Sushi boy

B1A4's Assistant manager


I arrived at the company and ran in to find Jinyoung talking with manager Inro. “Good evening” I greeted them with a smile. Jinyoung flashed a smile back and waved, manager Inro turned to me and said: “Good evening ______, nice timing actually. Could you read this through a couple of times before the shoot in 2 days?” He passed me some papers, I looked at the content. “Oh, this is the concept for the shoot, right?” “Yes, you need to know it all by then. Well then, I’ll see you tomorrow again.” He smiled and waved at Jinyoung and me before running off.

I turned to Jinyoung and he smiled. “I’m glad you’re finally here, my stomach is going crazy because of the hunger” he laughed. He grabbed my wrist and leaded me outside. “Where are we going to eat?” I wondered out loud. “Let’s eat my favorite, okay?” he smiled. Ehm.. his favorite? What is his favorite food? I’m guessing it would be something like pizza? I honestly have no idea..

I looked at his hand that was still holding onto my wrist. His hand is big and warm, but I don’t know anything about him. I stared at him, thinking about what I do know about him. I know that he cares a lot for his fans and of course he also cares a lot for the other members from B1A4 and let’s not forget how much music means to him. But these are basic things, anyone could know this about him. I wonder what he’s really like, especially after that kiss we shared. I know that I’m supposed to marry that Kris guys, but that probably won’t happen anyway. And well.. it’s not like I’m in love with him and want to be a couple? I just.. would like to get to know him better. Actually not just him, I want to know all the members of B1A4 better. I’m their assistant manager, so it would only be normal if I know a lot about them. With this in my mind I decided that tonight I would do my best to find out more about Jinyoung’s life.


He stopped walking and turned to me “We’re here” he smiled and pointed at a small restaurant. I looked at where he pointed his finger. “Ehh, Sushi is your favorite food?” I thought out loud. “Pfft, as my assistant manager you should know something like that, right?” he winked. See? I knew it, it’s only normal to know things about him. I smiled “Hahaha, well let’s go in to eat then, I’m starving”. We walked in and sat down at a table. I looked around, this is way better then that stupid luxurious restaurant. It’s cozy, warm and has a nice atmosphere. We ordered some sushi and drank a bit, we were just chatting casually. But of course I did expect him to question about my brother, and I was right to expect that. After about 15 minutes his first question came. “So.. How did it end up with your brother?” he asked while playing with his glass. “Ahh.. Well he scolded me a bit, but nothing horrible” his eyes widened a bit “So he really saw us.. ehm.. you know?” he asked a bit awkwardly. I chuckled “Yeah, he did saw us kissing…”. There was a short awkward silence, but soon interrupted by another question from Jinyoung. “So, is it bad for us to kiss?” he asked this time looking into my eyes. I didn’t really know how to reply to this, of course it is bad. But it did feel good. “Well, you know that we can’t really have that sort of relationship” I answered while looking away.  He looked disappointed, but then grinned and said: “Actually, manager Inro never said anything about not being able to date you” “Ehh..” I couldn’t believe he just said that. Isn’t it obvious that we’re not allowed to date? Is he stupid or is he just saying this for fun. I ignored it and just continued to eat. But then he came with another question.. “What did your brother say.. exactly?” I looked up, I can’t really ignore this question, but I really want to ignore it. “Just that it’s bad to kiss in public” I answered trying to keep a poker face. I wanted to get to know him better tonight, but it’s more like he’s the only one that’s getting to know more (about me).

“Have the other members eaten already?” I asked trying to change the subject. “Oh, you don’t like to be with just me?” he answered with a grin. “Wha.. I guess they have right?” “Maybe” he shrugged his shoulders and grinned again. He must be in an evil mood.

“Oh my, look who’s there” I said and pointed behind him. He turned around to look and I quickly stole some sushi from his plate. “There is no one?” he raised a brow and turned around to see me eating his sushi. He had a shocked expression “Is..that.. my sushi?” he asked and raised his brow again. “Maybe” I shrugged my shoulders. He pointed his chopsticks at me “That one was my favoriteee! How dare you!” “Isn’t all sushi your favorite?” I stuck out my tongue. “Hah, laugh while you can. I’ll get back at you” he glared. I couldn’t help but laugh at his come back. “Oh really? I’ll be waiting then” I smiled.

He was just about to say something back when I felt my phone vibrate. I took out my phone and saw that Kris had sent me a message, I wanted to ignore it but on the screen it said

Kris: Serious business


“Ah, wait a sec” I said to Jinyoung and then opened the message.

From: Kris

To: ________

Subject: Serious business

Hey, my mom just called and asked what we did

I told her that we went bowling, so tell your parents the same.


Ah damn, they called? Good thing he asked my number then..

I quickly texted back


To: Kris

Subject: RE: Serious business

Okay, thanks


“who’s more important than me?” Jinyoung asked when I looked up again. I laughed and answered “No one” and gave him a wink. Since I can’t see him as some one to fall in love with, it’s easy to be like this. Finally, I’m a bit used to him, it doesn’t make me blush so fast anymore. He laughed and said: “That’s good then, let’s eat some more and then go out for a drink okay?” “Yeah sure”.

And then I felt my phone vibrate again, but this time repeatedly, damn my mom is calling me as well? “Sorry, I got a phonecall” I said while looking at my phone. “Oh, go ahead, pick it up” he said.



“Hello?” “Hello ______, how did your date with Kris go? He’s a cool guy right?” Ah man, I don’t really want Jinyoung to hear this. I should watch out with what I answer. “Oh yeah, it was pretty cool” “So.., what did you guys do?” “Oh, we went bowling” “Omo, that’s so great!” she practically screamed into the phone. Only now she’s happily talking to me and being nice. “Yeah so, I’ll talk to you again later” “Do your best with Kris, we’ll have dinner again with him and his parents soon”. She finally hung up.

Jinyoung was watching me as I talked on the phone and he leaned his head on one of his hands. “So you went bowling?” he asked raising a brow. “Eh.. Maybe?” I said with a confused face, I’m not sure whether he could her my mother?

“With Kris?” he said then. Okay, yes, he did hear my mother as well. I’m pretty sure I haven’t said that name out loud.

“Weren’t you with me, right here the whole time though?” he pointed his chopsticks at me. “Yess…” I answered, trying my best to hold up a poker face again. “Then I guess you lied to your mom just now?” “Yes” I looked away. Seriously, what’s with him and all these questions. It feels like I did something wrong now. “Would you care to explain a bit to me?” he said while poking my hand with his chopsticks. “So… Shall we go out to drink a bit?” I said and stood up. He rolled his eyes “You’re so obvious when you want to change the subject”. I smiled “Sorry..”

“It’s okay, I’ll get you to explain it to me later” he grinned. There isn’t really anything to explain though. I’ll be the one that is getting information about you the rest of this evening.


We went into a bar and ordered soju. “So are you good with alcohol?” he asked while squeezing his eyes. I thought for a second and then answered: “I bet I can drink more than you”. He raised a brow “Oh really?” “Yeah really” I said teasingly.

“Wanna try that out then?” he said while pouring me a glass. I chuckled “Bring it on”.

After a couple of shots he asked: “So, who’s Kris?” “Hahahaha, nice try” I laughed. Even though I’m a bit tipsy, I can still think normal. If this is his way of getting information then he won’t get to know anything. “Aissh, you need some more soju” he smiled and poured in more for me. “Tccchh, so do you” I smiled back and also poured some for him. “What’s your favorite color?” I asked while gulping down my drink. He raised a brow at my sudden question but quickly grinned as he said: “Take a guess, if you get it right then… I’ll do anything you want. But if you get it wrong you have to do what I want” “And in what way is that fair?” I’m asking because I don’t know, so how would I be able to guess it in one go. He thought for a second and then said: “Hmm.. true, well.. then you’ll get three chances!” he smiled.

Hmm, well I guess I’ll have more chance that way. “First guess?” he asked smiling. I looked at his shirt, he was wearing a blue shirt, with a confident face I answered: “Blue” “Wrong!” he crossed his arms “second guess?” “Ehm.. Green?” His hat was green, and he likes hats so..

“eheh wrong, you only have on guess left” I sighed, aish think _____ think! Didn’t he ever say anything about a favorite color? “Purple?”. He was silent, hah! I must be right, it’s purple! I smiled like I had won. “Hmm.. what shall I let you do for me” he said while rubbing his chin. My eyes widened “What do you mean? It’s purple right?”. He laughed “No, it’s red” “eeeh?” I blushed, damn I thought I had won.

“Like the red that your cheeks become when you blush” he grinned. I hid my face, there he goes again, acting all sweet.


“So anyway, I’ll think about something I want you to do for me” he said and continued rubbing his chin as if he was thinking. “Aish.. well you only have one day to think about it!” “When did we decide that?” he said shocked. “Just now” I smiled at him. “Tchh. Well, I’ll come up with something in time then..” he said as he gulped down another drink. If I ask him more I’ll just end up with more of these ‘guess it’ games from him.. I should try it in another way.. “So what does your brother do?” I asked. He raised his brow “I don’t have a brother though..” “Oh..Is that so..” I looked away embarrassed.

I gulped down another drink. “Looks like you’re not that good with alcohol, your cheeks became red as soon as you started drinking” he grinned. “Tchh, that doesn’t say anything. I bet you can’t walk anymore when you stand up” I challenged him. “What kind of bet is that?” he said while standing up. “Come on, let’s see who can walk better” he tugged me up by my arm. “Yah, you want to make it a competition now? Is everything a competition for you?” I glared. “Well, just to check who can still walk from the two of us” he said and tugged me outside. I rolled my eyes, he’s so competitive, just like a child in a way. He let go of me and tried to walk in a line he wasn’t walking very steadily, I tried to hold back my laugh, but he noticed anyway. “Are you laughing? I’m walking fine though! Why don’t you try to walk over here?” he grinned. I smiled “Sureee”. I forgot that I was on my high heels though so my walking went rather unsteady as well. I heard him chuckle and I almost reached where he was but then.. I tripped. I closed my eyes and was ready to feel the cold ground, but instead I felt warm strong arms wrapped around me. I looked up to find this big grin on Jinyoung’s face. “Looks like I won this round” he said while still holding me in his arms. I regained my balance and looked at him and said: “No fair.. I’m wearing high heels..” as I pouted. He looked down at my feet and then also noticed the lace dress that I’m wearing. “Oh, now that I look at you, you’re pretty dolled up. Was it for me?” he smiled. I laughed and then returned to my pokerface “No”. He rolled his eyes and said “Well then, shall I take this pretty lady home?” and grabbed my hand. Well it would be kind of scary to go home alone when it’s this late. “Yes please!” I smiled. As we walked to my apartment it started raining, it seriously came pouring down all of a sudden. So we ran the last part. We were totally drowned and out of breath when we reached my apartment.

Aish, what should I do? Should I invite him in? I can’t have him catch a cold and all. But won’t this be a bit too... We walked inside and he followed me to the elevator, he was looking at me with puppy eyes. He obviously wants to get in…


“Want to fresh up at my place?” I asked hesitantly. He nodded right away and we entered my apartment. 


Exciting huh? Together with a drunk, drenched Jinyoung ^^

And omg omg, I can't wait to watch 'she's wow'! Jinyoung acting like a bad boy... Kyaaaaa

And I'm so excited for B1A4's comeback in may :D

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Kaymarie057 #1
Chapter 9: I just found this story years after you wrote it and so I don't even know if you'll get my message but I just wanted to say I loved that you have weird dreams too! I can't remember if I ever dreamed of any K-pop stars, but years ago I dreamt of Alex Pettyfer and Anna Maria Perez de Tagle. In my dream I was married to Alex and me and Anna were teammates and we were fighting against zombies but Alex didn't want me to fight because I was pregnant but I was too stubborn and we lived in this truck that looked like a regular semi-truck back from the outside but was like a huge indoor city with separate living areas for everybody and a medical area (it was like that tent in the Harry Potter films where it was regular looking from the outside but a mansion inside), and at one point me and Anna had to go out to get rid of the zombie bodies because the smell of blood was what attracted them and when we came back a zombie almost caught us but we shot it before it did. It was a very strange dream but I wrote it down after I had it so I wouldn't forget it.
BlackPearl96 #2
Chapter 10: Waaaah, putting exo in a b1a4 fanfic..... As an exotic bana I must say I approve
suban-chan #3
Chapter 9: mwahahahaha!!!
seeing the smart Leader becoming an idiot Lol x)
BlackPearl96 #4
Chapter 7: Awwwwh everyone is so cute! Please update soon
PoisonApple911 #5
Chapter 2: Looks pretty interesting! Guess I'll be keeping an eye on this one~! :D