
New Life

"Noona!!!" a voice shouted from across the corridor. 

Jae Sun turned to see who it was but she already knew. There was only one person who would call her noona. But more importantly, only one person who would shout it from afar. Lee Taemin.

"Taemin, annyeong. Is there something you need?" Jae Sun asked him.

"Oh. Nothing noona. I just want to talk to you." 

"Ah. Not now though. I have to talk to the showcase director."

"Oh? Noona you're participating?"

"Yeah. I just need to go over some details with him. I'll talk to you next time. I'm already late." Jae Sun said and quickly left in a hurry.

Wahh....Noona said more than 5 words to me!! Oh. And she's doing the showcase. I should tell the others!!

And with that thought, he rushed off to find his fellow band members. 


"Hyung!! Did you hear? Noona is going to be in the showcase!!" the 17 year old shouted as he burst into the practice room.

"Jae Sun? Really?" Onew shot up from the floor, surprised. "But I thought she didn't want to do it."

"Yeah, I thought so too. Are you sure you heard right?" Jonghyun asked, not quite believing his junior as he is known to have quite oftenly mixed up information.

"No. Really!! She told me herself. She's going to go talk to the showcase director now!!" 

"Wahh!! Really?? I want to watch!!" Onew immediately started hugging Taemin and the two jumped around while Minho and Jonghyun were laughing at the two.

Key simply smirked to himself. That girl....she was going to do it anyways. He let out a small laugh and smiled to himself.


School had ended and Onew was staying after for a meeting. Jae Sun then decided to wait for him at the school gate to walk home together with Onew. She had waited for nearly 30 minutes and most students were gone. 

"Noona!!" Jae Sun turned around to see Taemin running towards her. "Are you waiting for Onew-hyung?"

"Hm? Yeah. I thought that I'd wait for him to walk back together. His mother is busy today so we'll be wal-"

"YAH!! Lee Taemin!" The sudden voice cut off Jae Sun. The two turned around and saw a few male high school students wearing a different uniform. Jae Sun turned to look at Taemin to ask if he knew who they were but Taemin's face fell. She could tell that he knew who they were. But it wasn't something good.

"Taemin, you know them?" 

"Huh? I...I guess...Noona, don't talk to them, okay?"

"...Taemin?" Jae Sun was worried. She hadn't known Taemin for long but he was always bright and cheerful. This was the first time he wasnt smiling and she was worried.

"What? Can't even bother to try talking to me? You think you better than us?!" shouted the boy who was standing in front of the other two behind him. 

Taemin kept silent and looked to the ground. Jae Sun didn't know what to do. What seemed to be the leader of the boys looked at Jae Sun and turned to Taemin.

"That your girlfriend? Does she even know about you? Tell you what, I bet she won't even want to speak to you if she knew about you. By the looks of it, she looks like the type to only go for money." 

"Don't talk about noona like that!!" Taemin snapped back at the boy. "Noona, don't listen to them."

"What did you just say to me?! It seems like you forgot something." the boy rolled up his sleeves, ready to give Taemin a hit.

The two boys at the back were laughing as the other took Taemin by the collar, ready to give him a punch. He raised his clenched fist and was ready to deliver his blow. Unable to stand watch, Jae Sun intercepted, clutching the boy's wrist, stopping his punch. Everyone turned to look at her, surprised. She held incredible strength for a girl her size.

"You better listen up, because this is going to be the first and last warning I give you," Jae Sun said, staring into the boy's eyes, "Stop bothering Taemin. If I catch you doing this again, I can't guarantee what will happen to you, understand? So be a smart boy and get out of here." 

The boy was scared. She had this look in her eyes. A look showed that she wasn't lying. And this scared him. So he ran away. And the other two followed behind him. Jae Sun knew that they wouldn't come back. She looked to Taemin to see if he was alright.

"" Taemin was stuttering.

She couldn't find the words to explain what had just happened. "Taemin...I...that was-"

"Noona!!! That was so cool!!!" Taemin exclaimed happily.

"...Thanks? I guess. But that's beside the point. Do you want to tell me what was going on?" Jae Sun couldn't help hide her curiosity as to what the relationship between Taemin and the two boys were. "I think I deserve an explanation."

"That was...Well, maybe you don't know, but I didn't get into SM Academy because I could afford it. My family...isn't rich like the others. I got scouted and received a scholarship." Taemin explained. "The boys just now? They were from my previous school. They only started picking on me after they found out about the scholarship. I don't really know why. They used to always say that I think I'm better than them, and that I was looking down on them because I get to go to a 'rich' school. But that's really just it."

"Yeah, I trust you. But...I don't think they'll be coming back anymore, so don't worry, 'kay?"

"Yeah. Thanks noona. I should get going now. Hyung shouldn't be too long. Should I wait for him with you?"

"No, it's alright. You should get going before it gets too late."

"Alright. Bye noona!!" Taemin cheerfully bid his noona goodbye and left in a hurry. I guess he has it hard too...maybe being a noona isn't all that bad...

"Oh. Jae Sun ah!!" Jae Sun turned to see Onew rushing towards her. "Were you waiting for me? Sorry it took so long. I was-"

He was cut off by himself when he tripped, and Jae Sun ran over to him.

"You always this clumsy?" Jae Sun asked, helping him up."Alright?"

"Ah? Yeah. Sorry. Shall we head home now?" Onew smiled brightly to his sister.

Jae Sun smiled back at her brother. "Oppa, let's go."

Onew looked at his sister, wondering about the reason behind her smile. "Something good happened?"

"Hm? Oh...nothing. I became a noona."


So...I just did this chapter...umm..because about the whole Taemin being bullied in school thing? I don't really know. But...yeah...thoughts?

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Chapter 23: Aw!! I love the story!!
thestrangelittlegirl #2
Chapter 23: it was a great story, but I'm a bit confused. so who were the people that she was afraid of?
shineelovely #3
Chapter 23: Waah authour-nim!! Your story is very nice!!! It ended =( But sweet ending <3
keykim #4
Chapter 23: It ended~~ omo. Loved it!!! Great story.
VIPrimShAplus #5
Chapter 23: woa it's end.. nice story author-nim hehe ^^
choong_11 #6
Chapter 18: Pls update soon!!!! Key muz find her!!
shineelovely #7
Chapter 16: New reader here. Very interesting story author-nim. loving it
keykim #8
Chapter 16: giving me mixed feelings~~ birthday so sweet but so sad =( thanks for updating
Chapter 15: ahhh!!! the suspense!! XD
keykim #10
Chapter 14: omo. the girl in the pic must be her, right? Key~~~ don't cry Q.Q