For family Member(s) ! ✌

❀ IdeA Reviews Shop {OPEN}


This is a special chapter for our hardworking family member(s)!

It's where I'll be needing your opinion on stuff related to this shop since basically you're apart of it, and DON'T EVER FORGET that you're apart of us. 

I'm ¢ℌ℮ℯṧ¥ αηⅾ ḓїℨℨƴ!


Opinions needed..  


1st  The Number of Family Members -- I need help for how many family members that you want? I don't want to reproduce too many children because that might just lessen other(s) requests!So, what's the right number for you guys? I had some pending  staff application, so yeah, just need to know what you guys felt.

To link or not to link -- I want to know whether you want to link or not your name/pictures to you profile. That's all!   2nd

3rd The layout for the review currently? -- What do you think of each chapter review, I mean the colour and all, font, does it need to be much bigger to be more readable or is it now okay? Anything else you want to improve? If you want to make your own layout, you can do a bog posts for the review. 

To become more intimate (:D) -- This is a question whether you want to have your own nickname other than your4th

AFF nickname? e.g. King of Crown 

5th  A way to improve! -- I want to know your opinion in improving the quality of the shops. Example, the judging criteria, maybe you had other brilliant  suggestion! Feel free to contact me. And any one of the family members can tell their ideA in IdeA for Grab section. Thanks.

Credit here. for cute baby pictures. :)

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sole_ly #1
Hey are you hiring?
I'm a newbie but really strict with stories and such.
I really do need a place to start.
sole_ly #2
Hey are you hiring?
I'm a newbie but really strict with stories and such.
I really do need a place to start.
are you still hiring? o:
if you are, just contact me, and I'll provide you with my examples. ^ ^
Chapter 9: Thanks so much for the review!! ~(^-^)~ I will try my best to improve^^
Hello! Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)
Story title* -- The Perfect Mis-match
Story link* --

Chapters - 1-10

Summary: The charm for my story is it's cuteness and comedy :P it's not yet complete, but it revolves around Jiyeon, who is the first person. I'm not giving a long story for reviewer though.

Reviewers: I'm fine with any :)

Thank you :)
Question Answer
Story title* A Bullet For My Valentine

Story link*

/ 1-10 /

Reviewers* The one who's available at the time ^^

Summary (Your story's charm)*
What happens when you fall in love with your best friend at the age of 12?

How do you react when the new guy in your class makes you angry by being him?

What can you do when your parents are alcoholics?

What happens when your dad leaves your mom for a complete tramp, and you have to take care of your heartbroken mom all alone?

What should you do when your mom is mental and afraid of everything, even you?

And what happens when you find out, that you’re not the only one of your friends who have problems?

Cause you can never depend on life. It'll always find a way to surprise you.
How to apply? o.O