

Chaeri and Myungsoo walked aimlessly through the store looking at pots and pans. It was their anniversary and Chaeri had surprised her husband with a new set of work clothes and cologne. The face he made when Chaeri said "happy anniversary" made it clear he forgot. She was hurt. He said he would take her on a shopping spree to make it up to her. Chaeri still couldn't believe he forgot after many years of marraige.

"How's this one?" Myungsoo asked while holding up a pan.

"I could use it to knock some sense into you," Chaeri flatly joked. Myungsoo apologized for the 264th time.

"How about the jewelry shop?" Myungsoo suggested.

"Isn't that a little expensive?"

"Not when it comes to my wife."

After that, they walked to the jewelry department. Chaeri had a weakness for necklaces and Myungsoo knew it.

"Wow, these are really beautiful," Chaeri commented.

"Those are okay, but look at these over here."

Chaeri walked over and looked at the dazzling sapphire necklaces.

"See anything you like?" Myungsoo asked.

"What's that there?" Chaeri picked up a necklace with "Happy Anniversary Chaeri" engraved on it. "Myungsoo..."

"Read it." There was a note beside it.

"My dear Chaeri, how could you think I could forget our anniversary? I picked out this necklace, but it hardly does you justice. It doesn't sparkle like your eyes. It fails to show my reflection the way your eyes do. And it doesn't take one look at me and think I was the best choice it made. And the way I look at it, it doesn't even began to compare to your worth to me. Will you be mine for the rest of the way?"

"Oh, Myungsoo, this is beautiful," Chaeri said with tears in her eyes.

"So will you be with me always?" Myungsoo asked.

"Of course I will."

I'm very sorry I couldn't include a picture *I'm still new to this and couldn't put the picture that I wanted >_<

But here's the link where you can find it:

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Chapter 19: I LOVE IT!!! =D Good job getting this one done AND being original with it =D I liked how it wasn't but instead cute and y hahaha =D
Chapter 19: Little innocent evil just awoke in Karam's mind :D
Never thought he would be a postman, one thing is sure: he would be the fastest postman ever
with wipe Cream always next to him

That was so nice, thanks so much<3
Chapter 18: asdfghjkl@#%&*/-+()
can't keep calm arghhhh
this was so fawking hot ; w ;
i loveeee you fishie >o<
and yesssssss a blushing jonghwan, you understand me so well <3
thank you so much, and this is not going to be my last request, if you don't mind kekeke~
Chapter 17: OMO. Seyong + Junhyung... WOW hot <3

Thank you so much!!!!! *hugs* I can't believe you wrote me one!!! =D
hey fishie, peachie wanna request an(other) oneshot from you ^w^
it's hwanhoon - jonghwan x sanghoon of 100% xD
does this bring any discomfort to you? ; w ;
if yes, then it's alright, you don't have to write for me :D
if no, i want an oneshot full of pleaseeeeee (gosh, i'm so y e u e)
just so you know, jonghwan is the older one and i want him to top c'x
thank you in advance, fishie
you're the awesomest friend i've ever had and the best author i've ever known, no lying <3
Chapter 16: OMFG barbecue sauce wow ilysfm
I'm here for my request, liebling. <3 How about MYNAME's Seyong with ANYONE of your choosing? And you know how I like it =D MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 15: Awwwww <3 :3
Chapter 3: Can you do a ontae story? I don't care about the plot, because you're a hilarious and great writer and I trust you. Just make realllllyyyy ty
Chapter 3: Can you do a ontae story? I don't care about the plot, because you're a hilarious and great writer and I trust you. Just make realllllyyyy ty