
It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]

After L arrived back to the Hidden Rain. He quickly gave Minho the flower of life, but it was already too late. Jiyeon was now frozen in an ice crystal 

" why is she like this!? " L shouted with anger built in. It was as if he was going to strangle Minho. 

" you were gone for too long. " Minho said as he backed away from L. 

" what Do you mean? I was only gone for 2 hours. " L said 

" No L. You were gone for 2 weeks. " Minho said. Somehow, the time demention must have been different in the cave. 

" it's too late. " Minho said 

" it's not too late! You have to save her!!! You have to! I need her to save sunhwa! You have to! PLEASE!! " L begged. He needed Jiyeon. She was the only one that could save Sunhwa. 

" why don't you just use the flower to save Sunhwa then? " Minho asked and L stopped his track 

" that wouldn't be fair for Jiyeon. " l said and looked into Minho's eyes 

" I know you have a way. Please. " L asked 

" I'll try. What I need you to do and use the tenjutsu to travel into her soul. Go find her, and drag her out. You have 2 hours to find her, our you to, will be trapped. " Minho said 

" Okay. " L slowly released his chakra into Jiyeon and then Just like that, he entered her state of mind. 

Jiyeon's POV 

" it's a nice place huh? " Sync spoke 

" yeah. It's peaceful. " I said with I simple light and calm tone

" to do know you have to go right? You can't stay here forever. " sync said 

" where is there for me to go? I have nothing left. " I smirked and fell back into themeadow grass.

" Jiyeon! " a light voice yelled

" look. You do have something left. " sync said

" hm? " I turned around and saw L. What did he want?

" to need to come back. I need you. " L said

" You just need me to save your love one. Right? " I asked him

" That us true but, I won'tet to die just like that. It's not fair to you. You didn't deserve to be treated with that kind of bull. " L said

" it doesn't rally matter now. I'm happy here. You should leave before it's too late. " I told him

" go with boy.  " Sync said 

" I want to stay though. " I said 

" the right thing is to go with him. You want to find out the truth, don't you? " sync asked

" he can tell me? " I asked the talking flower on the floor. Somehow, sync still wouldn't show her try identity to me.

" better than staying here." Sync said.

" Jiyeonah. You were born for a purpose. I need you to go and find why. Don't stay here. " sync said and I just nodded 

She was right. I do need to find out more. I want to know why. 

" I Need you to close your eyes. " L said and I didn't bother to question 


no ones POV

" L. Are you back? " Minho asked the L's body. 

" yeah. I'm back. " L began to open his eyes and stretch his neck. 

" is she okay? " Minho asked as he slowly whipped the sweat on Jiyeon's forehead and she woke up instantly and their lips crashed together. 

Jiyeon quickly moved to the side and apologize to him and then looked at L.

" Thank you... For saving me. I owe you. " she said 

" you're- you're welcome. " L somehow stuttered as he was lost in her eyes. They were hypnotizing and mesmerizing. 

On the other hand, Minho was blushing like there was no tomorrow. 

" I'm gonna go back to my plants now. See you guys at dinner. " He rushed out of the cave and let the two standing there. 

" soooo...." L said. Having nothing to say

" don't worry. I'll save her. Then I'll get my boys back and I could be out of here. You don't have to worry." Jiyeon smiled and he just stared at her. Feeling sorry for her 

" why are you looking at me like that? " she squinted her eyebrows. 

" I pity you. You've been betrayed and now they think your dead. While you're here, struggling to survive, they're celebrating on your death. " L smirked 

" Is that so? " she giggled 

" that's okay. They never accepted or liked me anyways. I'm better off alone. " Jiyeon smiled 

" why do you seem so calm? " he asked 

" I'm not. I'm filled with anger and frustration. I'd kill everyone in a heart beat. But I don't want Kahi to be disappointed in me. Not again. " she said 

" this Kahi. Is she your mother? " he asked 

" no. I wish I knew who my real mother was. But You can say she's like a mother to me. " Jiyeon smiled and then something hit her. Her mind went blank as she remembered something. She quickly sprinted out and ran to the plant room and ran up to Minho 

" what happened to the others? Did they come back? " Jiyeon asked but Minho didn't reply. He just looked down and continued daring for his plants. 


" Will you tell me now? " the lady smirked as she lifted up Nichkhun's head. Nichkhun was now a lifeless soul. He didn't have blood for the past 2 months and is in critical conditions. 

" we won't tell you a thing. " Nickhun glared at her as she just giggled 

" you . What did you do to us? " Zelo asked 

" I'm just absorbing your precious chakra. You guys are immortal huh? " she smirked as if she had hit the jackpot 

" and if I'm not mistaken, you four are the precious akatsuki. " 

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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...