Chapter 10

Forced Love
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Eunhyuk woke up to immense pain shooting through his body from his lower half. He tried to get up but failed miserably, falling down hard on the floor, from his place on the sofa. He tried again and again but he couldn’t even move and he shifted in and out of consciousness while lying on the cold floor. The next time he woke up, he reached out to his pants. He stretched out his fingers, crying out in pain and frustration when it was just out of reach. He crawled, crying in pain at every little movement of his body. He put in one last burst of strength, moving just a mere inch and grabbed his pants, pulling it to him and grabbing the phone out of the back pocket. He dialed a number and waited for the call to be answered.


Junsu saw the call coming in from Eunhyuk and suddenly had a cold fear grip him. He did not know why he was feeling this way and quickly answered his phone. He kept on saying hallo but all he could hear was raspy breathing. Apprehension evident on his face and he turned to the nurse with him and indicated to her that he was going out, when he heard a faint, “Help me,” reverberating in his ear. He broke into a sprint ad ran all the way to his car, all the while asking Eunhyuk where he was and telling him that he was coming. Junsu sped all the way to Eunhyuk’s house and braked hard, skidding on the soft gravel as he came to a stop. He ran frantically to the door and turned the knob.


The door was open and he went in, freezing in his tracks just seconds later as he took the sight of Eunhyuk in. Eunhyuk was lying on the floor, unconscious again in a pool of blood around his bottom. He could see bruises and teeth marks on his skin. Junsu was a doctor and seeing all this was not something uncommon but seeing his best friend in this state was too much for him and he broke down beside the man, holding and hugging him into his arms. He put on Eunhyuk’s pants on him and covered him with his jacket before lifting up the limp Eunhyuk into his arms, bringing him to his car and speeding back to the hospital. He knew what had happened. He had seen it enough times.


His friend had been .


He called the paramedics to have a stretcher ready and jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped and ran to the passenger side, carrying his friend himself despite offers from the paramedics. He placed him gently on the stretcher and wheeled him into the ER, his hands trembling for the first time as he examined his friend. He waved the forms that the nurse bought for the patient aside, snapping that he would fill them later and to put it in his office. He recorded his findings with blurry eyes and set up his f

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966 streak #1
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for this story.
I loved the plot, conversations and the though processes of the characters. It was so hard when Kyuhyun wanted to get him back. That really was so full of angst and difficulty!
966 streak #2
Chapter 29: I love how you spelled out the thoughts of those five people. That was great.
Thank you.
ReadRealize #3
Chapter 1: Wow im late. Im reading this in 2019
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 35: Waah its really a rollercoaster of emotion with a happy ending..great story..
Chapter 35: i love the epilogue so much. how kyuhyun patient in every espect. ohh how i love kyuhyuk so much. thanks for sharing this shiv.
Chapter 35: It is an amazing story all the emotions are strong ..and love is in the air ..truly worth reading it ..congrats !!!
Hime-kun #7
More Angst ! !sorrow! fufufu.... *hides somewhere cause of embarrassment* .... -__-"
Hime-kun #8
Chapter 35: Glad that you specified that they are all happy, and have their own mates. Cause i wouldn't take it if you didn't.
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 35: Such a great story..I enjoy it so much..feel happy,sad and a happy ending... I love your story.
bemybaby_love #10
Chapter 35: read it one go!! its really emotional roller coster between kyu n hyuk..thank you for the beautiful story..