Chapter 7

It started with 'Hello'


It was around 1pm. I had nothing better to do so I decided to go out for a walk. I decided to walk to my favourite frozen yoghurt place, fro-go. Fro-go was a 20 minute walk from my place. I didn't really mind the walk there, I would do anything to satisfy my cravings for froyo plus, Onew and I were pretty close with the people that worked there.

I walked into the the shop and was greeted warmly by the familiar face working behind the counter.

"Min! Long time, no see!" He said.

"I know right. I miss this place. How's work?" I smiled at him. It was nice talking to someone I actually knew.

"Eh, it's so-so. I'm making money and that's all that really matters, right? We've been hiring people lately, a friend of mine actually got a job here so that's fun. And then there are all these other guys who have been hired and they're absolutely useless. Two of them are actually working today." He said as he got my regular order - Green Tea Frozen Yoghurt with pomegranate and peanuts. "So why aren't you in school right now?" He asked, handing me my yoghurt.

"Eh," I thought about whether or not I should tell him about what had happened. "Didn't really feel like it..." I trailed off.

"So I take it Jinki isn't in town?" I gave him a nod and took out my money to pay for my yoghurt before I was stopped.

"Don't worry, Your brother's not in town, I'll cover this one. Just make sure you go to school tomorrow and visit often."

I smiled gratefully. "Thanks."

He was like a substitute older brother to me whenever Onew wasn't around. I walked to the closest basketball court with my frozen yoghurt and watched random people play basketball. I loved to watch basketball, I just at playing it. To my surprise, it was very enjoyable. Unfortunately, my good time was cut short.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't 'do the right thing' Min. Skipping school I see." Zico smirked. "You turning into a bad girl now? I love it when good girls go bad, it's so much more fun." He bit his lip and sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I tried to hit his arm off but that only made his grip tighten.

"Zico..." I squirmed trying to loosen his grip. He leant in close to my ear

"Don't try fighting, I'll only hold you tighter." He whispered. I could feel his breath on my neck. He slowly let out a breath and nibbled my ear. I jumped in shock.

"WHAT THE HELL ZICO!" I yelled at him. He laughed and released me from his grip. I stood up, ready to rage at him. He sat there smirking at me. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND TRYING TO GET INTO EVERY GIRLS PANTS! ESPECIALLY MINE! YOU SAID IT YOURSELF, I'M 'DO THE RIGHT THING' MIN!" I shouted. "Even if some of my decisions haven't had the best of results lately, I'm not just going to start doing the wrong thing." I threw my froyo at Zico's feet and left the basketball court.

I didn't know where I was going but I was too angry at Zico to care. Honestly! Who does he think he is? And what girl does he think I am to do such a thing! I just can't understand what Nicole sees in that guy.

After about 30 minutes of cooling off, I found a small convenience store and decided to buy some of the groceries I needed earlier.


Yongguk Hyung told me to go and visit Himchan and Daehyun Hyung at work. Apparently I was the only one who had never been there before. It's not my fault that I'd rather eat frozen yoghurt at a different place plus it's not like hyungs are any different inside and outside of work. Oh well, it couldn't be that bad, right?

The store was surprisingly close to my practice room. You mean to tell me that all this time Himchan and Daehyun Hyung could have visited me and they didn't? I feel so cut. I walked into the store to witness Himchan telling Daehyun off.


"I know this isn't a dating service! I wasn't even flirting with anyone!" Daehyun retorted, "It's not my fault girls are attracted to me." He teased, earning him a hit from Himchan.

"You keep giving girls free yoghurt!" Himchan said.

"GIRLS? I only gave it to one GIRL that I just so happen to know. Besides, Daejun gave a girl free yoghurt too." Daehyun crossed his arms and pouted. "And it wasn't flirting, it was a kind gesture."

Himchan huffed and threw his hands in the air. "What am I to do with you? If only my Yonggukie were here." Himchan whined.

I laughed at him. So even when Yongguk Hyung isn't around he refers to him as 'My Yonggukie'.

"Yongguk Hyung would tell you to stop calling him yours if he were here!" Daehyun exclaimed. "Aish, Kim Himchan, I've worked here longer than you. I think I know what I'm doing." He stated.

I coughed, making them aware of my presence. "JONGUPPIE!!!" Himchan squealed. Honestly, why must he act so girly all the time. You'd think hanging out with Yongguk would put some man into him but I guess not. I waved to him.

"Hi Hyung."

"Look who finally decided to visit me at work." Daehyun smirked.

I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled at him. "Yeah well, I wouldn't be here unless Yongguk Hyung forced me to get out of the house. So...hey."


Jongup waited for the other two to finish their shift. He was told that they wouldn't be long so he decided to hang around so that they can do something later. After 20minutes, Daehyun and Himchan had finished working and they left the yoghurt store.

The three of them continued walking around before they stumbled across a basketball court. "Wanna play?" Jongup asked. The other two nodded and the trio started to play basketball.




They were definitely far from NBA stars but they had fun nonetheless. After they had tired themselves out, they took a seat on a nearby park bench.

"Ha! Hyungs," Jongup said puffing, "looks like...someone doesn't like...your fro-yo." He pointed towards an empty frozen yoghurt cup surrounded by melted green tea frozen yoghurt, pomegranate and peanuts. Daehyun looked at the cup and scrunched his face.

*wait a sec...* his thoughts were interrupted by Himchan patting him on the back.

"Relax Daehyunnie," he said as he took a deep breath "it's just yoghurt." Just then, Himchan's phone buzzed signalling that it was time for them to start going home.

They all stood up and started walking away. Daehyun looked back at the empty yoghurt cup one last time.

*It was probably nothing Daehyun. Don't get too worked up over it.*


DADAH! TOMORROW IS 2013! Happy New Year! Wow, I remember at the beginning of 2012 I told myself I'd actually do something productive....LOL. So how did that go? I spent countless hours scrolling on tumblr, I ate heaps, I became obsessed with The Script and Basketball (*cough* Linsanity *cough* lolwut) as well as exo, bap and the walking dead, I learnt extremely useful phrases in Korean, I got to know people a lot better, I started writing terrible fanfics OTL, I overcame my 'addiction to ice cream, I made up really stupid nicknames for my friends, I got full marks for my pe presentation and 100% on a maths test.

Productivity Levels = OVER 9000%

2012 has been a good year and as cheesey as it may sound, it was definitely the people I spent it with that made it so amazing. I hope it was good for you too and that 2013 is amazing! BRING ON THE NEW YEAR! :D

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Haven't updated in a while. SORRY! I've been busy, but I'll try to update soon!


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