
It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]

" well L, if you don't mind, I need to treat your wound daily. " she smiled and laid her palm on his chest... Red chakra started flowing from her palm and into his body... Pain started arousing in his body.. He tried to move, but couldn't.. " I'm sorry, I have to take the poison out of you.. " she smiled innocently and picked up a box.. She sighed  and poured whatever was in the box, onto his body 

3 dozen scorpions were crawling around his chest... His eyes widened as he tried to struggle. He was about to scream,  when the scorpions jabbed their tails into his body 

" sorry. But what's better than treating poison with poison? " she smiled... This girl knew almost everything.... She could cure him without even hurting herself ... She knew this method when she was bitten by scorpions and the villagers cured her with this method... They soon became her 2nd family. Turns out that the elder that lived here, was the worlds famous dark poison.... He now lives deep in the depths of the icy mountain of Ura... He swore never to appear on this world ever again.. People thought that he was dead, but they were wrong.... 

" My teacher taught this to me.... He use to be one of the great D- " she was about to finish when he cut her off 

" dark poison sage... The most toxic person in the world. " he smirked

" I can't believe he chosen someone to follow in his foot steps. " L smirked...  He knew the old man for too long.. He knew that old man was an arrogant sleaze bag... Always causing trouble... He had the personality of a child... Maybe because he went crazy... But it soon was a part of him.. 

" you should stop talking.... " she sighed and started to put the scorpions back in the box...  His body was covered with black blood... All the poison was drawn out of his body by now 

" all done. " she started to clean the blood off his body. " you should be all better in a couple of weeks... I wouldn't leave here if I were you. If you go beyond a 5 mile radius, the poison would acted up, and you will die.. " she smiled. Turns out his body isn't poison free yet...

She jabbed her fingers to his chest one more time, his body slowly started going back to the way it was. He slowly got control over it again.

" it's around 8 in the morning... You should rest some more, and then go out for some fresh air.. " she smiled and then walked out of the room, leaving him in there alone



Who is this girl? She doesn't seem normal... Her chakra and that feeling... It feels so .... So different...  I took a long breath and slowly stood up... I felt as If my stomach was all fine. It doesn't hurt anymore... Not even a bit... 

" her medical skills.... " I have never seen such a highly advance medical nin before. She's even stronger than the 2 sage... I can't have a sense of her chakra at all... 

I slowly walked outside to get some fresh air when I noticed I was at a worn Down town. It was small and peaceful... Too peaceful... It was something I've never seen in my entire life before... It was a while since I stepped out in the world... And when I did, things happened.. 

" it's peaceful, isn't it? " she stood next to me and smiled 

" who are you? " I asked her.. 

" oh.. Jiyeon... Just Jiyeon, for now. " she smiled and I looked at her 

" Why did you save me? " I asked her.. There's no one in their right mind would save an akatsuki.

" Why not? Is there something wrong with that? " she looked confused 

" You shouldn't have saved me.. That was a big mistake.. " I told her. I should have died.. She should have let me die. 


no ones POV 

" I guess not... But since I did, you should thank me for that. " Jiyeon smiled which gave him a confused look.. Her personality is so odd he thought.. It's so refreshing. There's not many people like her in the world..

" Jiyeon Unnie! " Three little boys ran over to Jiyeon and greeted her.. 

" hey guys... What's up with the clothes? " she asked them, as they were only dressed in rags and dirty cloth. 

" it's the time of the season again. It's getting cold soon, so we had to sell our clothes to buy food and water. " the poor kids smiled. 

How could they be so happy? L thought 

" aigoo... I told you guys, tell me first.. " Jiyeon rubbed their heads and pulled out a small bag in her messenger mag 

" I know it's not much, but it would last for the winter.... And this, is for you parents. " Jiyeon gave the kids a box of cookies 

" I'm sure oppa and umma will love it really much... " the boys stared up into the sky and sighed.. They were young, they didn't know much. 

" see you later Unnie! " they smiled and ran off

" bunch of littles brats huh? Gotta love them. " Jiyeon smiled 

" they're so happy. " l said 

" of course they are.. They're the Moon brothers. " Jiyeon said 

" are they orphans? " L asked 

" yeah... They are"


" Yah! L! " Leejoon dragged himself from side to side.. Holding onto his sword for balance..just like L, Leejoon was also injured badly...

he finally dragged himself to a small village, where he spotted kids playing around.. " where's L? " he glared at the kids 

" I don-don't know mister. " the little boy was shivering 

" Ahhhh! " Leejoon had slid the poor boy's throat 

" Jake! " his sister called out 

" worthless people. " Leejoon smirked and killed the girl as well.. All of the other kids went running away. He slowly dragged himself deeper into the village as people were looking at him... The more they didn't answer his question, the more he killed... Leejoon doesn't have a heart for people... Maybe it was because he was raised only to kill. He never even knew what the word love or happiness meant... 

" what do you want? " the old man asked as he held onto his wife... 

" where's L! I know he's here! What have you done to him!? " with a slash, he sliced both the couple on the back and drove his sword right through both of them. He then took it out as blood splattered everywhere. 

" Mavin, tell Jiyeon Unnie! " Mason, told his brother to run, while him and Maden would take on the guy.. 

" but- " he looked at his brothers " NOW! " they both shouted at him and he ran to look for Jiyeon 

" I'm scared. " Maden pouted..." Don't worry, Jiyeon Unnie will save us.. " Mason smiled to is brother and they ran to hide somewhere.. 

" come out hiding you brats! I can smell you! " Leejoon started to burn the entire village... " see if you can hid e now. " he smirked and continued walking towards the hill. He was walking past a storage house when he heard heavy breathing.. " found yah. " he smirked and then flew in there and grabbed the kids by the wrist. 

" let me go! " Mason bit on her arm and he dropped the two... 

" DAM ERS! " Leejoon drew out his sword and ran it towards the two boys when " EKKK" Jiyeon kicked the sword out of his hand and it hit the near by house and cracked it in half 

" DAM. " Leejoon stared at her with disbelief 

" don't touch them. " Jiyeon glared at Leejoon as she stood in front of the kids, protecting them. 

" Whoever stands in my way, must die. " he said in a monotone voice but Jiyeon just glared at him 

" are you deaf? I said don't. Touch. Them. " She growled at him and Leejoon just smirked 

" 20 years of not stepping out to the world, and you're the kind of people I meet?........Interesting. " he chuckled and Jiyeon just continued to glare at him... 

" Ru-run. " and elder ran towards Leejoon and wanted to stab him but instead, Leejoon took his sword and sliced the mans body ad he fell flat to the ground, with his eyes wide open 

" Mister Sujo! " Jiyeon and the 2 kids ran over to the old man... 

" you..... You killed him... " Jiyeon gave him a death glare 

" correction, I killed all of them.. " Leejoon smirked.. 

" why would you kill them? They're special to me... The only people that I could ever be happy with.. " Jiyeon said as a tear drop dropped from her eye. 

" why not? " Leejoon asked in confusion 

" is this a joke to you! " Jiyeon jabbed her fist right through Leejoon's face and he fell back and crushed a house behind him 

dust was flying everywhere as he coughed and dusted dust off of him " super human strength too... " he smirked and stood back up and flashed right in front of Jiyeon and grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off from the ground... " How's this for yah? " Leejoon smirked as he grappled even tighter 

" what the did you do? " L walked towards him while holding onto a boys hand. The boy pulled away and ran towards the dead man and his brothers... 

" let her go. " L stared at him and dropped Jiyeon down to the floor.. She panted and then glared at both of them..wanting to kill them, right here and now..

" Dude, I thought you were dead. " Leejoon chuckled.. l just stared at Jiyeon and smirked

" let's just say my good luck charm saved me ." L sighed and walked towards to Leejoon

" What happened? Did you save her? " L asked

" no..... Zinger didn't make it...there was too many of them.. We had the power, but they had the number... If I'm not wrong, they locked her in some place even more secret and difficult to find. " Leejoon sighed.. Having a comrade locked away and being tortured is the most painful thing you can ever feel

" Zinger's a strong girl... She'll make it... " L smiled

" it was a mistake to ever step out to the world again. I knew it was a bad idea. " Leejoon ragged and he grabbed the three boys and threw them in a bag.. The bag looked small, but it could absorb anything

" let them go! " Jiyeon ran towards them but they flashed over to the other side

" I warned you it was a mistake to save me.. If you didn't know, I got the nickname L, because I'm a jinx... Nothing every comes good when it comes to me..... " L smirked as Jiyeon glared at both of them

" I SAID LET THEM GO! " Jiyeon shouted as the moon brothers also called out for her name

" you're lucky I'm not going to kill them.. " Leejoon smirked and vanished away...

" I hope we don't see each other again...... Good luck charm. " L winked and wants he'd away as well... He didn't care if he was still injured... The poison was nothing to him...  He could've walked away normally 2 days ago, but he wanted to stay back and observe the girl... 

Jiyein sat there crying as rain started pouring down... It poured down on the village, putting away the fire.. She took it to her own hands and buried each and everyone of the bodies 

she stood there in front of there graves and promised them... " I'll never forgive them.... I hate them... You guys didn't deserve to die.. It's all my fault.. " Jiyeon stared tearing up 

" I hate them! " she shouted  



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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...