wondered 

" it's too soon for you to know. On the mean time, I'll give you the flower, but I want something in return. " he said 

" what?" L glared 

" give me something that means the word to you. More than your life. " he said And L just glared. 

" I want your immortality. " the voice said 

" you take my flower, I take your age. " he said 

" but I won't take it yet. I'll give you time to think. " the voice said. Dark poison knew there was something much more important to him than his immortality. 

" what do you mean? " L asked 

" when it's time, I'll find you, and I'll take away the thing you Charish the most. " dark poison said and then slowly, the ice slowly began to melt from the body and the flower was right there. 

" Remember, don't you dare say those words. " Dark poison said 

" say what words?! " L shouted but he didn't get a single reply. After getting the flower, he left the place.

" Fate has already been decided, but I know you. I know you can change it. " the voice spoke again but this time, it slowly started to vanish. 


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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...