Chapter 2

At that one party










Yoong was walking me home. It felt kind of nice having him walk me home.

We were about 2 streets away from my from my house when a bunch of guys they were up to no good. I think they were making trouble in this neighborhood .




 One of the guys came up to me and said "Hey little lady, would you like to come with us and have some fun?"

I was disgusted. "No thanks, she's with me" I heard Yoong say as he wrapped his arm around my waist protectingly.
"Hey man go get you another girl, we wan't her." the guy said. I felt a chll when the wind blew quietly.

The guy pushed Yoong a little but still kept his arm around me. I was getting scared  because of the violence. Oh what did I get into this time.

I was shocked when Yoong whispered into my ear but relaxed when it was him who was talking. "Run and go hide somewhere."
"But wh-"  "Just go" I then started runnig as fast as I could toward a tree that was close by.

"Hey, where do you think you're going!" the man yelled, but Yoong stopped him from going after me. I was finally at the tree.I quickly hid behind it. I peeked my head a little to see what was happening.

It was getting pretty ugly from where I was standing. I felt tears going down my eyes as the guy hit Yoong in the face.

"Yoong please becarful out there" I wispered then looked up at the shining moon not being able to watch the scene any longer.










I felt pain on my face when that jackass punched me on the face. I tried throwing punches at him and missed a few but still manage to hurt him a bit. I started hitting the guy a couple of times again, but with his friends there that's all I could do.

They started ganging up on me. I was dodging some of their move but when I turned my head from avoiding getting hit, I could see Seohyun,

She was crying. They then took the advantage while I was distracted to hit me. I was getting hit everywhere. I felt blood coming from my mouth as I was on the grass while they kicked me. I tried to get up but my body was too weak.


All of a sudden they stopped. I looked up to see the guy smirking. "C'mon guys, we already lost the girl, and did some damage"
They walked off.

I was just lying on the grass feeling pain everywhere. I closed my eyes. " Atleast Seohyun is safe" I thought to myself

I heard footsteps coming this way. "OMO YOONG" she shouted. I looked up and saw Seohyun staring at me with her hands covering . She was dirty and sweating from all the running. She kept crying.

Great Yoong, way to go, the first time you walk a girl home and then get beat up in front of her. Smooth

 I mentally slapped myself.

" Oh, hi there Seohyun " I try to sound cheerful. " Yoong you're bleeding, how can you smile when you're hurt."

She frowned. Sadness written all over her face. Seohyun tried to pick me up but me being too heavy for her she fell.

"Ouch" blood started to come from her knee because she hit a rock. "Babo" I knocked her head and smile, she smile for a second then frown again because of the pain.
I slowly picked my body up. I grabbed her hand to pick her up. " Her hands were soooo soft ". I grabbed her glasses from her face and wiped her remaing tears.

" There we go now shall we?" We started walking again.

I noticed that she was in pain still. Slowly I bend in front on her and pointed to my back. "Get on"

"But you're still hurt"

"Just get on" she was still deciding if she should get on or not. Finally she got on.

Pain was washing through my back as I felt her weight on me.


Although my body was hurting it was worth it. Having Seohyun on my back.

"Thats my house right there  " she broke the silence we were in since we had over the past couple of minutes we've been walking in.

I walked closer to her house and dropped on my knees that way she could get off.

"Ok then I guess I'll see you at school". I was walking away until she grabbed my hand.

"Thanks for walking me home and saving me" she wispered. I smiled.

"Naww  it was nothing. Well I have to go now it's pretty late." I said as I looked at the moon.I walked back home.












I opened the door and walked in.

Still the same, no one here just me all alone.

My parents were always taking buisness trips and always leaving me alone. Looking through  the cabnets I finally found what I was looking for, painkillers.

I took them and walked to my bed


Looking at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

















I told unnie about what happened to me today.

"OMG Seohyun are you ok, that damn boy he should of protected you once I get my hands on him I goi-"

I interupted her " Unnie he did protect me" "Then why did you tell me that your are bleeding" she said over the phone.
"I fell" "Then he should of caught you"

"Aishhh Unnie" I wined. " Oh why are you so overprotective of him" Tiffany teased.

" I'm not I just really owe him, It's getting late unnie I'll see you at school." "Ok bye" she hung up.

I got ready for bed. I winced in pain as i looked at my knee. My mom helped me put some medicine on it. She asked me what happened but i made up an exuse so she wouldn't get worried.

I took my glasses off as i got on the  bed. I slowly went to sleep.



























" Hey Seohyun" I turned around to see unnie greet me ."Hey Tiffany"

"Ok listen dad is letting me have a party tomorrow so you should come" "I dont know.. What if I get there and they want to leave."

"To hell with them then just be there Ok?" I thought for awhile I looked into her eyes. Like if she was me in. After awhile I finally said yes.

"Ok be there by nine" she squeled in happyness before skipping to her next class.


Oh what have I gotten myself into this time, I mean this is going to be my first ever highschool party.












"Whats up man." Hyung said." Nothing much Yul , You?"

"I'm having a pretty good day today, Ouch you still have those cuts on your face." I nodded they have barely healed since that night.

"Well anyways I heard there is going to bea pretty awesome party this weekend, you in?' "Ummm... sure why not I haven't been out in awhile."
"Cool I'll Text you the info later, now c'mon this is our last period." Yul rushed me..





















So the party is next chapter guys.Are you ready?..... Sorry but I'll try to update later if I cant then too bad ehehehehh

Did any body notice that i used the fresh prince of bel air kekeke. bye

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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 22: I thought you'd make nickhun the bad guy here at first XD
Kiddie13 #3
Chapter 21: Lol, she just realized if she is in love with yoong, XD. Yoong, what a good husband you're, cant wait for their babys!!
Chapter 21: Wow badass hyunnie is cool XD
TheMightyFall #5
Chapter 21: Yey~ Hyun is inlove with Yoong
TheMightyFall #6
Chapter 20: Aigoo! Both of them soooo cute!!!!!! Girl you just messed up with Yoong. -_- Now he will get angry! No one calls his Hyunnie a b**** NO ONE XD