
New Life

School carried on like before, but news of Jae and Key had already broken out. But unlike what most had expected, Jae wasn't touched by any jealous girls. Why? Most would guess that it was due to her connection to SHINee, but more importantly Onew. And nobody would want to ruin their chances with the rest of the members. And as for the couple? They were ignorant of what was to come. But as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss.


It was dance class and the rest of the class were practicing on their own. The class was interrupted by a student who had been asked to deliver a gift sent to the school for Jae. 

"Umm...excuse me." the whole class turned to look at the boy. "This is from the office. A letter for Lee Jae Sun."

"Oh?" Jae was curious as to what it was and walked over to the boy. "Thank you." she said with a smile and the boy left the letter in her hands.

"What is it?" Key asked curiously.

"...I don't know."

"Is it your dad again?" Minho asked.

"...No. I wouldn't think so. The writing is printed. He wouldn't have money for that." she shoved the letter into her bag. "I'll look at it later. it's class time now, anyways."

They continued on with class, unaware of how important that letter would be. 


The bell rang, signalling lunch and the three prepared to leave class. 

"Jae Sun, can I talk to you for a minute?" the dance teacher called her.

"You guys go on ahead first. I'll see you later." she told the two boys as she walked over to the teacher. "Yes, Lee-seon-saeng-nim?"

"Oh, I just wanted to talk to you about possible after school classes." Lee Hyuk Jae, the dance teacher said to her. "I saw your performance at the showcase. You have talent. And your performance in class is great as well. So I thought that you might want to give extra classes a try. It's just so that we can take you up a level. In case you think of having a debut as an idol."

"Umm...I'm not quite sure about what I want to do, so can you give me some time to think about it?"

"Sure. It's no hurry. We have a class after school on Wednesday. You can come over and watch. Just to see what it's like." 

"Sure. That sounds good. Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"Yes. That's all. You can have lunch now."

"Thank you, Lee-seon-saeng-nim."

"You're welcome. Oh, and you can just call me Eunhyuk. All the kids do that." he said to her with a smile.

She smiled and bowed her head before leaving the room to join her friends. She had already forgotten about the letter she had received earlier. She went to the practice room where SHINee were and joined them for lunch. 

"So, what did Eunhyuk want?" Key asked her, his mouth, full from the bite he just took of his lunch.

"Uh? He wanted me to take extra dance classes after school. I'm not sure if I want to, though."

"Noona!! You should do it!! Me and Kibum-hyung is in it too. So, it'll be fun if you joined too!!" Taemin said enthusiastically. "And also..." he nudged Key's shoulders, "I'm sure someone would like you there"

Key and Jae blushed and the rest of them simply laughed. The two couldn't help but laugh as well. Once the teasing stopped, they continued on eating and chatting away. Lunch ended and it was time for their physical training.


The class took place in the school's field and it was time for Minho's test. Key and Jae sat next to each other on the grass and watched the rest of the class, waiting for their turn. Key turned to Jae who, in turn, sensed that Key was looking at her, and turned to look at him.

"Jae,,," Key said as he placed his hand on hers. She looked at him quizzically. 


"I..." he stopped to take a deep breath before continuing. "I...I really like know that, right?"

"Uh? Yeah...I know. I..really like you know that too, right?" Jae said as she blushed, wanting to look away but she kept looking into Key's eyes. 

"Yeah..I know."

"...May I ask why the sudden topic?"

"I...I don't know. I just feel like something is about to just want you to know. I'm not going anywhere. I...I'm always here."

Jae gave him a sweet smile and nodded. Key was then called by the teacher for his physical test. He got up and left, wondering to himself why he had said what he said. Jae watched his back going further and further away, remembering that he doesn't completely know her. That she had a secret. One that she was afraid would cause her to lose him.

"...You're not going anywhere...but I'm afraid that I might have to leave..." she said silently to herself. 

Is he still willing to stand by my side if he knew? I...I'm a murderer...

And she was right to have been scared. She was being watched. And they weren't happy.


Hmm...I'll leave it here for this chapter. I want to finish this soon and then....maybe write another one? But back to this story, what do you think?

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Chapter 23: Aw!! I love the story!!
thestrangelittlegirl #2
Chapter 23: it was a great story, but I'm a bit confused. so who were the people that she was afraid of?
shineelovely #3
Chapter 23: Waah authour-nim!! Your story is very nice!!! It ended =( But sweet ending <3
keykim #4
Chapter 23: It ended~~ omo. Loved it!!! Great story.
VIPrimShAplus #5
Chapter 23: woa it's end.. nice story author-nim hehe ^^
choong_11 #6
Chapter 18: Pls update soon!!!! Key muz find her!!
shineelovely #7
Chapter 16: New reader here. Very interesting story author-nim. loving it
keykim #8
Chapter 16: giving me mixed feelings~~ birthday so sweet but so sad =( thanks for updating
Chapter 15: ahhh!!! the suspense!! XD
keykim #10
Chapter 14: omo. the girl in the pic must be her, right? Key~~~ don't cry Q.Q