Letter to Lee Jinki

Hi Onew


It's been a while. The last post I made was way back 2013 when it was your birthday. It's not like I stopped loving you. It's just that I just became so busy living in my real world. I'm not saying you're not in my real world, well, yeah, maybe, not as of the moment. Haha. Well, let me tell you what, I just suddenly had the urge to write to you again here. Although I know you won't see it anyway. This is just me letting out these words I wish I could tell you - all because of a chance to see you again: SHINee World in Manila (hopefully)

I don't know if I can fully disclose this, for some others might be able to read this. But anyways, I'll tell you as much as I could. 

Work is getting exhausting - and lately I realized that I want to do something else. So I took an exam to take my master's degree - which I hopefully pass so I could get my desired degree to be able to teach. Congratulate me, cause this is the first time I ever did make a decision without considering you. As a backgrounder: I took communication in college because of you. I landed on my first job as a production assistant in a television network cos I thought it's aligned to what you do. I am now working as a researcher on a media company because again - i thought it's aligned to what you do, and I may be able to work with you in the future. But taking my masters to be a professor? That's no way in ligned with you - which was weird for me to do considering that I've been making decisions for the past adult years of my life thinking you're one important factor, too. 

It's just that I realized although I really love you, I must also do things based on what I believe I can do best. I'm taking my master's, not for you, but for myself. It's so refreshing and liberating. It doesn't sound normal, but that's just me. 

So I thought maybe I could quit work soon and focus on studying. Or maybe I can have a less commitment-required work somewhere, cos I think it would be hard to juggle media work and studying. So let me tell you this.

I am not going to force myself and align my path to you anymore. Starting today, I am going to decide on things based on what I feel, without considering much if the decision will affect on getting to you in the future. I'm done messing up with my future and I'm going to focus now on doing things that I like. If you happened to be my friend, or someone who knows me, I know you would love for me to do this too. However, know that the feelings still stay the same (although I don't think you care about it anyway lol). You're still the cutest part of my life. My safe haven. My resting nest. The one I always go back to when I feel like I want to be the same childish girl who loved you to bits. Still, there's no other man but you. I've just gone more mature now, doing things that would benefit me in the future. 

And I hope you do the same, all the time, too. Do what you want. Enjoy your life and live to the fullest. 

I can't wait to see you!

I know SHINee World PH will happen in Manila soon. I can feel it. I know you'll come. 


Till then...

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Chapter 8: That is what i'm hoping too for next year. To see him before he go. Your letter is making me sad..i'm sure you're going to make it happen. All the best:)
Chapter 8: your letters are like all i ever wanted to say to my bias ugh it made me cry. this is such a beautiful letter. HOPE SOMEDAY JINKI READS THIS AND REALISED HOW IMPORTANT HIS EXISTANCE IS TO HIS FANS WHEN HE FEELS DOWN
Chapter 6: Saeng, I'm reading this one again. It reminds me of ALL the feelings I had for Jinki... , for Taemin and Jonghyun that I really like..., for SHINee that had been my strength when I was at my saddest moments. It brings all the memories back. Memories that were sooooo wonderful. I was becoming busy these years that I almost forgot that I was once a Shawol. Thank you so much Eloi. :)
Chapter 5: God, your letters are beautiful author-nim (can I call you eonnie?). I can feel your love for Jinki in every sentence.

I know how you feel since I'm Onew-biased and I love him too.okay, this is gonna sounds so weird, The thought of him dating another artist kinda upsets me, bit I find myself feeling okay if he dates you since I can feel your love for him.

Sorry for my rambling, you really are a good writers ;w;
Chapter 5: SM is overworking shinee for money so that they can make up the lost that SuJu will make since almost half of them are going for military service... As much as I appreciate seeing my oppas on stage a lot, this is just too much. They haven't had a rest since dream girl. They're commuting from Korea to Japan almost everyday. They'll be promoting everybody for the rest of the year with JAT still going on and there will be another J-comeback in December. It is the time for shinee to rest. SM should stop. Like seriously, stop. They're putting their health at stake.
Chapter 4: I think I should go grab Onew as soon as he lands in the airport and bring him to you. Nevermind being jailed.
Chapter 3: i'm crying too much with these saeng... aigoo.. you are making me cry... i know you love him so much.. how i really wish he would know about your love for him...
Chapter 1: Hey.
I'm crying and hiccuping like crazy at the 4 at this dark night. (Its almost morning). It made me mess, I don't even know why. But thank you, I felt like somebody finally understands me.
I love you.
noona4minho #9
Chapter 3: Dear Eloi...This is the 4th time I'm reading this, seriously! Maybe I should've DMed you, but...I have no idea what to say anyway..there are just too many words to say, so better NOT hahaha Wth is wrong with me??? Just wanna say that somehow, we have something in common [not about Jinki, I swear XD...Eloi=Jinki, Me=Minho :p] I've been writing letters too, so many, to my dearest Choi Minho ^^