She's Just Tired

You Have Me


That's the time he found out she's crying. He sat beside her and asked her what's wrong but she wasn't responding. No choice, he forced to lift her head up and her eyes were red and swollen already. Poor girl. “Take me out of here. I can't take it anymore.”, she finally spoke up and he was so confused. “Tell me, what's wrong?”, he asked again. “Take me out of here, please!”, she pleaded so Jinyoung led her out of her school looking all so clueless but on the other part, he felt pity. He right then called a cab because he got an idea where to bring her. She was still crying non-stop while Jinyoung kept on wiping her tears away. Feeling so hopeless that she will stop crying. He wanted her to talk but he could not just force her like that. They arrived on the place where Jinyoung decided to stay but still she was crying. “Hey Haneul, stop. Let's step out of the cab.”, Jinyoung sighed because he got no response. “Okay, jump into my back, I'll give you a piggyback ride so we can reach the place I want to go. Okay?”, with that, Haneul did what he said and when they were on their way up to somewhere, her eyes were closed as tears won't stop flowing.
They reached the spot already, she let her sit on the ground and he sat infront of her. “I f you won't stop crying, at least tell me what happened.”, he was so frustrated that time so he's doing everything to make her talk or else he'll bring her to his mom. “I can't take it anymore.”, Haneul finally talked. Then she started telling Jinyoung what happened, that her classmates knew she got , someone made an issue that she's a cheater and it's her karma for cheating on Minhwan, she was called a a , being told that she deserved everything that happened to her. Jinyoung wondered how her classmates knew about it. Was it because of his cousin again but why he will do that if he get over already on her? “What did I do? How can they judge me so fast? They didn't know my whole story and I am not doing anything to them? How can they tell me I deserve everything that is happening to me? I'm tired, Jinyoung. I'm just tired of everything. I can't take this anymore.”, Haneul expressed and now he knew why was she being like that for a few days, not answering any calls from him. “Just ignore them, Haneul. They are not helping you, ignore them.”, he said and she suddenly raised her voice, “I tried, I TRIED! But they are not stopping, you will not understand me until you're in my shoe, Jinyoung!” He got shocked because he had never seen her like that and that made his mood shifted. “Do not dare to tell me that I won't understand it just because I don't experience your condition!”, he answered back raising his voice too. “I don't have any one Jinyoung. I'm so tired. I want to end everything, I want to end my life. They should have just killed me before too. I should be with my parents now. I must be happy if I'm with them. I'm tried. I'm freaking tired with all these s that's happening to my life. No one can help me!”, she insisted once again. Jinyoung's trying to calm some more but on the way she acted, he might lose control in no time too. “I have no one in this world, why do I need to live? Why do I need to study if my parents are not here with me, if my relatives don't care about me? For what I am living for? I won't even get the chance to go to college and live like a normal teenager. It's so tiring to be me, Jinyoung. I hate how I am alone, I hate why I am still struggling to live in this cruel world. I'm just a burden in this world.”
Jinyoung got pissed and lost all his patience, he stood up, sighed, grabbed her wrist and said, “Do you want to die? Do you want to die, right? Okay, stand up. I am willing to help you. C'mon! Stand up, it's my honor to help you in killing your self. You want to end your life so you could be with your parents? That's wow, Kim Haneul. Do you think you're making your parents happy on what you are planning? Do you think they want to see you thinking and acting like this? Now tell me. These are all a test for you. I know, I know you are having a hard time facing all of these but you need to. You don't need to give up, I know you are tired. Stop saying that you are alone, stop saying you have no one. Haneul, I'm here. Mom is here. We're here for you. Why don't you notice our purpose? You are not a burden, Haneul. We both know that this world is cruel but it doesn't mean that you should stop struggling to live. You can be independent, you can still continue your life. You are just 18 and young, Haneul. Please. Don't care about the others who picks on you, care about yourself, care about the people who's willing to help you.” He then let go of her wrist and sat again. Haneul turned his back on Jinyoung and buried her face on her hands. 

Happy New Year everyone!

2013 <3

I had a good 2012 here in AFF because of you.

Mostly of my FFs were 2012-made.

Let's continue to be like this new year.

More readers, more subscribers, more comments and more people that will start writing on AFF.

Fighting, guys!

Let's make 2013 our year.



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I hope you guys will still wait tho it will take forever to update my my story.


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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 10: OMG!!!!! What happen to Haneul~~~~??~~~!!~~~ update soon, authornim~~~
peque1 #2
Chapter 9: omg! i was anticipating this!! jinyoung is really cute!
Chapter 9: TQ FOR UPDATIN^^<3
Chapter 8: happy new year!<3 thanks for updating^^
Chapter 7: poor haneul :((
DeullieSa34 #6
Chapter 6: sweetie jinyoung~~
Chapter 5: awww jinyoung :*