Chapter 14

At that one party









" Seohyun!! I'm home! " I said walking into my house.

" Boo! " I said sticking my head in the kitchen door. Not here? Where could she have gone?

Maybe she got tired and went to sleep. I went to our room, slowly opening the door so I wouldn't wake her up, but to find no one on the bed. Ah, the bathroom.

I searched the bathroom but still no one there.

" Seohyun!?! " I said searching for her in every room. This was really starting to worry me.

I should call noona to see if she stopped by her place, she had really wanted to visit her more often.


" Hello? " she asked

" I'm sorry for calling you so late noona but is Seohyun over there? "

" Seohyun? No she left my place a couple of hours ago. Is she not over there at your place?" She said in a worried tone.

" No she isn't, usually she would be here when I arrive from work but when I came back she wasn't here "

" Where could she have gone, please God let her be okay "

" Don't worry noona I'll go out and look for her "

" I'll go look for her too. She is like my little baby so it's my responsibility to go out and look for her too. "

" You really don't have to. I'm sure that you are tired. " I said. I really don't want to worry her.

" Like I said she is my responsibility too Yoong now lets hurry up and find her."

" Thanks alot Tiffany.... I mean it."

" Don't mention it "

We both hung up.

I'll find you Seohyun. You can count on that.





 I kept searching around our neighbor hood but still no Seohyun. Where is she. I sped my speed up searching around.


Everytime I met someone near by I would ask them if they saw her and showed a picture of her on my phone.

But the same results everytime. They would say that they haven't seen her.

There is a person right there! " Excuse me but have you seen this person? " I pulled out my phone and showed them her picture.

That person studied the picture for a little while. I was holding my breath.

Please please please

They shook their heads " Sorry " they said before walking away

I just slumped down on a bench near by. " Where are you?" I said while staring at the picture of Seohyun on my phone.

I ruffled my hair in fustration. Aissshhh. Trying to keep my self up was hard considering how late it is.

We've been looking for her for hours now. I opened my eyes wider when I caught myself falling asleep, but failed the next time when my eyes shut.

But I need to look for her. I tried getting up but my body betrayed me.

As I was about to go to sleep......









" Hello?"  I said in a tired voice.

" Tired already?" It was Tiffany

" Yeah, but I want to keep looking for her though" I said in a desperate tone this time.

" I know Yoong but it's clear to me now that we both need rest

We'll just have to look for her again later " she said in a sleepy voice

" Alright noona, I guess we really dont have a choice "

" Don't worry, we'll find her. Sleep good Yoong " she said before hanging up.





 I dragged my body back to my house considering that I almost fell asleep on the bench again.

I walked slowly back to my room and onto my bed. My body is so tired to which I just flopped on the bed not even caring. Looking at that empty place that was once where Seohyun slept made me even sadder knowing that I couldn't find her today.

I grabbed the pillow that she would use and putting it close to me, not wanting her scent that was on the pillow to leave.

Hugging it closer and going to somewhere I hope to see her again, in my dreams.

Hugging it with all my might not wanting it to go anywhere.

I soon drifted off to sleep.














 Opened my eyes slowly feeling a huge headache coming in slowly.

I checked my phone that had been charging in the plug that was by my bed. " Hello? '' I said half asleep and half awake fighting the urge to go back to meeting Seohyun in my dreams again.

" I know where she is Yoong!" she said in a relief tone.

" Know where who is? " I said laying my head back on my pillow

" Seohyun! " she said. My eyes shot open.

" Where, where?!, tell me now " I said trying to find out where she is.

" Okay Yoong but you're going to need to calm down first " she changed to a more calm voice

" Hurry I just need to find my girl already " I said .

" Fine, she is at her house. Seohyun called me this morning to tell you that she is alright"

" I'll be there " I said happy that I would see her again

" Yoong listen, you know how they are not happy with her so don't do anything too stupid " she warned me

" Thanks again "

I hung up quickly and put on some fresh chlothes.

I warned her parents not to mess with what is mine now.

" Don't worry Seohyun, oppa will come and save you!" I said determined with myself.















ugghh~ guys I feel sick.T.T

but I know that I'll be to lazy to update another time

so might as well get it over with

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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 22: I thought you'd make nickhun the bad guy here at first XD
Kiddie13 #3
Chapter 21: Lol, she just realized if she is in love with yoong, XD. Yoong, what a good husband you're, cant wait for their babys!!
Chapter 21: Wow badass hyunnie is cool XD
TheMightyFall #5
Chapter 21: Yey~ Hyun is inlove with Yoong
TheMightyFall #6
Chapter 20: Aigoo! Both of them soooo cute!!!!!! Girl you just messed up with Yoong. -_- Now he will get angry! No one calls his Hyunnie a b**** NO ONE XD