Luxurious restaurant

B1A4's Assistant manager


As I were enjoying  my lunch and was reading the news on my Phone I got a new message. I opened the message.


From: Minho Oppa

To: _________

Subject: Dinner


Hello my cute little sister!

Don’t forget to dress up nicely for the dinner ;)

I’ll come pick you up at 5



Ugh.. the dinner. It’s really the last thing I want to think of right now. It’s true that I’m happy at the moment. But those people that I’m supposed to call my mother and father.. I don’t see them as my parents. I never really did, maybe in the beginning, but that was just an illusion to make myself feel better.

Even though I wanted to ignore Minho oppa’s message I couldn’t, he’d surely stalk me if I’m not answering..


To: Minho Oppa

Subject: RE: Dinner


Minho Oppaa!

Of course I won’t forget, silly

I’ll see you later then :)


I kept my answer short so he won’t be messaging back to me. I looked at my half eaten lunch. My appetite disappeared as soon as I got that message.. I really don’t want to see my ‘parents’.

I ran out and helped manager Inro with getting some things ready for the shoot for the music video which is going to be over 2 days. The guys were practicing and well, I didn’t really get a chance to see them. I only passed by to give them some lunch as well, but they were too busy to talk with me. Though I was pretty busy as well at the moment.


When I got home I only had half an hour to get ready for the dinner. I almost wanted to just go in my casual clothes. But my ‘parents’ would kill me, and oppa will be mad..

I showered really fast and I put on a nice crème colored dress, it had a lace print and the back was see trough. Since we’d be eating inside anyway I didn’t bother putting on a jacket. I did my make-up in such a fast tempo, I’m normally way too lazy for this tempo.

Soon the doorbell rang and Minho oppa came in, “Well, look at you! I knew my sister had the looks” he said while checking you out. “Pfft, stop it” I said while giving him a light slap on the shoulder. Minho oppa laughed and then took my hand “You’re ready to go, right?” “Wait, I still need to grab my bag” I ran to my bedroom and grabbed my bag and my phone.

We stepped in the car and Minho oppa cleared his throat and then said: “Dad and mom found the perfect guy..”. My heart stung a bit, the perfect guy heh? Like hell he’ll be perfect, not if they picked him. “Oh, is that so?” was all I managed to answered, I kept a poker face and the radio.

“They told me that you can’t mess this up” he continued. “They never want me to mess up..” I said while staring out of the window. He turned to look at me and said: “You know what I mean. If you need any advice just ask me, okay?” “I think I’ll be fine, thanks” I fake smiled at him. He smiled as well and returned his attention to the road.

We soon arrived at the restaurant, it looked really luxurious. I like good food, but in these sort of restaurants they only give you mini portions. “I wonder if they’ve got pizza” I thought out loud. I heard Minho oppa laugh “Silly, of course not”, he ruffled my hair.

We went inside and found that our ‘parents’ were already at the restaurant. We greeted them and sat next to them, across us there were three more empty chairs.

Minho oppa talked with father about the business while mother was staring at my dress. In her head she’s probably rating it. “That dress looks very elegant on you, good choice” she complimented in the end. “Thank you mother” I smiled. I wondered whether she meant it, but decided it was no use thinking about it. I drank some water and checked the surroundings. It was a big luxurious restaurant, no wonder we had to drive so far. Even though it’s a big restaurant, everyone had their private space. It looked like one of those luxurious French restaurants where they sell snails and stuff like that. I got goose bumps just thinking about those snails.  


It didn’t take long before an older couple came and sat down at our table. “Hello Mrs. And Mr.Wu” your mother smiled. Your father also greeted them with a smile, while you and Minho oppa did a small bow as you greeted them. “This restaurant looks absolutely adorable” Mrs. Wu smiled while making excessive hand gestures. Soon your mother was chattering about who knows with Mrs. Wu while Mr. Wu joined the business talk from your father and Minho oppa. Oh god, this is so boring, I looked around once again, thinking of a way to get out of here for a bit. “I’m going to the restroom for a bit” I said as I stood up. My mother nodded and off I was. I stood in front of the mirror in the restroom, and fixed my hair a bit. I was wondering how I am ever going to survive this evening. Come to think of it, isn’t there one person missing from the Wu’s? I stepped out of the restroom and wanted to make my way back. But as soon as I stepped out of the restroom I ran into some one’s chest. I looked up and saw an angry looking guy look down on me. “Oh, excuse me” I said and took a step aside so I could walk past him, just at that moment he took a step to the same side. “At least look at me when you’ve walked into me” I stared at his face, what’s his problem? I looked at his eyes and repeated: “Excuse me” and now I quickly walked past him. He was pretty handsome, but if he’s here then he’s probably just another rich, spoiled person.


I walked back to our table and sat down once again, this is going to be a long evening. “When is your son arriving?” my mother asked Mrs. Wu. She took a quick look at her phone and then answered: “I think he should be here any minute, I’m sure ______ is very excited to meet him” she winked at me. I almost choked in my water, but held my poker face up. I smiled at her “Yes, I hope he’ll arrive soon” I said trying to be polite. Inside I almost puked over my own answer.

Mrs. Wu and my mother started laughing and were off into their own rich people world once again. Not much later the guy who I bumped into stood next to our table and glared at Mrs. & Mr. Wu. “Why are we in this disgusting restaurant?” he said with an un amused look. I tried my best to hold back my laugh, but that guys noticed and looked at me. “Kris! How could you say that? Sit down!” Mrs. Wu hissed at him. So he’s called Kris..

He scratched the back of his head and decided to sit down in the end, right across from me. Finally we ordered our food, I was starting to grow hungry, we were waiting for like an hour for that Kris guy to show up.


When we finally got our food Mrs. Wu went ahead and spoke to Kris “So what do you think about _______, she has great looks, right?”. Both me and Kris were choking on our drinks. “Wait, you guys aren’t doing this dinner for an arranged marriage, right?” Kris glared at them.

I laughed in my mind, so he doesn’t even know?

I must say that my parent’s faces didn’t look very amused at this question. Mrs. Wu glared back and said Mr.Wu talked to his son now “Don’t act as if you didn’t knew, we arranged this weeks ago”. Kris’s face looked even unhappier now, but so did my parent’s faces. Minho oppa glanced at me and then said: “They probably need to be together without parents first”. Kris took this as his chance to get away and stood up, he grabbed my arm and said: “Yeah, so we’ll leave first”. All the faces around the table brightened up now, they probably thought that we were going on some sort of stupid date. Our parents nodded in assent and Kris dragged me out of there.

We got out of the restaurant and he immediately let go of my arm. His strong grip on my arm left red marks. He was about to run off to his motor, when I realized I don’t have anything with me. My bag was still inside and I didn’t even have a jacket with me. I grabbed his arm this time “Yah, you can’t just leave me here! I don’t have anything with me” He stared at my hand that was grabbing his arm. “oh god, annoying. Don’t tell me that you’re agreeing to this marriage?” he glared at me. Of course I wouldn’t agree to marry such a jerk! But well.. I can’t disobey my parents. I just looked around and repeated: “I don’t have anything with me” “You ignored my question” he wouldn’t stop. “I can’t disobey, so anyway. Can you give me money for a taxi?” I glared at him this time. We basically had a glare battle and neither of us would give up. Then the wind blew and I shivered from the cold. Kris noticed and stopped glaring now. He walked to his motor and took out a motor jacket and helmet from his secret box in the motor. I ran after him “Whaaaat, are you doing?” I asked as he turned around and with the jacket and helmet facing me. He put the helmet on my head and said: “I’ll bring you home, so put on the jacket”. He threw the jacket at my face and sat down on his motor. I quickly put on the warm jacket and then stared at the motor. I’ve never been on a motor before. “What are you waiting for?” Kris asked when he noticed I still hadn’t sat down. “How.. the hell am I supposed to sit on there?” I stared with widened eyes. I was way too scared of falling off of there. Kris chuckled “Are you stupid? Just sit down and hold on to me”’. I looked down at my dress, it’s way too short for this.. I decided to just ignore it and did my best with getting on the motor Kris chuckled some more at my struggle with climbing on the motor. I finally sat down comfortable and then Kris grabbed my hands and put them around his waist “Hold on to me” “Eh..okay”. It felt kind of awkward to hug this random guy I just met from behind even though it was so I won’t fall from the motor.

We reached my apartment, I got off and handed back his helmet. He kept staring at me. “What is it?” “The jacket” he said while staring at it. Oh.. I quickly took it off and handed it back to him. He scratched the back of his head before saying “Can I have your number?”. I stared at him, what is he saying? He doesn’t want this marriage to happen right? “It. It’s just so that we can keep each other up to date about our parents and their stupid plans” he said fast.


Well I guess that’s okay.. I gave him my number and then quickly went inside, since it’s still freezing outside and I was only in my short lace dress.

As I got in I received a message, I figured it would be that Kris guy but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the name at my screen.


From: Jinyoung<3

To: ________

Subject: Want to go for dinner?

Have you eaten yet?

Call me!



It was still 8 ‘o clock, and I never got to eat anything at that fancy restaurant. I quickly called him up. “Hello _____, didn’t eat yet either?” I heard him chuckle a bit. “Yeah, and I’m super hungry!” “Are you still at the company or shall I pick you up?” “You don’t know where I live silly” I chuckled. “Ah.. that’s right, hehhehe.” “I’ll come to the company and then we’ll just eat somewhere around there okay?” I smiled. “Yess! Hurry so we can eat fast” he answered.

I hung up the phone and grabbed another bag, since that other one was still at that restaurant. This time, I grabbed a coat and ran out to the bus station.



I'm so tireeeeeeeeeeeeeed, I hope I didn't make too many grammatic mistakes..

Sorry there wasn't much ehm, B1A4 in this chapter. But Kris made an appearance!

B1A4 will be there the next chapter again of course :D

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Kaymarie057 #1
Chapter 9: I just found this story years after you wrote it and so I don't even know if you'll get my message but I just wanted to say I loved that you have weird dreams too! I can't remember if I ever dreamed of any K-pop stars, but years ago I dreamt of Alex Pettyfer and Anna Maria Perez de Tagle. In my dream I was married to Alex and me and Anna were teammates and we were fighting against zombies but Alex didn't want me to fight because I was pregnant but I was too stubborn and we lived in this truck that looked like a regular semi-truck back from the outside but was like a huge indoor city with separate living areas for everybody and a medical area (it was like that tent in the Harry Potter films where it was regular looking from the outside but a mansion inside), and at one point me and Anna had to go out to get rid of the zombie bodies because the smell of blood was what attracted them and when we came back a zombie almost caught us but we shot it before it did. It was a very strange dream but I wrote it down after I had it so I wouldn't forget it.
BlackPearl96 #2
Chapter 10: Waaaah, putting exo in a b1a4 fanfic..... As an exotic bana I must say I approve
suban-chan #3
Chapter 9: mwahahahaha!!!
seeing the smart Leader becoming an idiot Lol x)
BlackPearl96 #4
Chapter 7: Awwwwh everyone is so cute! Please update soon
PoisonApple911 #5
Chapter 2: Looks pretty interesting! Guess I'll be keeping an eye on this one~! :D