JOKERZ - Zelo (B.A.P)


Finals were coming up. That meant a torturous time for every student. Two in particular who were the best of friends: Joker and Joonhong. It was nearly a ritual before any sort of testing began, finals in particular, that they would get together and study until they nearly fainted. Usually, one's mother would eventually have to come in and tell them to get some rest.

Joker plopped on Joonhong's bed with her books and sighed, the two having decided to study at his place. As usual, the atmosphere would always have a sort of masculinity to it. Most of the time, Joker blamed that on the tank tops sprawled all over the place, and the darker colored theme in the room. Still, it was something she had grown to love and find comfort in.

"What first?" Joonhong spread out his various books from school.

"I don't even know where to start," Joker sighed, also staring at her textbooks.

"Then how about math? We have that one together."

Right at that moment, Joonhong's mom came in with a tray of sandwiches and two glasses of milk. She set it on the drawer beside them and wished them luck. It was pretty much well-known throughout both of their families how intensely they could study. The two friends thanked Mrs. Choi and focused their attention back on their math books.

As they reviewed the complicated solving techniques, Joker would notice the way Joonhong's skin would show when he would reach inside and scratch his chest. It would make her eyes widen a bit and her heart quicken, but she would quickly turn her attention back to her books before he would notice. And it didn't help that his smile was looking a bit more dazzling that night.

On and on they went like that, until they were quite certain they knew exactly how to plow through math. After a grueling hour or so, Joonhong reached behind him and took the tray of food. He smiled brightly and offered the other sandwich to Joker, nearly making her blush. With a simple thanks, she took the glass of milk and took a big gulp, hoping it would combat the heat threatening to rise to her cheeks. While they ate, they talked about whatever had been going in school, from the resident nerd's rise to hotness to the clumsy teacher how accidently fell and collided with a student holding paint. Their conversation was filled with laughs and a bit of staring on Joker's part.

Right before she went on the brink of frustration, they finished and Joonhong put the tray back on the drawer. Then Joker gasped when she caught sight of Joonhong doing something she couldn't handle.

He was taking off his shirt.

Luckily, he had a tank underneath, but a black tank is really, really hot. Or, at least Joker thought so. She watched as Joonhong's body, which was perfectly hugged by the tank, stretched and twisted as he finished removing his outer shirt and tossed it aside, fixing his tank right after. Joker couldn't help but look on with slightly open, ravishing his hidden body. She also noted the way his adbomen enlarged and fell back with his breathing.

"I know I'm hot," Joonhong obviously joked, "but we have finals to study for."

You have no idea, Joker mentally answered.

Instead of saying that out loud, Joker chose to laugh at his not-really-joke. Joonhong then leaned forward to lay on his stomach. He had done so to make it easier to read, but he had unknowingly provided another distraction for his friend. Growing even more frustrated, Joker had to use every ounce of her willpower to keep herself from staring at her friend's backside, which was looking mighty fine indeed. Sometimes, Joonhong would shift his weight and she would momentarily stop to behold the wonder she missed so many times before.

"Why can't you focus?" Joonhong finally asked when Joker failed to answer for the third time.

"Huh?" she shook her head. "I's too hot?" There was never a time she wanted to slap herself more.

After chuckling lightly, Joonhong stood up and went to open the window. For a second, he seemed to ponder on something, but he quickly went to sit back down. It got more and more apparent. Joonhong's eyes started to fill with more mischief, which was a bit concerning for Joker. With every glance from him, she kept wanting to shrink into the bed and stay there until he went away.

"What's making you so hot?" Joonhong asked, evil still present in his eyes.

"Uh..." Joker didn't know how to respond. "It' in here?"

"You usually don't get hot, let alone turn red."

Joker looked down and chuckled. "I...don't know why, but...yeah..."

"It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that I'm in my tank, would it?"

In that split second, Joker wondered whether she should say yes and face the repurcussions, or lie and keep their friendship.

"No," she decided to lie. "It's just the spicy dinner I had."

"Oh really?" Joonhong raised his eyebrows. "Joker."


"We had dinner together at your house. It wasn't spicy at all."

That was it. Joker knew she was caught and she couldn't get out of it.

"Well, Joonhong," Joker sighed. "It's just that..." she looked down. "Well, I mean--"

She was cut off suddenly as Joonhong leaned in and met their lips. The sudden action had shocked her into freezing, but when she realized what was happening, she let herself go and kissed him.

A high-pitched scream caused them to fly apart and look towards the doorway.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Choi practically shouted. "So this is what you do when you say you're studying?"

Joonhong and Joker looked at each other and smiled, bursting into laughter shortly after.

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Chapter 19: I LOVE IT!!! =D Good job getting this one done AND being original with it =D I liked how it wasn't but instead cute and y hahaha =D
Chapter 19: Little innocent evil just awoke in Karam's mind :D
Never thought he would be a postman, one thing is sure: he would be the fastest postman ever
with wipe Cream always next to him

That was so nice, thanks so much<3
Chapter 18: asdfghjkl@#%&*/-+()
can't keep calm arghhhh
this was so fawking hot ; w ;
i loveeee you fishie >o<
and yesssssss a blushing jonghwan, you understand me so well <3
thank you so much, and this is not going to be my last request, if you don't mind kekeke~
Chapter 17: OMO. Seyong + Junhyung... WOW hot <3

Thank you so much!!!!! *hugs* I can't believe you wrote me one!!! =D
hey fishie, peachie wanna request an(other) oneshot from you ^w^
it's hwanhoon - jonghwan x sanghoon of 100% xD
does this bring any discomfort to you? ; w ;
if yes, then it's alright, you don't have to write for me :D
if no, i want an oneshot full of pleaseeeeee (gosh, i'm so y e u e)
just so you know, jonghwan is the older one and i want him to top c'x
thank you in advance, fishie
you're the awesomest friend i've ever had and the best author i've ever known, no lying <3
Chapter 16: OMFG barbecue sauce wow ilysfm
I'm here for my request, liebling. <3 How about MYNAME's Seyong with ANYONE of your choosing? And you know how I like it =D MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 15: Awwwww <3 :3
Chapter 3: Can you do a ontae story? I don't care about the plot, because you're a hilarious and great writer and I trust you. Just make realllllyyyy ty
Chapter 3: Can you do a ontae story? I don't care about the plot, because you're a hilarious and great writer and I trust you. Just make realllllyyyy ty