The beginning

It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]

the portal opened up form the sky and everyone fell down from it... Hyomin and Eunjung were gripping each other for their life. While IU was knocked out from all the stress and crying she had done. Nicole and hyuna were traumatized and the guys were all lifeless. 

" ARGH, " before they knew it, they all had hit the ground... IU fell in a cherry chart and Nicole fell onto of her. 

" oh my god! " someone shouted as they ran up to Kahi... 

" the...the...the guardians! " the old lady shouted and all the villagers ran to them...

" Is that..... Jihyo? " a man around his 40s asked as he fixed his glasses 

" Deh... Jae suk " Jihyo went up to the man and bowed 

" what happened here? " Kahi asked as she looked around the village.... Everything was different, much newer and much cleaner.... 

" it has been 17 years since you all went missing in the world... No trace, nothing. We sent ANBU's to look for you all, but nothing.. Kids, were mysteriously missing... " he said and Tae Hee pointed to the bunch of idols 

" you mean, those kids? " she asked and the old man squinted his eyes " who the heck are they? " he gave her the WTF LOOK 

" the missing kids.... " she said 

" looks more like stupid thugs.... What the heck are they wearing? Rags from kwangsoo's clothing store? " he said 

" anni... I'll explain. But wait, kwangsoo gave up his dancing career? " Jihyo asked 

" yeah.... He's going into fashion designing or whatever you call it now... " he rolled his eyes and everyone giggled 

" wait... You mean we have to wear those clothes? " Yuri asked as she pointed to a girl dressed up as a ninja. Kahi looked at them.. Knowing that they will hate it 

" awesome! " they all shouted with their hands thrown up 

" bowh? " Jihyo looked at them. Guess they like the style here...

After a while of explaining to the villagers they looked at Kahi and Jihyo 

" so, Tae and Maru's daughter.... Died? " they asked and everyone turned to a sad depress grump again 

" MIANHE... " their job was to protect the last spark... 

" the last spark is gone?! The Kyuubi has been set free! " everyone panicked and started running around 

" STOP! The last spark is not gone, the Kyuubi has not been set free..... This child... " Kahi picked up the baby from Suzy's hand. 

" she's the one that will protect us... She's the new spark... Jiyeon and the father, L, saved the world by sacrificing their own child... " Kahi said and everyone eyed the child 

" so she has the demon inside of her? " a old man glared at the child 

" please..... For Maru and Tae..... Please don't hate on this poor child... This child is what saved you all! " Kahi shouted and everyone shouted up and sighed 

" what's her name? " a tall girl asked 

" Jiyeon. " Kahi smiled and the baby smiled as well 

" I hope you all can keep this a secret... " Tae looked at them and they all nodded... 


1 year later.... Everyone had adapted to this world and graduated as a high rank ninja.. Most of them are now teachers, while she stayed home and raised their own family... 

Minho and Krystal are now married ... 

Nichkhun is still single, as Victoria still hasn't moved on yet 

euniung and teacyeon are also married. They have a beautiful boy and a girl.... 

Everyone is now married, except for a few... And all has a kid now... 

( everyone had named their kids after their names.. The kids will play their parent's role now. ) 


jiyeon is now 1 years old, living with Kahi... Kahi took over the role of hokage... The other Kage argued that she wasn't good enough, but now everyone respected this arrogant princess. 

" you know..... You surely do have your mother's eyes. " Kahi cradled the little girl that was sleeping in her arms 


16 years later..................

All of they kids have graduated from the Ninja academy and is now going on simple missions... 

Jiyeon's life was pretty rough as a kid, people made fun of her, picked on her.... Saying that she didn't have parents.. It all changed when she turned 16 when everyone recognized her beauty.... Girls were envious and guys were drooling over her.... However.... She didn't speak.... She hardly say anything at all... 

She didn't make friends what so ever..... She didn't care... But, there were a group of girls that stuck by her side... IU,SUZY,EUNJUNG,HYOMIN, AND NICOLE always did protect her and helped her out... She never liked it, but it soon felt nice to her... 

" they might just be the next guardians.. " Gary smiled as he help Jihyo with the paper work. 

" you think so? " Jihyo asked and looked at Jiyeon 

" that child..... " Jihyo sighed and returned back to her paperwork... What could she possibly be thinking about? 

" Jiyeonie.... I like your outfit. " IU smiled at her 

" I don't. " Jiyeon said coldly and IU just pouted 

" just leave her along JIEUN.... " Eunjung said and pulled her away... Soon, Jiyeon was just walking around in the village 

"Hi J-" A little girl tried to greet Jiyein but when Jiyeon looked at her, she was too afraid too. Jiyeon sure did make people feel uncomfortable.. She always had the cold image that made it hard for people to approach her. 

Jiyeon's POV 

I Let out a long sigh and sat down by the bench near a shop called Kwangfashion... I was pretty tired from walking all day, and was a little bored... So, what the heck.. I walked into the shop and looked around... Nothing was there.... I was about to turn around and walk out when someone rushed over and pulled me back in

'' Hey. '' He smiled creepily and I just shivered

'' Annyeo. '' I let out a side smile

'' Looking for something little girl? '' He asked and I nodded

'' I was actually looking for a mission outfit. '' I said and he smiled brightly

'' OH MY GOD! I Have just the right one for you.... '' He took me to a seat and set me down

'' Sit there and dont move. '' He said and ran back to the backroom

'' What a......... interesting person. '' I muttered

He came back with an outfit and threw it into the room where you change

'' Go on. '' He said and I walked in it.. I picked up the outfit and my eyes twiched....It was so.... so....

'' Don't you think it's a little too much? '' I asked as I kept looking at the thing. Although its very pretty

'' What do you mean? It's perfect. '' He said and I walked out and he looked at me 

'' You're right... you can't pull this off.. '' He sighed and gave me something else 

'' This will do '' i I like it... 


'' Oh... It looks nice... This is one of my favorite.... '' Kwangsoo said and I smiled... He let me have it for free. I walked out of the shop when someone bumped into me and I fell down. 

No one's POV 

'' Ouch. '' Jiyeon rubbed her head as she looked up to see a boy looking at her and then walked away... 

'' Rude. '' She rolled her eyes and slowly stood when someone called for her and then ran to her 

'' Lets go. We are going into teams now... '' IU pulled her away. 

'' Do I know you? '' She asked and IU just smiled 

'' No.. But I know you. '' She smiled and continued to drag me to the academy 

Soon, Jiyeon and IU were the only ones that came late... Everyone had taken a seat at an empty desk, and Jiyeon, she chooses to sit alone in the corner... Doing whatever the hell she wanted to 

" okay.... Today is the day we go into our teams now.. " JYP announced and everyone cheered, well... Almost everyone. 

" team 1...... IU, wooyoung, and Yoseob. " IU cheered while the two guys sighed 

" team 2....... Nicole, jinwoon, and key. " 

" team 3........ Eunjung, teacyeon, and Hongki 

" team 4......... Hyomin, woohyun, and Snuggyu " 

" team 5.......... Suzy, Eunhyuk, and jokwon 

" team 7......... Hoya... Thunder.... And Jiyeon.. " after JYP had said that... a while bunch of girls were slamming their fists on the able and grunting...

JYP soon announced some more people and then assigned everyone their teachers. Jiyeon had Leejoon... 

Everyone met up with their teachers and started talking. 

" why don't we go grab something to eat?n" Leejoon smiled at the 3 kids that didn't pay attention to what he was saying at all. 

" Ramen it is. " HE smiled awkwardly... 

After they all arrived at the ramen shop. They asked for a private room.

" So, tell me about yourself. " Leejoon looked at thunder 

" annyeo.... I'm thunder.... I hope we can all get along... My goal is to be hokage someday. " He smiled and Jiyeon just looked at him and looked away. 

" I'm Jiyeon.... " everyone looked at her with a disbelief face. Wondering why she said so little 

" is there anything wrong? " she asked and they all awkwardly smiled 

" I'm Hoya....  I also wish to get along with.... Everyone. " he said with an emotionless expression 

" are you guys ready for our mission tomorrow? " Leejoon asked as he slurped up noodles 

" already? " thunder asked 

" Yup.... Kahi chosed Team 7 to go first.. '' He said and the others just looked at him 

'' If we aren't going to do anything.... I'm gonna go. '' Jiyeon stood up and walked away before anyone could say anything


She walked out of the Ramen shop and headed out the Village... She knew she wasn't suppose to.. But she's been doing it for the past 10 years now, so another day wouldn't hurt 

'' Do I really belong here? '' She asked herself as she continued walking through the forest when she knew someone was following her... She climbed up a tree and waited until the person was right below her... She jumped down and tackled them to the ground and held a kunai near their throat 

'' What do you want? '' She said in a monotone and the girl just looked at her 

'' Anni.... I-I just wanted to see if you were okay. '' The short hair girl said and Jiyeon released her kunai and stood up 

'' I can take care of myself. '' She shot her a glare and walked away 


'' Minahe... '' Nicole whispered. She just wanted to comfort Jiyeon. She knew what happened to her parents... Well, her and the other 4 knew because their parents thought it was best to tell them about their past.. They wanted their child to protect Jiyeon and make her feel like family.... 

'' I Know how you feel.. '' Nicole whispered 

'' No you don't. '' She was replied by a echoed in the forest. Nicole's eyes widened as she looked around to Find Jiyeon... But no one was there. That was one of Jiyeon's hidden power that she discovered when she was 10. She could hear whoever she wants, from miles away.... She's been hearing people gossip about her for years now. 

'' You will never understand... Because unlike me, you have a family... '' The voice said its last words and vanished 


Jiyeon walked for about an hour now until she finally reached a small little village.. A village that she saved from Rogues 2 years ago. She walked in the entrance and then right away, kids would run up to her and hug her 

'' Jiyeon Unnie! '' They all cheered with a bright smile on their faces 

'' Hey kiddos'' She patted each and everyone of them on the head 

'' I brought some cookies.. Remember to share this time, Mavin. '' She narrowed her eyes at the little boy and he blew her an air kiss, which made her laugh so much... She was never herself when she was in Konoha.. But when she visits other Villages, she would be a blossom of fresh air... She's actually a very kind and sweet girl.... No one knows about that except for this village

'' Unnie How long will you be staying today? '' Mason asked and she looked at him 

'' I'm afraid now.... I promise I'll visit more often, and much longer next time... By the way. Say hello to the elders for me, and give them this. '' She said and all the other kids pouted and whined 

'' Now now, be good.. Kay? '' She asked 

'' Deh Jiyeon Unnie. '' They pouted and she smiled. She handed them a bag of herbs that's good for elders when they're sick 

She looked back at the Village one more time and sighed. Now she had to go back to what she was 2 hours ago, a cold hearted demon. She never liked it.... But she didn't want people to get close to her... She despise that fact that no one would tell her what happened to her parents. She hated that how all the other kids gets to do as they please while she had limits.... Now that  she lived on her own, she felt safe.. She felt that she was better off on her own... She was no longer a weak child that didn't know anything anymore. 

'' Mom, dad.... Who were you guys? '' She sighed as she continued to walk. No one ever told her what her parents were like. Not even their names... Everyone felt it was better that way.

She was suddenly walking casually when something fell from the tree and hit her.. He was lying right ontop of her... 

'' YAH! GET OFF! '' She shouted, trying to push the guys off of her, but he was just too strong.. She finally pushed him off when she noticed Blood was all over her body. Her eyes widened as she looked at the person that was covered in blood all over and panicked. She looked at him closely and was lost in his. beautiful features.. His hair, lips, everything was so pretty... He had a face that god couldn't compare.. She wonders how his eyes looks like as well.. Then, she noticed him wearing a black cloak with red clouds on it.. 

'' Akatsuki? '' She mutured as a flashback happened 4 years ago... She was with Kahi in the Hidden village of the clouds.. When they got there, thousands of lying dead bodies surrounded the village. There were few survivors. They followed after a guy that was dragging a girl on the floor.... Still breathing, but not for long

'' YOU DAM BASTARD! '' Kahi charged at him but he vanished with the girl 

'' DAMMIT! '' Kahi told Jiyeon that that girl was just like Jiyeon, so when she was taken away. Jiyeon felt pain.. She didn't like it. It was like something important went missing 

'' So you're that guy. '' She smirked and was about to leave him there when she hesitated 

'' What if he's really hurt? '' She thought.. Kahi told her that a Konoha helps everyone that's in need 

'' You'll survive right? '' she squat down and looked at him when he started coughing out blood. '' God dammit!. '' She ruffled her hair and  set his hands over her shoulder and lunged him to the near by village.. She let Kahi's wise words get to her '' Also hep people that need your help, no matter who they are '' Jiyeon imitated Kahi's voice and sighed... 





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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...