Chapter 8

Scarlet Love

"Jiyong-aahh," Dara called out with a desperation in her voice but only silent greet her. "CL-sshiii," Still there is no response. "Minzyyy!!" She let out a scream and fell on his knees. She just wake up in the middle of the forest with nothing except the clothes on her body. Dara's stomach growl and she realize that she hadn't touch any food since the morning.


Slowly, she get back up and look for trees that bear fruit but to her dismay there's nothing to eat. "I'm sooooo ing lucky in this world. I met back with my childhood enemy and now I will starve to death." She wipe a fake tears and decided to lay down for a moment.


Prapp!! Dara's ear perked up at the sound of twigs broken. It could be an animal. Let's hope it's big enough to feed Dara who right now look like a perfect predator. 


Her eyes shifted left and right. With a growl, she dash trough trees and trees and jump over a rushing stream. Her mind are focusing solely on the sound made by the hooves of that animal. Dara stop a second, close her eyes and listen. She seems to dissolve into the stillness of the forest when she snap her eyes open. Dara twist around and lift her hand. She strangle the animal and pin it down to the ground.


Using a sharp stone, she cut the animal's head off. mutters apology everytime the stone slice throught the meat. Building a fire with dried leaves, she smoked three quarter of the meat and wrap it in a leaf for the days to come while another portion was for her . . Dara looked up to the sky, her dinner.




Dara put as much dried leaves as possible and tied a banana leaves across two trees. Hanging by two inches from the fire, it can at least scares animal away.


Laying down, she caught a glint. Like an eye is watching her. But, as fast as Dara eyes caught it the glint disappear. Trying to save her energy, she just forget it and drift to sleep.




"She seems to be fine. Let's make it harder for her." A cruel smirk spread across the face.




Splash!! Dara woke up, startled. She was in water. "Where the hell this water came from?!! I was fcking sleeping on a tree!"


She squinted her eyes and it dawns to her. She is in the middle of the sea with only a floating wood to help her. No navigation, no equipment. Nothing. Climbing up the wood she realize something far cruel than anything. Her meat was gone!!


In her heart, she swears. If she finds out who the hell is playing with her. She gonna get down to them and play with their balls and slit their throat. How dare they took her food.




I'm soo sorry for the super duper late update.

I just finish my big exam. 

I hope y'all understand. I had to study.

Kbye. Tx you to 1say16 for missing my fanfics.



Truly me, angelblueberry



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9a9a_lve_daragon #1
Update soon please~
I can't believe they left her on a piece of floating wood
Aigoo~ aren't they a bit too harsh?
Chapter 8: Ricky is more effective teacher! Hahahahaha
They are training dara in a survival form?
icegirl #3
Chapter 8: omg i just found this and its good, lol daras already improved so much cant wait to see what happens next
Chapter 8: Kyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Finally finally finally u update(^-^)
It's short but thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
1say16 #5
Chapter 8: Omg the girls are testing dee's patients
daramaegon #6
Chapter 7: dara has the ability and capability on fighting!thanks for the update:)
1say16 #7
Chapter 7: whats gonna happen next??
1say16 #8
Chapter 6: Aigoo ji ur weird one
jennabui #9
Chapter 6: hahaha...funny...hahaha
Chapter 6: Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆