Chapter 3

At that one party



Class was finally over. "Ughh...." I stretched my body. My body had been sore for days now.
Seohyun and I have been talking more but havn't really hung out alot.

I was sitting in my desk waiting for Yul to put his stuff in his bag. "alright all done." I turned my head facing him. "Ok lets go"

"Hey, can we stop by the ice store, I'm really hungry~" I wined then pouted.

"Aishhh Yoong you're always hungry, fine but knowing how much you eat I'm not paying."

"why not how about rock paper scissors?" I asked. He thought for a moment. "Fine"

"Assa!!" "1,2,3"






"Aishhh why did I have to pay, I should never asked."

"That was your fault, hehehe I never won before" Yul teased me.I checked my wallet.Alright if I dont eat as much everything should be ok.





We walked in the parlor. OHhHHHH sooo many icecreams. "Stop drooling"

I glared at hyung. "These are my babies"

"Sure" he rolled his eyes. "Just go get your flavor already"

After waiting in line for a a couple of minutes we finally ordered."Thank you for coming, if you check the bottom of your ice cream there is a special reward, You can get free ice cream if you peel off the bottom."

I hope I win that way I can get as much ice cream as I want.


We went to some seats. I looked around the parlor, there wasn't that much people. I don't see why, this ice cream id jjang.

"ASSA, this must be my lucky day." Yul said. " I won "

I peeled my bottom. I didn't win. This must be an unlucky day. I frowned.

" Its okay I'll pay for you." Yul tried to cheer me up. It worked hehehe






"I would like strawberry and shooting star please"

" Coming right up" My Yoong senses are tingling

I turn my head, I knew it was her. Seohyun her voice was so soft. that was one thing I liked about her. She always talked soft, unlike the other girls at my school.




the other girls screamed even when they right infront of me.

Seohyun was with an other girl. she turned her head. It was Tiffany noona.

I dont really think she likes me because she has been sending me glares this past week.I was going to ask her why but never had the chance with all the screaming fan girls.

"Hey, Seohyun over here" I pointed to some chairs close to us. She smiled and talked to noona.

Tiffany turned to me and glared.She then nodded her head.

After getting their ice creams they headed towards us." Hey Seohyun, hi noona" " Hey Seohyun, hey Tiffany," Yul greeted.

"Hi" Seohyun said sweetly

"Hey" Tiffany said kind if irritated. Did I do something wrong."Unnie" Seohyun said in a wine.


"So Tiffany I heard you were having a party" Yul tried to cover up the akward atmosphere.

"Oh, Yes I am. Are you coming?"


"Oh crap,I need to go home and plan, are you going to come with me or...." Tiffany said to Seohyun.

" I think I'm going to stay for awhile, you go ahead I'll meet with you later, unnie"

" Ok bye" she smiled at her before leaving and not forgetting to glare at me.

" I think I'm going to go too, make sure you drop off Seohyun ." he secretly wink at me.

I felt my cheeks burning from embarresment. I knew where he was getting at.

" Don't worry hyung"Seohyun and I waved him off.




" I'm sorry" she appologized starting the conversation." For what?" I asked

She touched my cheek. " For getting you hurt" omo she touched my cheek!! "It's okay" I smiled at her

From there we started our conversation. What seemed like minutes were actually hours.

"I think I need to go home, I told unnie I would help her"

We stood up and went towards the door. Of course I was walking her home.

"So are you going to Tiffany's party?" she asked me.

" Yeah." what she said next really suprised me." Good cause I wanted you to go"

I knew I was smiling like a idiot, because she was getting a little akward.

" I mean you would be the only person I knew besides Tiffany unnie."


"By the way Seohyun why do I get the feeling that noona doesn't like me"

she stayed quiet. " She just thought you should have tooken care of me better that night.. because I was hurt"

I frowned. But I tried really hard to protect her. I guess not good enough. I looked up at the moon.

" I think you did a pretty good job at protecting me though" She wispered, but I heard it.

I started to smile again. Before we knew it we already arrived at her house.

"well we're here, and look we didn't get hurt this time." I tried to make a joke and I guess it work because she giggled

" Right, soo I'll  wait for you at the party then"

'' I guess you will"


























It was the day of the party.kyaaaaa I went over to Tiffany's house because she needed help decorating.

" You go do that side in pink and I'll do that side" she pointed to the other side of the house." Alright"

We then started decorating.




"All done" I said as I floped onto her bed. A couple of minutes later she joined me.


I was thinking about what Yoong said.        " You know unnie Yoong is not that badof a guy, you should try to be more nicer"


"Because he was kind of sad about the way you were treating him."

"Alright but if he does anything I don't like I wont hesitate to kill him" She smiled sweetly.

I giggled. " Good to know"


"alright girls I'm off, see you in a couple of days." Uncle yelled downstairs.

"Bye daddy, be safe"

"Bye uncle"












The party has already started but no Yoong anywhere. I was starting to doubt if he was coming or not.


maybe I just need some fresh air. I walked outside by the back door.

I sat myself in unnie's extra guest house. I decide to take a nap.



I woke up and checked the time. It's only been 2 hours since the party started. I went back outside.

Back inside the house I could tell people were drunk. I was walking past people and hear them wispering about me.

" Ewww why is she here"

" Who invited the nerd"

" She should just leave already"

I knew I was about to cry until I bumped into someone. "Ump"

" Oh hey Seohyun..." he trailed off seeing how sad I was.

Aishh this is really embarresing. I need to get out of here.

I started to run away.

I was finally out of the house back to guest house.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Yoong

" Why are you here?" I asked him

"Because you were sad and I need to cheer you up" He then smiled at me.

" Why were you sad" He asked

" Because people were saying mean thing about me." I felt the tears coming again.

" It's okay  " he said leading me to the bed. We sat down. He hugged me so I could cry on him.

My tears were coming down hard now. Why did I have to cry infront of him.

He grabbed my shoulder and turn me making me face him.We looked each other in the eyes.

" Listen dont listen to them. You are not a nerd, or a loser. You are you. Beautiful and dont let anybody you're not"

" Okay" I looked down not being able to look him in the eyes.

He grabbed my chin and pulled it up. Me starring at him.

Yoong stared at me and then looked at my lips.

was he going to kiss? He started to lean in. OMO he is going to kiss me. This is going to be my first kiss what should I do.

His lips landed on mine. SWEET. his lips were.

He gently laid me on the bed.

What were we doing. Whatever it was I knew we couldn't stop. He wispered in my ear.

" Dont call me Yoong, call me oppa now" He started kissing me again. Before I knew it we were already .



















I slowly opened my eyes. owwww my body was sore.

OMO I turned my head to see Yoong's back with the covers on him. I looked down I was too.

* Blushes*

Oh no I just lost my ty before marrigage.

Umma and appa would be so disapointed.

 I need to get out of here. I quickly searched for my clothes that were on the floor.

I changed into them.

I ran outside. How can I ever face Yoong now.  Let me just get back to my umma.








I was finally at my house.

When I went in the first thing I saw were my mom and dad eating breakfast.

"Seohyun your back did you have fun at the party?"

"Yeah" I smiled weakly. My dad just nodded his head then went back to his food.

" I'm just going to take a shower and go to bed"

"Alright honey"my dad spoke

I quickly went to room to shower







I feel so dirty now. I kept washing myself feeling sticky and see blood on my thigh.

Just let me go through this week!!!


















sorry no so how do you think Yoong reacts when he see's that Seohyun is not there when he wakes up.How Seohyun will react when she finds out that she is pregnate. and worst of all how Tiffany will react.















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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 22: I thought you'd make nickhun the bad guy here at first XD
Kiddie13 #3
Chapter 21: Lol, she just realized if she is in love with yoong, XD. Yoong, what a good husband you're, cant wait for their babys!!
Chapter 21: Wow badass hyunnie is cool XD
TheMightyFall #5
Chapter 21: Yey~ Hyun is inlove with Yoong
TheMightyFall #6
Chapter 20: Aigoo! Both of them soooo cute!!!!!! Girl you just messed up with Yoong. -_- Now he will get angry! No one calls his Hyunnie a b**** NO ONE XD