Chapter 4

It started with 'Hello'


I went to school in the morning, feeling slightly better because of my chat with Onew the night before. I waited in the hallway and saw Chaerin, I was about to say hello when she just brushed by me, not even giving me a second glance. I felt your stomach sink as I made my way to my locker without Chaerin.

*Come on Min, you can get through this*  I thought to myself as I was getting my books out of my locker.

These thought were interrupted by someone closing my locker and pinning me against it. I jumped as I saw how close the persons face was to mine.

"What do you want Zico?" I asked.

"Shuush." He said, putting his fingers to my lips.

I held your breath. *What is he doing?* I thought.

"Did you want to do something fun? I heard what happened between you and Chae. You must be devastated." He asked, sounding anything but concerned, as he twirled a strand of my hair around his finger.

"No, Zico." I tried pushing him away, which only resulted in him moving closer. I squirmed, obviously uncomfortable with how close he was.

"Zico, I think you're forgetting the fact that you have a girlfriend, and that girlfriend is one of my closest friends. I think it'd be best for you to leave me alone." I was getting angry at Zico.

Zico smirked and leant in even closer, and quietly spoke into my ear.

"Nicole is starting to get boring. Do I look like the type of guy to be chained down to one thing? No, I need to switch it up, I need change, I need new, I need excitement and you darling, could be exactly what I need." I could feel Zico's warm breath on my ear sending chills down my spine - and not the good kind.

"Let me know if you change your mind." He laughed and pulled away, "Don't keep me waiting too long or I may have to come and get you for myself." He bit his lip and winked before walking down the hallway, leaving my by myself.

I could feel the anger building inside of me.

"Aah! How could she date a jerk like him! She deserves so much more!" I screamed before running to the bathroom to cool off.


I couldn't focus properly in class because I was too angry at Zico. As I was looking out the window, I recognised two familiar figures - Zico and Nicole - sneaking out of the school gates. This made me even more mad at Zico, and I felt disappointed in Nicole.

*no, Nicole, you know better than that. Don't let him turn you into something you're not.* I thought as I was watching them.

"Lee Hyunmin." I heard my name being called "What is the answer?"

I sat there not knowing what to do because I wasn't  listening to the teacher.

"Um...sorry I don't know." I admitted, feeling embarrassed.

"I know. Start paying attention Hyunmin. And to make sure you do, You have a 2 hour detention after school tomorrow."


"You you like me to make it three?"

"" you said quietly.

"That's what I thought. Let this be a lesson to all of you. I will not tolerate laziness or daydreaming. You are here to learn, not to relax." The teacher explained to the rest of the class.


Zico and Nicole had returned to school before lunch started. I sighed and knew that I needed to talk to Nicole about it. Luckily at Lunch time, Zico wasn't around Nicole. I went up to her and waved. She smiled back.

"Hey Min, how are you going?" She asked me.

"Not to well," I admitted. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Your boyfriend." Nicole looked surprised, but nodded for me to go on.

I didn't know where to start, so I just blurted everything out - that he was a bad influence, that I didn't trust him, that I thought she deserved better, that she should think about it more, and the situation that happened earlier that day - in the hope that Nicole would understand.

"I don't believe it." Nicole said quietly before looking at me. "You honestly think that?"

I could sense that something didn't feel right.

"You honestly think that about Zico? The person that makes me happy? Have you not seen how happy he makes me? Maybe you should look past your narrow minded view Min, and see the obvious fact that I LOVE him, and he LOVES me. Can't you see that?" Nicole stared at me, tears forming in her eyes.

"Nicole, I can see that you love him. But he doesn't love you the way he says he does."

"And what's worse, you make up a story about Zico just because you can't see past his 'Bad Boy' image. I'm sorry Min, but Zico is much more than just a 'bad guy'."

"Look Nicole, you're taking this the wrong way" I began to say before Nicole cut you off.

"No, I'm not. If you can't accept him for who he is, then I can't accept you as a friend anymore."

I was silent, and Nicole smirked at me.

"Wow, first Chae and now me. Losing 2 friends in 2 days. You should get an award or something." She said sarcastically before walking off, leaving me alone.


I was more than happy to be home but to my surprise, Onew was there packing suitcases.

"What are you doing?" I asked Onew.

Onew jumped in surprise, not knowing that I was there.

"Oh, Min. I didn't see you there," he said as he got up "sit down, I need to talk to you about something."

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Haven't updated in a while. SORRY! I've been busy, but I'll try to update soon!


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