--xingmi "How I Met You" ft. Yixing and Hyunyoung


Shoot, Yixing thought as he woke up. I'm late.

Yixing rushed up from his bed shirtless and scrambled through the small, boring white dorm room to get ready. As soon as he grabbed everything, he zoomed out the door into the bland, colorless hall and ran. As he was hurrying along, something caught his attention from the corner of his eye. A splash of color along the white walls. Yixing quickly turned to look at it, but it was gone. He immediately put it out of his mind and continued to hurry to class.

Yixing held his head down as he walked into class; he could feel all eyes on him, so he just sat and shrank. The teacher didn't pause his lecture, but still felt interrupted. Yixing just did as he always did: took out his books, notebook and pen, ready to learn. When he was in class, not even the chattering students could divert his attention. He worked hard to stay where he knew he earned the right to be.

Then it flashed again. The color from that morning. Before another second passed by, Yixing stood up and ran to the door, desperate to see who or what could possibly tear him from his teacher's words.

There it was. A girl with a huge bow running to what Yixing could only assume was a class she was late for. He smiled.

Later, when Yixing was finally walking back after class, he saw a gigantic bow in front of him. He immediately ran up to her.

"Hey, I'm Yixing," he introduced himself.

"I'm Hyunyoung," the girl said with a bow, which made her bow look like it might fall.

"I like your bow."

"Thank you," she blushed. "My dad got it for me."

"He has good taste," Yixing smiled like this :D :D :D :D.

"He told me that no matter how old I get, I'll always be his baby girl."

"That's so sweet." I'd like you to be my baby girl, Yixing muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, nothing," Yixing just looked away.

After some more talking, Yixing and Hyunyoung finally had to part. Before Yixing turned to walk away, Hyunyoung kissed him on his cheek and whispered in his ear, "I'd like to be your baby girl too."

Yixing blushed and kissed her back.

The bland walls didn't seem so boring to Yixing after that.

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Chapter 19: I LOVE IT!!! =D Good job getting this one done AND being original with it =D I liked how it wasn't but instead cute and y hahaha =D
Chapter 19: Little innocent evil just awoke in Karam's mind :D
Never thought he would be a postman, one thing is sure: he would be the fastest postman ever
with wipe Cream always next to him

That was so nice, thanks so much<3
Chapter 18: asdfghjkl@#%&*/-+()
can't keep calm arghhhh
this was so fawking hot ; w ;
i loveeee you fishie >o<
and yesssssss a blushing jonghwan, you understand me so well <3
thank you so much, and this is not going to be my last request, if you don't mind kekeke~
Chapter 17: OMO. Seyong + Junhyung... WOW hot <3

Thank you so much!!!!! *hugs* I can't believe you wrote me one!!! =D
hey fishie, peachie wanna request an(other) oneshot from you ^w^
it's hwanhoon - jonghwan x sanghoon of 100% xD
does this bring any discomfort to you? ; w ;
if yes, then it's alright, you don't have to write for me :D
if no, i want an oneshot full of pleaseeeeee (gosh, i'm so y e u e)
just so you know, jonghwan is the older one and i want him to top c'x
thank you in advance, fishie
you're the awesomest friend i've ever had and the best author i've ever known, no lying <3
Chapter 16: OMFG barbecue sauce wow ilysfm
I'm here for my request, liebling. <3 How about MYNAME's Seyong with ANYONE of your choosing? And you know how I like it =D MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 15: Awwwww <3 :3
Chapter 3: Can you do a ontae story? I don't care about the plot, because you're a hilarious and great writer and I trust you. Just make realllllyyyy ty
Chapter 3: Can you do a ontae story? I don't care about the plot, because you're a hilarious and great writer and I trust you. Just make realllllyyyy ty