You'll be staying here for a while

It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]

Jiyeon dragged him to the village she was at earlier, this time, it took her 1 hour just to drag him... Although she was strong, he surely was heavy... 100 pound of muscles. She finally reached the village that she left 15 mins ago. 

" yah! Mavin! " Jiyeon called the boy over but he was too afraid to come near her once he saw the guy next to her

" aigoo... Man up. " she smiled and he slowly walked over to her

" can you please let me use your second house for the night? " she asked and the boy nodded. He led her to a torn up old wooden house. The villagers didn't live on much. This place was like a torn down ghost town... 

Jiyeon opened the door and set him on the wooden bed and went to the bathroom to get a towel.. Since there wasn't hot water, she had to go collect fire and wood. " aish. Kahi's gonna kill me. " she muttered as she whipped the guys face clean... She then stared at his bloody cloak and wondered if she should take it off or not... 

" yes... No... Yes... No. " she didn't know what to do 

" maybe if I close my eyes, and then just maybe.... " she close her eyes shut and moved her hands around to find his body. She finally patted his stomach and then slowly patted her way up when a hand grabbed her... 

" Don't... Don't go! " he shouted as he gripped her hands tighter. His sudden actions made her panic... " please don't wake up. Calm down... Please. " she whispered as she tried to yank her hand away, but it didn't budge. Finally with all her force, she yanked it away and held onto her red wrist 

" flower boy's pretty strong. " she smirked and slowly took off his cloak... He was wearing a normal loose tank top and some cargo pants and Nike long socks. " you must have a personal fashion designer as well. " she said 

" although I must say, it's way better than what kwangsoo could ever do. " she sighed.. She took out a scissor and cut his shirt and noticed it was bruised... She placed her palm on this chest and release chakra to her hand.. At the age of 7, she found out that her chakra was different from everyone else.... Everyone's chakra was blue, while hers was reddish orange, or it would just change to random colors... 

" broken rips... Oh.... Ouch. " Even though she wasn't the one that got hurt, when observing him and seeing how bad his wounds were, it felt like she was in pain too... " oh gollys. This is serious... " the rib had punctured through his lung and heart... It was just a matter of time until he dies... 

" but he's an enemy.... Him dying is a good thing, right? " she asked herself 

" I don't know. What do you think? " A voice spoke 

" Mavin? " she looked around, but nothing was there... 

" you're so cute. " the voice chuckled 

" who are you? " Jiyeon asked 

" you don't need to know... But I promise you, that I'm not a bad person. " the voice said 

" and why should I believe you? " she asked 

" we'll, do you feel like you should? " the voice asked 

" I don't know.. You just, feel so familiar... " she said 

" you'll know who I am when the time comes... But for now, I'll help you decide on what to do. " she said 

" he's an enemy.... An S-class criminal... People are out to destroy his kind, and I have the chance to do that. " Jiyeon said 

" but will you? " the voice asked 

" I feel like I shouldn't... I need to save him. " she said 

" they sure raised you well.... " the voice whispered 

" hm? " 

" nothing... I must go now. " the voice vanished and Jiyeon just sat there wondering

" who was that? " she sighed and then looked at the guy 

" I'm sure going to regret this... " she sighed and place her palm on his chest and started to heal him using her chakra... After what has been 4 hours, Jiyeon was exhausted, she fell asleep without even knowing... 


" have you guys seen Jiyeon? " Kahi asked the villagers but no one saw her.... 

" have you seem Jiyeon? " Kahi asked yoona, but she shook her head 

" where can this brat be? " she sighed 


the guys POV 

I slowly opened my eyes. It was hard to breathe... But it felt much better... I felt something heavy pressed against  my chest and opened my eyes wider to see what it was... " a girl? " I looked at her and then looked around. I noticed I was in an old room, with a girl lying on me.... I tried to push her away, but my arms were too weak.... I felt her move and quickly closed my eyes.. 

No ones POV 

" hm? " Jiyeon rubbed her head and then looked at the guys and popped up. 

" oh... MIANHE. " she pouted and then quickly felt his head... 

" yikes. Fever already? " she let out a long sigh and quickly went to burn some more wood. Soon, she brought in a big bowl of hot water and a towel... 

" since I don't know how long you'll be out... I hope you can wake up soon... " she smiled * so I can see how your eyes are.. How pretty they must be * she thought. She placed the hot towel ohis forehead and then slowly moved to his cloak.. " sorry... But, I have to take this off. " she pouted and then slowly took it off when his hands grabbed her and she jumped 

" Oh! " she tried to yank her hand away, but he held even tighter..." Where am I? " he asked in a serious and scary voice. But Jiyeon was too busy lost in his eyes to even notice what he said

" wh-what? " she looked at him, snapping out of her thoughts..

" where am I?! What did you do to Leejoon!? " he gripped her hands even tighter but this time, she managed to yank her hand away

" Yah! Listen! I ing save your okay? The least you could do is say thank you. Not ing break my wrist! " she shouted and he just chuckled at her vulgar language

" how cute. " he smirked and she just blushed. He then began to sit up when he pushed him back down 

" don't move... Your wound isn't yet healed... If you move, your rib cage with puncture through your heart, and you will die.. "  she said and he just smirked 

" I'm immortal... This won't kill me. " he smirked and sat up when he pushed him down one more time. 

" okay.. Listen.. I don't EN Care of you're immortal or not... You're still injured... Which means, you must rest until you are healed... " she glared and then he looked at her and smirked 

" just to make sure.. " Jiyeon smiled innocently and jabbed her finger to his chest.. Causing his whole body to freeze and couldn't be able to move at all. His muscles and his nerves has all stopped working... He could only speak, hear, and breathe at the moment.. 

" you..... " he glared at her... Only the ones who have immense chakra could do this... Jiyeon, being the few... 

" she slowly ped his shirt to release his bare body with toned abs. She bit her lips and then began to treat the bruise with a hot towel.... 

" I'll be back with food soon.... For now, don't move... Hehe.. " she giggled " like I have a choice. " he glared and she just chuckled 

She soon came back with a bowl of hot seafood porridge.. She walked towards him and lifted his head up and place another pillow behind his head " sorry if this isn't much, but it's all I could find In such a short time" she smiled at then began to blow on the porridge to cool it down.. With one scope, she slowly put it near his lips. It took him a while to open his mouth, but he did.. His face changed completely when tasting the food 

" does it taste that bad? " she made an awkward face and sniffed the thing 

" it's durable. " he said. Oh, why can't he just admit that it was the best thing he ever tasted in his life? 

" so what your name? She asked and he replied. " L. " he said and looked away 

" L? Isn't that a letter? Did your parents give you that name? " she asked so many questions 

" you don't need to know. " he said coldly. 






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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...