chapter 5

It started with 'Hello'


"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked Onew.

"What do you mean, what do I mean?" Onew asked me.

"I mean, what do you mean you're heading to Japan tomorrow morning for 6 weeks?"

"I mean exactly that...why is there a problem with that?"

*yes, Chae and Nicole are gone and if you leave I'll have no one left.

"No, I was just thinking, isn't it a bit short notice?" I asked.

"That's the biz. Can't pull out now, Shinee needs me!" Onew smiled.

*I need you...*

"Well, I'm happy for you." I smiled and helped Onew finish packing, and the both of us said our goodbye's since I knew I wouldn't see him the next morning.

"I love you Min." He Said as he hugged me. "six weeks will be over soon."

*Don't go Onew...*

"Love you too, Jinki." You said before going to your room to sleep.


School seemed to drag on forever, I had no one to hang out with, a jerk trying to get with me behind his girlfriends back, a teacher that kept picking on me, a 2 hour detention after school and Nobody to go home to.

As the bell went and everyone started to go home, I sat there waiting for two hours to pass by. I looked ouyt the window, and I  could see the storm clouds rolling in.

*just my luck, I didn't bring an umbrella.* I laughing at how the weather decided to match my mood.

By the time my detention was over, it was raining heavily.

Since Onew was in Japan, Chae and Nicole didn't want anything to do with me, and I had no umbrella, the only choice was to walk home in the rain. As I was walking along an empty street, the realisation hit me. I had nobody. I was alone. Chae and Nicole pretty much hated me, Onew was gone for 6 weeks, I knew nobody else. The closest people to me, the people I cared most about, were gone. And it all started out with wanting to do the right thing.

It was then and there that I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down and started to cry in the pouring rain. I didn't care that I was getting soaked, I didn't care if anyone else could see me. All I could do at that moment was cry. The only things that snapped me out of my thoughts was the fact that I couldn't feel rain falling on me and a I heard a voice.


I finished dance practice and saw that it was raining heavily outside. Lucky I listened to Yongguk Hyung when he told me to bring an umbrella. Honestly, how does that guy know the weather so well?

I left the studio and started walking down the street. As I was walking, I realised a girl sitting there on the ground. I called out to her, but I think she couldn't here me over the rain. I started walking over to her and realised she was crying. I sped up a little and knelt down in front of her, holding the umbrella over the both of us.


"Hello? Girl, is something wrong? Can I do anything to help you?" A stranger said, speaking over the sound of the rain and holding an umbrella over the both of us

I didn't know what to do and I crashed into the strangers chest and continued to cry more.

The shocked stranger didn't know what to do, and let me cry into their chest.

"Come on, let's get you home." he said after I was crying for a good 10 or so minutes, as he walked me back to my place.


When we reached my place, I offered the stranger to come inside so I could wash his tear stained clothes.

As the two of us went inside, I realised how young the stranger was. He looked about my age, if not, a year older.

"The laundry is over there, I'll just get you one of my brother's shirts." I left and went into Onew's room to get a shirt for the stranger. As I went into the laundry, my face began to heat up when I saw that the boy wasn't wearing a shirt. I coughed.

"Here's a shirt." I handed him the shirt, trying hard not to look at his shirtless body

"Oh, thanks." He smiled and put on the shirt, oblivious to how red I was going.

I led the stranger into the lounge and the two of us sat in silence.

"Thanks." I said quietly, breaking the silence.

The stranger looked at me.

"Thanks for walking me home. And for letting me cry on your shirt..." I blushed as I remembered seeing the stranger shirtless just moments ago.

"It's okay. Are you alright? Why were you crying?" The stranger asked.

"I've just been having a few bad days lately." I said, thinking about everything that had happened.

The stranger nodded.

"Where's your brother? Wouldn't he be mad that you've let a stranger in your house?" He asked, looking around.

"He's in Japan, but yeah, you're right. He would be mad." I smiled.

"So you're here by yourself?" He looked surprised, but his voice was full of concern. I nodded. There was a pause.

"I'm Jongup, by the way." As if his introduction was perfectly timed, the beep for the dryer went off indicating that his shirt was clean and tear free.

"Well Jongup, your shirt is clean." I smiled at Jongup before getting up and retrieving his shirt.

"You can get changed in there." I pointed towards the guest room. Jongup smiled and made his way to the room.

"I think I better be going now, thanks..."

"Min." I smiled

"Thanks Min. I'll see you around?" Jongup eyed me.

"We'll see." I waved goodbye to Jongup as he left the house.

*now back to being alone...*



"YAH! Hyung, I'm back!" Jongup called as he walked through the door.

"It's about time. Where were you?" Yongguk asked.

"Probably with a girl, there's no other explanation for it!" Himchan chimed in.

"Shush Himchannie." Yongguk told Himchan before looking back at Jongup.

"Bumped into someone who needed help on the way home." Jongup said , not adding in the fact that Himchan was right.

"Bumping into people? In this weather?" Youngjae asked.

"You'd be surprised." Jongup shrugged it off before heading to his room.

*I hope Min's alright.* he thought.



TADAH! Jongup has made it into the story! Yay!

hehehe how's the story so far? I'd love to hear what you guys think! :D


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Haven't updated in a while. SORRY! I've been busy, but I'll try to update soon!


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