JOKERZ - Dongwoo


"Anything happen today?" Dongwoo asked his best friend as he walked her home from school.

"Nothing in particular," Jokerz answered.

"Same here. Boring old school."

"Ugh, I know. I wish something could happen just once."

"Like what?"

Jokerz stuttered. "Oh...just...anything."

Right as they reached her house, Dongwoo pushed Jokerz to the wall and put his hand on it. His other hand was her hair. Jokerz just gasped at their sudden proximity.

"You know," Dongwoo finally said, "something did happen to me today."

Jokerz put her hands on his chest and closed her eyes, breathing hard. "Really? What happened?"

-At school-

Dongwoo sat in front of Jokerz in math class. The teacher faced the board, writing out the equation. Perfect for passing notes.

Jokerz wrote something on a piece of paper and folded it. She asked Dongwoo to pass it to her friend, but also said he shouldn't read it. Dongwoo complied. He passed the notes between Jokerz and her friend, who sat in front of him.

Suddenly, the teacher faced the class. Dongwoo didn't have time to pass it back to Jokerz. He held the note in his hands, debating if he should open it or not.

He did.

The conversation on the note went like this:

"Don't think it's weird, but I like Dongwoo..." that was Jokerz's handwriting for sure. Dongwoo just stared at that sentence.

"Dongwoo? Ugh WHY??" that was her friend's writing.

"What do you mean why?"

"One word: DINO"

"Dinos are cool!! And y...and sweet...and...perfect"

"I'll save you the trouble and tell him to read that"


"Hah!! I wish I could see you face!!"

"I wanna see Dongwoo's face"

The teacher slammed her ruler on Dongwoo's desk. He had been smiling and blushing, but didn't realize it. The teacher took the note and intended to read it. She saw Dongwoo's pleading eyes, so she just wrote something on it and gave it back to Dongwoo.

She wrote: "I know what that's like. Tell her yourself that you feel the same." The teacher winked at Dongwoo, and he just smiled back.

Dongwoo nodded.

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Chapter 19: I LOVE IT!!! =D Good job getting this one done AND being original with it =D I liked how it wasn't but instead cute and y hahaha =D
Chapter 19: Little innocent evil just awoke in Karam's mind :D
Never thought he would be a postman, one thing is sure: he would be the fastest postman ever
with wipe Cream always next to him

That was so nice, thanks so much<3
Chapter 18: asdfghjkl@#%&*/-+()
can't keep calm arghhhh
this was so fawking hot ; w ;
i loveeee you fishie >o<
and yesssssss a blushing jonghwan, you understand me so well <3
thank you so much, and this is not going to be my last request, if you don't mind kekeke~
Chapter 17: OMO. Seyong + Junhyung... WOW hot <3

Thank you so much!!!!! *hugs* I can't believe you wrote me one!!! =D
hey fishie, peachie wanna request an(other) oneshot from you ^w^
it's hwanhoon - jonghwan x sanghoon of 100% xD
does this bring any discomfort to you? ; w ;
if yes, then it's alright, you don't have to write for me :D
if no, i want an oneshot full of pleaseeeeee (gosh, i'm so y e u e)
just so you know, jonghwan is the older one and i want him to top c'x
thank you in advance, fishie
you're the awesomest friend i've ever had and the best author i've ever known, no lying <3
Chapter 16: OMFG barbecue sauce wow ilysfm
I'm here for my request, liebling. <3 How about MYNAME's Seyong with ANYONE of your choosing? And you know how I like it =D MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 15: Awwwww <3 :3
Chapter 3: Can you do a ontae story? I don't care about the plot, because you're a hilarious and great writer and I trust you. Just make realllllyyyy ty
Chapter 3: Can you do a ontae story? I don't care about the plot, because you're a hilarious and great writer and I trust you. Just make realllllyyyy ty