My true self?

It happens for a reason part 2 [HIATUS]

After she was all set, she left the village, with nothing left but 30 grave stones lined up in a circle.. She set poisonous traps everywhere, so that no one would disturb them... " Is this what pain feels like? " she clenched her hands as she walked back to the village 

She never truly was in pain... Not even when people made fun of her. she really didn't care about it, but it all changed.. She finally for once, felt hurt and burden... It was the first time losing people that was close to you. Even though she lost her parents, she didn't felt pain at all. Since she didn't even know who they are and how they look like. 

" It was all my fault" she whispered. If she hadn't brought L here, nothing of this would have ever happen.. 

" is it because I trust people too easily? " she muttered and continued walking in the rain, back to the village..

She slowly continued walking when she reached a river and stopped... She was looking at her reflection. The pain in her eyes. She smiled it all off and continued walking back to the village. It was raining hard, but she liked the rain.. The more the rain was, the more peaceful and calm she felt

" back to my outside character already? " she muttered as she was just inches from the village gate. She wanted people to know the real her, but it was just too hard for her to express it. 

She stepped foot into the village to see three boys bullying another boy.. * three against one? That's no fair. * she thought and continued walking until the boy fell in front of her feet. 

" move. You're in my way. " she said in a cool tone 

" mi-MIANHE. " the boy bowed and rushed away from her foot, but was caught by the other boys.. She knew she had to do something, but didn't know why she couldn't. she shot a glare at the three boys and they backed away from the kid and started to run away.. " I guess that can work. " she sighed and continued walking when the kid slowly started following her. She finally stopped to turn around and look at him " what is it kid? " she said in her cool and spicy tone again. " Th-thank you. " the boy stuttered as he said in a very soft tone. " I didn't do anything. " she said and walked away when the boy continued to follow her. She got kinda annoyed at first. * shouldn't he go back home already? * she rolled her eyes and then turned back again to glare at the boy but he was lying on the wet ground, panting heavily 

" what a hassle. " She sighed and picked him up to carry him on her back. She walked back to her apartment and set the boy down on her bed. She walked over to her closet and grabbed out the tightest shirt she could find.. " perfect. " she smiled and then grabbed out a pair of sweats she wore 9 years ago. 

She took off the boys shirt and wore on the shirt for him and then set the pants for him to do it himself. He was cute she thought.. Too cute. The boy reminded her of the moon brothers.. " stop. " she whispered as she shook the thought out of her head. 

She walked to the kitchen as there was a loud knock on her door. She walked over to open it to see a tired Nicole and IU " can I help you? " she said in her cool and spicy tone

" JIYEON! " IU ran over to hug Jiyeon, but then was pushed off " please don't touch me. " she looked at IU with a serious face and then closed the door shut 


" see? I told you that she wouldn't care. " Nicole rolled her eyes as the two of them walked back to their apartment 

" don't act like you weren't worried about her. " IU glared 

" I was, but what does she care? " Nicole sighed as they reached their apartment and walked in. Nicole and IU share an apartment, since their parents were always so busy to every be home. 

" But her eyes.. Can't you tell that they're trying to tell us something? " IU looked at Nicole as she was brushing her hair 

" I could tell that they were going to bit my head off. " Nicole rolled her eyes 

 " Kahi asked us to watch out for her, not to be Best friends forever Kay? " Nicole sighed and jumped onto her bed

" but-" IU was about to say so etching but Nicole switched off the lights 

" bed, now. We all have a mission tomorrow.. And this time, I want to be early. " IU ould just tell that Nicole was glaring at her. IU sighed and then walked up to the bunk bed 


" life.. " Jiyeon sighed and jumped onto the sofa and turned off the lights 

" why can't I just be myself? " she sighed. She wanted to be like all the other girls. 

" then why don't you ? " the voice in her head spoke again 

" I-I guess I'm just scared. " she replied back using her thoughts 

" I know you are. But this isn't you, go be who you are. Then, you'll find the answers to your questions " the voice faded, leaving Jiyeon wondering 

" answers to my questions? " she sighed and then Went back to sleep. 


L and Leejoon were finally back to the hide out.. The place was sure something no one could ever imagine. 

" you're back! " JIEUN ran to hug them and then noticed that they were badly Injured and screamed 

" shh." Leejoon rolled his eyes and walked over to the couch to switch in the TV. YUP, TV. This place was highly advanced.. It had everything the future had, and much more. Since the past akatsuki were basically time travelers, it wasn't a surprised that they didn't bring stuff and ideas back with them

'' pass me the chips. '' Chunji asked and Zelo handed it to him  

" are you okay? " Jieun touched L's face and he looked at her. " fine enough to stay alive. " he said and then walked off to his room 

[ L's Profile ] 

Personality- Cold, a mysterious ally-cat, mean-ish, quiet , and kinda naughty 

Age- real age is 20 / stopped aging at the age of 20 

Hair color- black with a mix of dark blue 

Eye- blue crystal eyes 

Partner- Leejoon 


Jiyeon's POV 

I woke up to the sound of ruffling. I widened my eyes to see the boy from yesterday staring at me and then smirking. I can see he wore my seats 

'' Thank you noona. '' He looked at me. I looked at his hands, only to noticed he was holding the Elix Herbs that took me 3 years to find and harvest 

'' Yah! give that back! '' I jumped onto the bed. Before I could catch the rotten kid, he had already vanished 

'' Not again! '' I ruffled my hair and rolled around on my bed. This was like the 5th time I've been tricked... The first two were elders, then the next two were two thieving cats, and now a rotten little kid 

'' My Heerbs! '' I whined as I rolled around on my bed some more and kicked around. This is going to take me years to find the Elix Herb. Knowing that there's only 5 in the world, and it can cure just about anything. 

I kicked the bed one more time and then sat up. I groaned loudly and then went to the kitchen to find something to eat. I opened the fridge '' Great, just great. The little brat took my last orange juice. '' I rolled my eyes and began to put on something to wear. I walked over to my closet and picked out some sweatpants and a loose scoop neck shirt with some running shoes. To top it off, I tied my hair in pig tails and put on a big red headband to make the outfit stand out. 

I gotta give Kwangsoo credit for bringing fashion into the world. He really knew how to make clothes, no matter how ridiculous they were. Took me forever to convince him to sell me some of the things he made. He said he wanted to save them for when they become big and then he'll make millions. 

I grabbed my keys that were hanging on the kitchen wall and walked out. Closing the door behind me, I rushed down the stairs to catch the milk man. He always would sell milk at this time, and since I didn't have my orange juice, milk will do. I finally got a jar of milk and chugged it all up and threw it in the trash bin. I looked at my watch and noticed it was 6 am.. If I'm not mistaken, I have a mission today. 

'' Eh... Two hours to blow. '' I sighed and continued walking around town. I passed by a cute little tea shop, and decided to walk in. It was my first time ever walking into another shop. To think of it, Kwangsoo's shop was the only one that I felt comfortable walking in. 

'' Oh, Welc- '' The girl stared at me with disbelief and I waved my hands in front of her face to snap her out of her own world 

'' Is their something wrong? '' I gave her my Cool and Spicy tone again.. A tone that my outside character could only handle. 

'' Uh.. N-No. Please come in. '' She smiled and led me to a small table near the window. '' Can I get a small cup of Sakura green tea? '' I asked as I handed her back the menu. She nodded and went off 

I believe her names Su-Sushi..... '' Sushi? Suzi? '' I rubbed my chin '' It's Suzy. '' She smiled as she placed the cup on the table

'' Oh. Hi. '' I said.. I was thinking of being myself for once, so I tried very hard to smile, but I earned an awkward grin from her.. It was like she was trying so hard not to be freaked out


( JIYEON'S smile was like this, but worst ) 

'' Is there anything wrong? '' I spoke through my awkward smile. 

'' Hehehe.... N-No. '' She smiled awkwardly at me. As if I was about to hurt her or something 

'' It's just, I never seen you smile before. '' She said and I nodded 

'' Yeeh... '' I stopped the awkward smiling and took and sip of my tea. I finished it with one sip and walked out of the store, leaving the money and the tip on the counter 

Okay, first time smiling and that's what I get. I sighed and continued walking when I spotted a group of guys. I walked past them when one of them accidently spilled their cup of coffee on my bright blue shoes. I Narrowed my eyes at him. I noticed he was scared. Jiyeon, be nice. I then shifted my expression and then smiled with my teeth and spoke through it while my teeth were still clenched together 

'' Dont. sweat. it. '' It was so difficult for me to say, but I did. They were my favorite pair of running shoes too. And to top it off, Kwangsoo would kill me if he knew I spilled coffee on his beautiful creation. The boys widened their eyes and I just bowed at them and walked away and sighed 


'' Was that Jiyeon? '' Woohyun asked 

'' I think that was.... '' Yoseob's heart was about to burst when he spilled the cup of coffee on her, but than it sank instead when she smiled and said it was okay 

'' You know? She's cute when she smiles. '' Wooyoung said and the others nodded 

'' I hope she stays that way... '' Sungjong said and they all nodded 


The 2 hours went by quick... I was already in Kahi's office with Hoya and Thunder 

'' I'm giving you 4 an S-class mission. '' Kahi said and Leejoon's eyes widened 

'' I don't think they're ready for that Kah. '' Leejoon said and she just smiled 

'' We'll never know until we find out. Your mission starts in an hour. I want you to travel to the hidden rain village and track down the 2 tails. I have a feeling that the akatsuki are one step ahead of us. Which Is why we must catch up, and protect the 2 tails at all cause. I want you to bring her here. She'll be safe here. '' Kahi said and everyone's eyes widened except for me 

'' Akatsuki. '' I whispered... Oh How I hate them... 

'' Are you okay Jiyeon? '' Leejoon felt my head 

'' Yeah don't me. '' I pushed his hands away and walked out of her office 

'' Payback time. '' I smirked and continued walking down the hall 


Sorry for taking too long to update. I promise I will update more often since it's Winter break right now.








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SummerKpop #1
Chapter 12: Awesome story,just like Part 1 <3 Every Second Checking If You Had Updated<3
although I wish it was jijoon :o
Chapter 12: new reader! Update soon!
Retsel_ #3
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Retsel_ #4
Hi... new reader I really like It happens for a reason. ..
And I have to say that I really love this the 2nd part. .!!!!
Please update soon. .!!!!
Chapter 12: ahhaa!!so that's why Jiyeon doesn't want to return..uh I smell jealousy here..or, maybe not..and I bet Minho was giggling like crazy there..
*imagine Minho smiling like an idiot..uh that was so ridiculous XD
berryberry96 #6
Chapter 12: you updated <33333333
i am a loyal fan of your stories thanks for not letting me down ;)
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 12: yeayy.. thanx for updating!! new reader here, so i hv been waiting a long time for this chapter.. i reread the first part of it happen 4 a reason while waiting... keep on updating...!!!!!<333 ^o^
Chapter 11: Yeahh!!finally you come back!!it's like 2 months after you left us hanging XD I was amazed on L's courage to get the flower to save Jiyeon..seems like he treasured her so much..don't tell me the dark poison gonna take Jiyeon in exchange to the flower..oh the voice also made me blank about not saying the words..what words?
Summer_marshmallow #9
Chapter 11: You updated!!!!! I'm so happy, I thought you're going to abandon this story...