Chapter 14 :D.

OPERATION LOVE:Good Kissers 101!
| Hyoyeon's POV |
    Hyoyeon decided to open her cellphone.She decided to off it earlier because of her annoyed feeling towards to Donghae.And also her parents might call her if there's an emergency.She was on their classroom and boredom striking her that's why she'd open it.Yeah~!Using a cellphone in class were prohibited.Don't worry she's sitting on the back and her prof wouldn't notice that.
She frowned as she saw she got 12 missed calls and 7 messages.
The 12 missed calls came from--oh yeah!That Obnoxious Dragon ofcourse.
And even her 7 messages.
It all like this.
FROM: Obnoxious Dragon.
            I am here outside of the campus.I'm going to wait you in just 5 minutes or else I will going to tell at Merry-Go-Around that were not really dating.And if you have your class it's up to you how will you going ditch that out.
"ARGHHHHHH!.".Hyoyeon puffed loudly because she got annoyed again. 
"Miss Kim??.".
Her eyes widened as she looked to the front.She saw all her classmates looking to her curiously,so does her teacher.
"AAAHHHHhhhh~..".She acted that her tummy was aching so bad.She started it already why not she continued it anyway."M-Ma'am..C-Can..I-I..go on the clinic..?.Ahh~.".She said hurtly.
"Okay.Just gave me an excuse slip tomorrow.".She said.
"T-Thank you..".She said and she got her things.She walks as if her tummy was really aching.As she got out of her classroom,she silently praised herself.Amazing isn't it!?She was a member of Drama Club before that's why she really knew how to act.And this is the first time that she has been used her acting in non-sense way.
I'm going to kill that bastard!.She silently said.
*                                           *                                  *                                       *
| Hyoyeon's POV |
       Hyoyeon saw Donghae who's now leaning on the wall while he's waiting her outside of the campus.She walks towards to him.
"What do you want?!".She asked annoyingly.
Donghae looked to her then a nostalgic grin flashed on his face."You're great at ditching classes,huh?".He teased.
"Arghh!Stop joking around Mr.Lee,will you?".She said."What do you want now?".
Donghae just continue grinning and he started to walks to somewhere.
"Arghh!".Hyoyeon annoyingly stomped her feet."I really do hate you,Lee Donghae!".She shouted annoyingly.
Donghae just raised his right hand without turning his head to her.
She will going back to school again but she glanced on her wristwatch.Holy God!It's 2 hours more before her next class begin.She sighed and she decided to follow him as her lips pouted.
|Kissers' POV|
     "Where the hell Hyoyeon and Donghae??".Xiumin asked to Himchan.
They were now on the canteen,sitting on their exclusive table while waiting for the others.
Himchan shrugged his shoulders,he put his juice on their table."I guessed, they were on their date.".He answered.
Xiumin laughs.
Himchan frowned."What?".
"Well,for me.I think they were not dating for 'real'..".Xiumin concluded.
His frowned face deepened more."What do you mean by that?".He asked curiously.
"Look,dude.I don't think Donghae really likes her.Knowing Donghae,he's a type of a guy likes the opposite of her which is like his know..".Xiumin explained."And among four of us,Donghae is not the one who'll going to fall in love instantly.".
Well Xiumin,is quiet right.Himchan thought the same thing.Seriously,he got surprised when Donghae revealed that they're dating.Knowing that they'd just met in 3 days?And knowing Donghae,he was still in love to his ex-girlfriend because of they're almost 5 years of relationship,even though her ex-girlfriend always involved to those unexpected love affairs.
All of them--except ofcourse Donghae,don't like her for him but because they knew he's only his happiness,they're just taking it the way Donghae wanted to be.They take it just to their friend's happiness.
But Himchan can't take the thought that he's just playing Hyoyeon's feelings.Well,Donghae is not that type either.He knew something was on it.And he should find that out--whatever it is.He just shook his head and sighed.
Both Xiumin and Himchan looked on the canteen's door as they heard that voice of Kris,calling them.They both frowned as he get nearer to their table.
Kris reached out to Xiumin's glass and drink it.
"Yah!".Xiumin patts him.
"Aish!Just be generous!".Kris said.
Himchan shook his head.These two were always like that--arguing each other often with such a small things or nonsense talks--like this.
"I am!".Xiumin said."Just don't get what is not yours!".
"It was just a glass of juice.".Kris said back.
"Yah!You two,stop it!".Himchan said and looked to Kris."What is it?".
Kris just gave Xiumin a death glare before he turned to him.Xiumin just sticked out his tongue.
"I already found out who tthe hell was Hyoyeon ex-boyfriend!".Kris exclaimed.
Himchan and Xiumin got surprised."REALLY??".
Kris nodded."And coincedence really happens.".He said out of the blue.
They both frowned."What do you mean?".
"Because her ex-boyfriend is L.Joe..".He said and grinned.
They both shocked.
"You mean..L.Joe is Hyoyeon's ex-boyfriend??".Xiumin asked to Kris.
"I already said that..".Kris said to him with poker face.
"I mean..yeah!Coincidence really happens.".Xiumin commented as he shook his head.
Himchan frowned again."But how did you get that?".He asked curiously.
Kris grinned."I have my own sources,dude.".He boastfully said.
"Oh great!I know that sources of yours..".Xiumin said as he said the word 'sources' deepened."You just get a girl there that was so pathetically inlove to you..and you played to her earlier and an instant,you get all the informations you wanted to know,right?".He asked.
"Well~You know how I can handle my girls..".Kris said boastfully.
"Yeah..yeah..yeah..You're right..".Xiumin said.
"Your just envy man!".Kris .
"I'm not!".
Himchan didn't mind them.He was just fall in the thought of..Donghae might know about this..and that's why he likes to date Hyoyeon??.Arghh~Donghae couldn't do such a thing.After a second,he stood up and get his phone on his pocket.The two stop arguing and looked to him curiouslly.
"Hello.Shona....I personally cancelled our meeting for today.".And he hung up and decided to walks.
"YAH!KIM HIMCHAN!".Kris shouted.
"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING!?".Xiumin shouted.
But Himchan just continue his walking and didn't mind them
The two left out curiously.
  After almost 5 minutes following Donghae,she saw themselves in front of  'Gaming World'.
Hyoyeon quickly walks infront of Donghae to stop him entering inside of it."Will you stop calling me if your just going to play in here?!You can play those goddamn machines without me!So,why are you kept bugging me??".
Donghae looked to her."You-are-my-toy..tha's why.".He said and he went inside.
Hyoyeon puffs."Toy?Dammit!I'm not!You're just the one whose thinking that A IF your toy but basically in my thought I'm not your toy!I really do hate you Donghae.I swear!".She said as she kept stomping the water bottle outside as if it was the Obnoxious Dragon.Then,after a while she kicked it.And she annoyingly sat on the ground.She will not going in there.Donghae should say sorry to her because of how he rude he was towards to her.And if someone already sent a picture to him as well.
|Donghae's POV|
   Donghae looked at his wristwatch,it's already 2:35 and Hyoyeon was still outside of that Gaming World.She's been there for almost 2 hours sitting on the ground with a palm on her face.And hell!It's raining outside and yet she's still there sitting as if it didn't rain outside.
Donghae puffs as he turned his sight on the screen of the video game that he's playing right now.He puffs."As if i care about her..".He whispered."If she thought that I'll going to approach her?She should cut that out.Why?It's simple as I don't care about her.  And I will never be..Yeah!I knocked you down Devil Jin..".
An evil idea got into his mind.He wwill going to more.He grinned.But when he stood up and turned around,he quickly run to get outside when he saw Hyoyeon was no longer there.He ran on the other side even though it was raining .Then,stop as he saw two people walking not-so-distance to him.They were sharing under the same umbrella.He knew that it was Hyoyeon..and even the guy whose on her side.They were happily walking while chatting together.He smirked...and decided to get out of there.
|Hyoyeon's POV|
    Hyoyeon pouted as she glanced on her wristwatch and saw what the time it is.It's already 2:34,she's been sitting there for almost 2 hours and yet Donghae hasn't approached her to say sorry.She looked up and pouted again.Argh!Why the rain can't stop falling huh?She will gonna late on her next class if this rain won't stop.She forgot to bring her umbrella that's why she can't go back to school/She looked down and sighed heavily.
"I think that was too heavy..".
She curiously looked up when she heard someone talked.And her eyes automatically smiled when she saw Himchan,smiling and standing on her front.
"Hi there young lady.Why don't you get yourself inside and have fun?".Himchan asked.
Hyoyeon pouted."I don't feel to have fun right now because I'm pissed off.".
Himchan glanced inside and shook his head."Maybe Donghae didn't mean to leave you here.".
"Oh yeah!Whatever Himchan..I don't wanna talk bout him right now..I said I am pissed off."..
"And that''s because of him?".
Hyoyeon rolled her eyes.
Himchan laughs.
Why this guy on my front can smile,laugh and talk easily?Why the guy inside of this damn Gaming World couldn't?.She asked on herself.
"And your getting wet here.Look.".He said as he pointed her right shoulder.
"I don't even mind about that Himchan.I just wanna go back to school because I'm getting late about my next class.".
Himchan smiled."Why don't you get inside and ask Donghae to accompany you?".
Hyoyeon closed her eyes and opened it again.."Himchan,look.I really don't get why that guy don't know the word existence!?He even didn't approached me to join his playing.He was just abruptly get inside as he answered what I've asked.And that's all!".
Himchan shook his head."Another LQ huh?".
Hyoyeon rolled her eyes."Forget it..Just open that goddamn umbrella and bring me back to school.".
Himchan surprised."What about Donghae?".
"Aish~!Just leave him alone there!He's having fun like a fool with his video games..".
"Okay.".Himchan answered and he opened the umbrella.She get herself beside him.
"Careful..".Himchan whispered because she almost got slip.
Hyoyeon looked to him."Thanks."
"Your welcome..".He said and smiled.And they started to walk.
Aish~!Yah!Kim Himchan!Stop smiling!
Then,she remember something.She turned to him."How did you know that I'm with him and we were on the Gaming world?".
Himchan looked to her."Man insticnt,I guess.".He smiled.
Why you're so lovely?.Hyoyeon smiled back as she shrugged her shoulders.And they keep heading on to get back to school as they keep laughing and chatting.


Ayo there! XD..
Updated ^^.
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But the again,THANKS :**.
[Sorry for any mistakes^^.]
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Chapter 14: Update soon >v< im so addicted with this fanfict mygaad~~
Hyonnies #3
Chapter 14: keep waiting for update author nim...
Chapter 14: Yaay! Please update moree soon author-nim~ Fighting!~
Chapter 14: is himchan just worried of hyo or he likes her??
nice story update more..
Divampires #6
Chapter 14: Waaa Hyoyeon and Himchan
They are so cute ^^

Update soon!!! ;))
Hyoyeonthequeen #7
Chapter 14: plizz update!!!!
Chapter 14: cuuuteeee pls update ^_^
Chapter 14: *^* Hyoyeon and Himchan so cute!!
Hyosmilely #10
Chapter 13: Who send picture??