Meeting the guys

B1A4's Assistant manager


I finish putting on some lipgloss and look at the clock. ‘It’s almost time to go, I should hurry…’ I mumbled to myself. I look outside the window and saw that it’s starting to rain. There goes all my hard work for my make up! I quickly grabbed an umbrella and took my bag and started walking to the station. Since I’ll be the assistant manager of a boy band they will probably be  very pretty.. I can’t wait to meet them!


As I walked into the huge building I was looking around to see them, I guess I came a little bit too early?

I sat down and not much later their manager comes to me. ‘Hello my name is Yoon In Ro, you are …… right? The new assistant manager?’

‘Yes, I am, nice to meet you! I look forward to working with you!’ I said. ‘Well the pleasure is all mine, the guys are waiting upstairs, since they wanted the first meeting to be private’.


I followed Inro to the room where ‘the guys’ are. I don’t even know their names yet.. I started to get nervous, I hope they’ll be nice..

We’re here’ Inro said, he opened the door and introduced me. ‘This is …… she will be our new assistant manager, please be nice to her and if you want or need anything ask her.’ The guys stared at me, I was staring back..


Suddenly this one guy with glasses goes: ‘OOH!’ and pointed his finger to me. I gave him a puzzled look, what’s with him..? Then he says ‘Oh, never mind.. Nice to meet you! My name is Shin Woo, and my stage name is CNU, my hobbies are  taekwondo and rapping.’

I guess he was just surprised to see me? Though he does look kind of familiar, but I’m not sure. He’s handsome and he does taekwondo? I wonder whether he’s strong.. He only said a few words, but he looks like a nice guy.


Then this other guy stands up and says ‘Ya! I’m the leader, I should be introducing myself first Shinwoo! Nice to meet you ……., my name is Jung Jin Young and so my stage name is Jinyoung. My hobbies are playing the guitar, singing, acting, composing and song writing. Please take good care of us.’ He said and winked at me. I smiled, he seems to be nice as well, and I must say that he has great looks.


Hello ……, my name is Lee Jung Hwan, but just call me Sandeul!’ He has a very big smile on his face, it makes him look cute and funny. ‘My hobbies are swimming and cooking! Oh, and I am the main vocalist. I hope we’ll have lots of fun!’.


‘Hey, my name is Cha Sun Woo, but everyone calls me Baro. I’m the main rapper, I like beat boxing, running and rapping. I’m sure that you’re stunned by my looks but you’ll be okay after a while.’ Everyone started laughing when he said that. ‘Hey! I am good looking!’ he tried to say trough the laughing but I don’t think they heard him.

He’s funny and indeed good looking, but they are all good looking! He’s the first one who said it himself though..


‘Hi, I’m the maknae and my name is Gong Chan Shik. My hobbies are swimming and mathematics. Since we’re the same age let’s get along well.’  he smiled. I can’t believe that we’re the same age, he has such a good skin! It makes me jealous.. Well he’s a cute maknae!


Then they all stared at me. I got a little nervous with five handsome guys staring at me. ‘So tell us something about yourself..?’ Jinyoung said.

‘Uhm.. My name is ……. and well, as you can see I’m not from Korea. I’m adopted and my real parents are European, so I know some Dutch. My hobbies are drawing, painting and running. My dream is to become a great manager, so I’m really happy with this job! I hope to get along with everyone.’ I said while smiling.

They seemed kind of shocked because of the adoption part but then Baro said: ‘Woaah, so you’re actually European that’s  pretty cool.’


Gongchan came to sit next to me and said: ‘How old were you when you got adopted?’. He had a sweet look in his eyes.. ‘I think when I were 10 years old, it’s not a sad story really.’ I smiled and then his eyes became big as he said: ‘So then you can really speak Dutch?’. All the members were staring at me again.. ‘Hahaha, yes I can!’

I’m happy that I can be their assistant manager, they are really nice! We talked for about an hour and then the manager Inro said: ‘It’s nice to get to know each other but we also have a schedule here!’. He handed the schedule over to me. ‘You’re supposed to make sure everything is ready on time, things like food, clothes, make-up artists etc. Of course I’ll help you a little in the beginning, so let’s get started while the boys are going to do their dance practice!’.


‘Good luck with practicing!’ I said, Baro answered: ‘Be sure to come and look as well when you have some time, we’ll show you how cool we are!’.

And then manager Inro told what we’re going to have to do.


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Kaymarie057 #1
Chapter 9: I just found this story years after you wrote it and so I don't even know if you'll get my message but I just wanted to say I loved that you have weird dreams too! I can't remember if I ever dreamed of any K-pop stars, but years ago I dreamt of Alex Pettyfer and Anna Maria Perez de Tagle. In my dream I was married to Alex and me and Anna were teammates and we were fighting against zombies but Alex didn't want me to fight because I was pregnant but I was too stubborn and we lived in this truck that looked like a regular semi-truck back from the outside but was like a huge indoor city with separate living areas for everybody and a medical area (it was like that tent in the Harry Potter films where it was regular looking from the outside but a mansion inside), and at one point me and Anna had to go out to get rid of the zombie bodies because the smell of blood was what attracted them and when we came back a zombie almost caught us but we shot it before it did. It was a very strange dream but I wrote it down after I had it so I wouldn't forget it.
BlackPearl96 #2
Chapter 10: Waaaah, putting exo in a b1a4 fanfic..... As an exotic bana I must say I approve
suban-chan #3
Chapter 9: mwahahahaha!!!
seeing the smart Leader becoming an idiot Lol x)
BlackPearl96 #4
Chapter 7: Awwwwh everyone is so cute! Please update soon
PoisonApple911 #5
Chapter 2: Looks pretty interesting! Guess I'll be keeping an eye on this one~! :D