IMPORTANT (not an update)

Just Friends

So I just realized that I accidentally labeled two of my chapters as hidden so you guys kind of didn't get to read them...>w<' my bad...

Im sorry that I fail >,> but please go read chp1 Let's Go To Italy and chp3 Little Castle if you haven't already! 

Thank you and sorry again ^.^'

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MikuJae #1
Chapter 13: This ending was definitely nothing I expected... but although it's like this I like it.

Nice story, really keep on like this! I'm looking forward to a sequel ;-)
Chapter 15: you wrote very nice fic.i enjoyed it very well and now im excited for the sequel.good luck for the best
Chapter 14: YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WRITE A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plot suggestion: Jonghyun could be continually struggling with his feelings for Key, and in the meantime, he gets a girlfriend (I know you said they aren't allowed one, but you could make it for publicity or something). While he's with his girlfriend, he keeps thinking of Key and how this affects Key and how Key feels. Key is obviously heartbroken and is sick of being in love with Jonghyun because he knows (or thinks) that Jjong doesnt like him like that. So Key gets a boyfriend, but he treats Key like crap but Key doesn't tell anyone and just tells them that he's happy. Jonghyun now knows that he likes Key as more than a friend, but thinks that Key is happy. Jonghyun's girlfriend notices things and realizes that Jonghyun is in love Key and breaks up with him. Jonghyun thanks her and goes to find Key, and finds his boyfriend being horrible (abusing//yelling/beating, whatever)to Key. Jonghyun saves him, gets Key's now ex-boyfriend arrested, and then confesses to Key. Then they have and live happily ever after.
Just a suggestion :)
But I do absolutely love this story even if it made me cry!!
ShiningDarkAngel #4
Chapter 14: I loved this story. Please please please please please sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!! ^^
..............that is all..............
Chapter 14: Id say sequel where key tries to move on and be happy maybe have someone show interest in him, but he's oblivious to it, not noticing it . While Jjong starts to recognize his feelings for him but is feeling threatend by this person key hangs out with more, getting jealous.
Chapter 13: wow fic was really did a good job.
BlackRabbit21 #7
Chapter 13: That's it? NO! They have to end up together! Please make a sequel! It's a great story!