Chapter 3

Scarlet Love

--Chapter 3--


"Have you gone mad?" CL glared at Teddy but the latter kept his knowing smile. "You know it will be deadly dangerous for Dara. She don't even ing know how to fight." She slap Teddy's arm in frustration and he groaned in pain.


"How did you even know?" Teddy raise his brow and CL sigh harshly.


"We know she skip all her classes with Bom during high school. Dara know completely nothing and she could get kill when she done her election." Minzy answered and the meeting room suddenly turn silent as Teddy seem to think for a moment and CL is expecting an answer from him.

As someone whose asses have been saved by Black Pearl's clan, CL and Minzy had grow to love the Park's family. Dongwook's death was more than enough and they will totally not bear if Dara, the last heir of Black Pearl, face the same fate as her brother.


"I know that. But even Bom could become a great fighter eventhough she also kept skipping all her classes. It is not impossible for Dara." Teddy tried to reassured the two young girls infront of him but he knew they won't. They will continue to doubt.


"That is because she is practically a monster!" CL shrieked as she remember all her bruises she got before when Dongwook ask her to train Bom. Minzy also nod vigorously as she herself has witness the wrath of a Park Bom.


They couldn't denied, Bom is a good fighter and still is but when after a particular TOP cheated on Bom, she knew Bom could never fight anymore. Bom wasn't someone who is trained mentally, she was prepared for recruitment only physically and this was one of the factors CL and MInzy is worried for Dara. If they haste on trying to build Dara's fighting skill, they will forgot to build her mental endurance. She will be shattered in the ring as soon as the pressure is on.


"We had to prepare Dara both mentally and physically. CL and Minzy you go down to Busan and help Jiyong." Teddy immediately left the room, not giving a chance for CL's and Minzy's. But for CL and Minzy, they immediately knew that is an order and as a Clevert, thay had to abide.  


"So, let's lay out the plan." CL and Minzy smile in anticipation and instantly sprouting out insane ideas. They jotted it down on a paper and it's ready for action. 




"Sandara Park!" Jiyong practically scream at her ears causing Dara to flinch. "You're doing it the wrong way!" He snatch Dara's hand and clasp it hard as if he's trying to break her little delicate fingers. Dara wanted to cry but she hold her tears at bay. For Dongwook, she will bear it.


Yesterday, Jiyong had been the same guy she used to know who prank her every time he had a chance but after one night at Busan Training Ground, he unleashed his maturity. Even right now, the morning dew hasn't dried up, yet she is already awake and training.


To add to her frustration, every punches she made, cause him to scream at her ears. Even the first fighting stand she made, Jiyong had scream and kicked her thigh to corrected her mistake. So on till her hundredth punches, Dara endure more pain than she ever felt her whole life because of Jiyong's ruthless way of teaching.


"I told you it's wrong!" Jiyong hit her arm with a stick he found on the ground before correcting her mistakes again. Dara wanted to screamed and left but she knew this is the only way. While biting her lips, trying to keep her screaming inside her, she let out a hard punch to a log.


When Jiyong remain silent, Dara continue to punch until she bleed her fingers. Thick, red liquid smeared the log planted on the ground but the log still hasn't fell off like Jiyong wanted. Jiyong wanted her to break the log just by punches and she will give her best.


So, Dara continued to let out a series of hard punches until she heard her right knuckle crack. But, still determined, she continue to punch with her left hand. Though, she felt awkward with her position and Jiyong's judging eyes beside her, she remained.


Dara sharpen her gaze and she gave one last blow. The log doesn't break but her left hand does. She stopped as both of her hand are beyond the pain she could bear. Tears streaming down her face as it mixes with sweat. She lift her face and look at Jiyong while panting.


"Disappointing." Jiyong scoffed and leave Dara to treat both of her broken hand.




Sorry, for the loonggg time it took to update .

I am deadly busy with my school project ,

I thought I could just die !!!

Nevertheless , enjoy and leave some comments !!


Truly me, angelblueberry



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9a9a_lve_daragon #1
Update soon please~
I can't believe they left her on a piece of floating wood
Aigoo~ aren't they a bit too harsh?
Chapter 8: Ricky is more effective teacher! Hahahahaha
They are training dara in a survival form?
icegirl #3
Chapter 8: omg i just found this and its good, lol daras already improved so much cant wait to see what happens next
Chapter 8: Kyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Finally finally finally u update(^-^)
It's short but thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
1say16 #5
Chapter 8: Omg the girls are testing dee's patients
daramaegon #6
Chapter 7: dara has the ability and capability on fighting!thanks for the update:)
1say16 #7
Chapter 7: whats gonna happen next??
1say16 #8
Chapter 6: Aigoo ji ur weird one
jennabui #9
Chapter 6: hahaha...funny...hahaha
Chapter 6: Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆