Chapter 14

Forced Love
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It was a week since Eunhyuk had disappeared from the hospital and out of Kyuhyun’s life. Kyuhyun was a mess. He had not shaved or showered. He could not sleep as nightmares of a broken Eunhyuk begging him to stop as he had his way with him kept repeating every time he felt asleep. He was not eating either, refusing almost everything and for the first time ever, he wanted to eat Eunhyuks’ food. Whenever he closed his eyes, images of a smiling happy Eunhyuk would come to his mind and he regretted everything he had ever done to the boy. He had not realized when he had fallen in love with him but that was just what happened.


He had fallen in love with his wife.


Kyuhyun hired private investigators to look for his wife and they could come up with nothing. The doctor that looked after Eunhyuk and the other man present in the room were reported to him to be his wife’s best friends and had grown up together. Kyuhyun mentally berated himself for not even knowing his wife’s’ best friends. He was a pathetic excuse for a husband and he knew it. Further investigation told him that both the friends had disappeared on the same day that he had received the divorce letter with Junsu applying for leave from the hospital and Donghae handling his cases online, doing the initial research but letting the other lawyers attend the courtroom dates. They were untraceable.


Kyuhyun groaned as he thought of how he had thought his wife was having an affair when he was just meeting his friend and sharing his sorrow. And who was he to judge him when he himself was having an affair from day one of their marriage. Kyuhyun thought about Ryeowook. He felt regret but no love. He knew that it was never love, it was just a ual attraction and he had confused it as love and now that he really had fallen in love, he had destroyed it with his own hands. Every night he would spend crying softly into Eunhyuk’s pillow, sniffing the strawberry scent that he never appreciated before and wishing that it was his wife lying next to him.


“Please come home Eunhyuk. I promise never to make you sad again. I will never make you cry again. I have never told you this but I love you. Please…come home.”


Eunhyuk was recuperating well in Junsu and Donghae’s care. Junsu wouldn’t leave his side at all, making sure that he was not in pain and was comfortable. He treated him preciously, not wanting to cause his friend any more pain than he had suffered already. Donghae was like a mother hen, feeding him, cleaning him, dragging him out to sit in the garden, reading to him, telling him about the news of his parents as he emailed them every day. Both frien

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970 streak #1
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for this story.
I loved the plot, conversations and the though processes of the characters. It was so hard when Kyuhyun wanted to get him back. That really was so full of angst and difficulty!
970 streak #2
Chapter 29: I love how you spelled out the thoughts of those five people. That was great.
Thank you.
ReadRealize #3
Chapter 1: Wow im late. Im reading this in 2019
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 35: Waah its really a rollercoaster of emotion with a happy ending..great story..
Chapter 35: i love the epilogue so much. how kyuhyun patient in every espect. ohh how i love kyuhyuk so much. thanks for sharing this shiv.
Chapter 35: It is an amazing story all the emotions are strong ..and love is in the air ..truly worth reading it ..congrats !!!
Hime-kun #7
More Angst ! !sorrow! fufufu.... *hides somewhere cause of embarrassment* .... -__-"
Hime-kun #8
Chapter 35: Glad that you specified that they are all happy, and have their own mates. Cause i wouldn't take it if you didn't.
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 35: Such a great story..I enjoy it so much..feel happy,sad and a happy ending... I love your story.
bemybaby_love #10
Chapter 35: read it one go!! its really emotional roller coster between kyu n hyuk..thank you for the beautiful story..