Chapter 3

Cuteness Is Justice


         At JTune Headquarters


         “Lee Joon-shii, be careful. The KSA is funded directly by the president himself. The president must trust this organization a lot,” one of the men warned Lee Joon.


         “I know who they are,” Lee Joon sighed, “I’ll be fine.”


         Making sure he had all his equipment with him, he left JTune headquarters. That woman was going to pay.


         At KSA Headquarters


         Sleep seemed to avoid Jieun last night, and she had only stored up a couple of hours. She woke up early in the morning and researched stuff about JTune headquarters, except that there was almost nothing. It only came up occasionally in some mafia’s network’s beware list, which were basically dead ends.  


         “We found only a few leads, Mr. Min-shii,” Jieun yawned, nursing her head.


         “You look dead, Jieun,” Mr. Min commented, “Did your insomnia come up again last night?”


         “I won’t let it affect my work, sir,” Jieun answered.


         “No matter how much you try, it’s obvious you aren’t going to pull the mission off like this. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but you really look like you need it. You’ve been on this mission for two months already; it’s a wonder that you’re still functioning. Why don’t you take a few days off?” Mr. Min suggested.




         “No buts. You need the rest. I bet you haven’t even eaten breakfast, yet, have you?”


         “Ne,” Jieun sighed.


         Half an hour later, Jieun found herself in a local café. Gain, who had just woken up, had made her go out and buy the two of them breakfast.


         “So she wants one cappuccino and a chocolate croissant,” Jieun absently muttered as she stood in line. Mr. Min was right. Jieun was dead on her feet, and a break really would help. Maybe she’d sleep in today…after she got Gain her cappuccino.


         The door chimed as another customer came in, but Jieun didn’t really take note of it.


         Lee Joon could’ve killed her off like a flea, here and now, except Lee Joon also didn’t know that the girl who had caught his partners was in the same café as him.


         Lee Joon had pulled an all-nighter when driving to Seoul. He, too, was pretty tired; not too tired that a little coffee wouldn’t wake him up though.


         “Good Morning, what would you like?” the cashier asked.


         “May I have a cappuccino, a strawberry Frappuccino, a croissant, and a blueberry muffin?” Jieun asked politely.


         Her sweet voice rang clearly throughout the café and into Lee Joon’s ears. He’s heard this voice before; this was the voice that belonged to that girl who captured his partners!


         Adrenaline pumped through Lee Joon’s veins as he zeroed in on Jieun’s vulnerable figure. He took his chance to note every single detail.


         He had to stop himself from raising a hand against her. Any action could be immediately reported to KSA, and that wasn’t a part of his plans. Not yet. Plus, he couldn’t get civilians involved. Besides, his first priority was to free his men.


         Jieun, oblivious to Lee Joon’s thoughts, grabbed her order and wandered off to a vacant table, mindlessly chewing on her muffin.


         Floating off in la la land, Jieun was caught by surprise when suddenly a plastic cup clattered onto her table.


         “Anyeonghaseyo, can I join you? There are no more tables,” a man asked. She lifted her head and froze in horror.


         Lee Joon, her target.


         It took her a while to compose her expression after careful reasoning. He doesn’t know who you are, Jieun. Calm down.


         The same thought was floating around in Lee Joon’s head.


         “U-Um, sure,” she smiled softly, turning back to eat her blueberry muffin.


         Omo, she actually looks kind of cute, Lee Joon realized. No! He had to stay on task. He didn’t have time to chase after girls right now.


         Jieun tried to look at normal as possible while watching Lee Joon’s every movement. Trying to not look suspicious, she cut up her muffin with a knife, pretended to wipe it, and slipped it into her pocket. It was a good thing she decided to wear some jeans today.


         Deciding that he needed to get things going, Lee Joon took a deep breath, “I’m Lee Changsun. What’s your name?”


         She wondered if that was his real name. Shrugging, she decided to put out her name too, “I’m Lee Jieun.”


         “Ehhh? We have the same last name,” Lee Joon wiggled his eyebrows.


         “Along with 15% of the Korean population, and some more millions if you count the Chinese,” Jieun snorted. What a ditz.


         “Wow, you’re pretty sharp, aren’t you?” Lee Joon smirked, but not as sharp as me.


         “Not really. It’s common knowledge,” Jieun shrugged, munching her muffin.


         “Why do you have all this food? That’s a ton of calories you got there,” Lee Joon tried to flash a handsome smile, which turned out a bit feral.


         “No, the cappuccino and croissant is for a friend of mine.”


         “Won’t her cappuccino get cold if you don’t hurry up?”


         Jieun couldn’t help but burst in laughter. This Lee Joon was one weird dude. “She deserves it for making me come out here so early in the morning. I could be sleeping in right now.”


         Her brilliant laughter was like music. It seemed to make everything brighter and happier. Not like the world of shadows those two were actually living in. Lee Joon couldn’t help but listen and stare in wonder.


         “W-Well, it was nice meeting you, Lee Jieun!” Lee Joon chugged the rest of his coffee. It was cold outside, but his cheeks burned like a furnace.


         “You too, Lee Changsun,” Jieun grinned, meaning something entirely different. 


Okay, guys...I FINALLY FINISHED!!! and yeah, i made the font bigger. I thought it would make this story look better if the text was smaller....and apparently people hate small font, so... TT.TT

Thanks for reading...AND COMMENTS ARE VERY VERY VERY VERY WELCOME!!! -candym0nster

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petitebluehawk #1
Chapter 11: I don't like your chapter, I LOVE it
petitebluehawk #2
Chapter 10: Omo! you got me hooked on this fanfic! I'm waiting for your next update!! Can't wait :D
Chapter 10: Awesome chapter...I'm completely caught up in it :D
HanLuNa #4
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the ball ~~~♡♡ update soon~ fighting!
HanLuNa #5
Chapter 7: Sooooo cooool!!!! Please update soon~ ([¤.¤]/
Chapter 5: haha city hunter moment there ;) ahhh lee joon! iris 2 is coming out soon! you know in like 17 days not that i've been keeping track or anything...then you can use some of those lovely pictures ;)
suju4lyfe #7
Chapter 4: O M GEE :D UPDATE PWEEZEEEE ^^ I'm expecting something cute from this story.... right? lol