Let's go to Italy

Just Friends

Taemin ran into the dark room filled with his sleeping members and the light.
"Hyung's wake up!"
He watched excitedly for some sign of life, but after a short five seconds of no one stirring in their sleep he took action.
First Taemin began with jumping on Onew's bed, since it was the most accessible being on the floor with no bunk above. Once Onew began to respond, Taemin crawled to the bed connected on the right of Onew's bed, and began to poke Minho.
"...stop poking me..." Minho grabbed Taemin's hand, to prevent more poking, and sat up on his free arm. He sleepily stared at Taemin's excited, smiling face.
"Good morning Hyung." Taemin moved back, away from Minho's bed, and gave his attention to the bunk above. "Umma wake up."
Key responded but not the way Taemin wanted; rather than sit up to wake up, Key rolled away from Taemin.
Minho, fully awake now, decided to help Taemin wake Key up by kicking the bunk above his bed repeatedly. This causes the bed to shake and bounce in a random and unpleasant manner.
"Yah! Stop that!" Key sat up and slapped Taemin's arm.
"It's not me!" Taemin objected rubbing his arm.
Minho began to laugh as he continued to kick the bottom of Key's bed.
A now angry, and semi awake Key leaned over the edge of his bed and shot daggers from his eyes to Minho's.
"If you do not stop kicking my bed, so help me Minho. I will come down there and kick you."
Slowly Minho stopped kicking Key's bed and got out of his bed stretching.
"So hostile." Minho yawned as he walked over to Jonghyun's bunk and pulled off his blankets. "Wake up Hyung."
"I don't want to." Jonghyun whined as he covered his head with a pillow.
"If you don't get up Jjong he might start kicking your bed." Key sounded annoyed as he got down from his bed.
"I don't care." Jonghyun whined again not moving.
"Why do we have to get up?" Onew was sitting on his bed yawning and rubbing his eyes.
"What!? You don't remember!?" Shock in Taemin's tone, he looked at Onew like he had two heads. "We're going on vacation in Italy for a week! How could you forget Hyung?"
Onew just shrugged in response, lying back down to return to dream land.


A van pulled up to a mostly empty parking lot outside of a camp ground. The van came to a stop letting Minho, who was followed by his other band members, out first. Onew was the last to exit, making sure he bowed toward the driver and thanking him.
While Onew thanked the driver everyone else got their stuff out from the back of the van.
"Someone should go check in so we know where to set up camp at." Jonghyun threw two bags over his shoulder as he looked over at the check-in building.
"I'll go." Taemin volunteered himself happily as he jogged over to the check-in building.
After 15 minutes went by, Taemin came back over to everyone with five yellow bands in his hand.
"Ok so our camp site is E4 which is down this road on the left side. Also these yellow bands will be our access in and out of this camp ground so we have to wear them on our wrist." Taemin handed everyone a band before putting his own on.
"Why do we have to wear these ugly yellow bands? Can't they be a better color, at least?" Key whined as he hesitated to put on the band.
"You are such a girl." Minho shook his head at Key's actions.
The comment earned Minho a glare from Key and a chuckle from Jonghyun.
"Yah! Do encourage him by laughing." Key yelled at Jonghyun who help his hands up in defense.
"Come on guys. Let's go find our camp site." Onew waved for everyone to follow him as he began the journey down the road.
5 minutes passed and they finally reached their destination down the S curve road. Their site was a nice space between a wall and a tree. In the back of the site there was another wall that prevented someone from going directly into the very big, beautiful lake.
"Wow~ Look how big the lake is Hyung’s! It's like an ocean!" Taemin ran over to the waist high wall, which blocked access from land to water, and leaned on it with both his arms.
"Yeah, it's also really pretty. That's why we're here Taemin-ah." Jonghyun said dropping his bags on the ground and looking at the camp site. "We have a nice space."
"We should start setting up our tents. It'll be getting dark soon." Minho stated as he unpacked the tents and laid them out in preparation to set them up.
"Yes I agree, but there're three tents so we should have teams. Two for one tent, two for another and one person has to set up their own tent." Onew added.
"Then I think everyone should set up the tent that they will be staying in." Jonghyun looked at each tent checking to see if one was bigger than the others.
"Why are we sleeping in tents? On the ground. For a week. I'm going to be dirty and have back problems." Key whined more as he walked over to where Onew, Jonghyun and Minho were standing.
"Look on the bright side Key, we get a break from our busy schedules and have time to relax." Jonghyun simply shrugged with a smile spread on his face.
"Exactly. We should be relaxing. So why are we camping in Italy? It would be a lot more relaxing if we had a hotel room or something like that." Key folded his arms over his chest, angling his stance so that his hip was sticking out in a diva stance.
Taemin chose this moment to join the group joyfully. "Come on Key hyung~ stop looking at the bad and look at the good."
Key rolled his eyes in response as he shifted his hip to the opposite side.
"Since we're all here right now let’s figure out the sleeping attachments. When I count to three we'll all present a side of our hands. Ether palms up or palms down, ok?" Everyone nodded in response to Onew, preparing their hands. "One, two, three."
Onew and Taemin both put their palms up while everyone else put their palms down.
"Ok me and Taemin will share a tent." Onew smiled like usual as he, and Taemin, removed their hands from the circle. "I'll count again for you guys. One, two three."
This time Jonghyun and Minho put their palms up, while Key kept his down.
"Key has to set up his own tent." Jonghyun pointed and laughed at Key who frowned, glaring into back at him.
"At least I'll have my tent to myself." Key responded grabbing one of the tent sets off the ground.
"Let's get started Hyung, I wanna explore!" Taemin excitedly picked up another tent and pulled Onew to one of three spots for tents.

20 minutes later a green and blue tent were set up with sleeping bags and belongs in them. The green one belonging to Onew and Taemin; the blue on belonging to Jonghyun and Minho.
Meanwhile, next to the finished blue and green tents, Key fought with his own red tent trying just to keep it up.
"Would you like help Key?" Minho offered as he approached the red tent.
"No, I like my tent caved in on itself. Of course I want help." Key rolled his eyes still trying to keep the tent up.
"Don't be mean Umma. Minho's just trying to help you." Taemin chimed in.
"...sorry it's just every time I put one of these poles in the ground the other one comes out and my tent falls for the millionth time."
"Here." Minho grabbed one of the four poles and stuck it in the ground. "Now put that one in." He motion towards the pole next to Key.

Thanks to Minho's help, Key's tent finally went up properly and he put his stuff inside it.
Once all the tents were set up they explored the camp ground as a group, see that there was a little island in the middle of the huge lake. There was a shallow pathway to the island from the mainland. The path was generally knee deep in water as a posed to the rest of the water, which was ocean deep.
It was now dark outside and everyone was hungry for dinner, so they all headed over to the restaurants connected to the camp site. During dinner they all planned to explore the island once done eating. So needless to say, after dinner everyone went back to their tents, put on shorts and left their shoes behind.
Excited, they walked through the rocky beach to the pathway in the water. Onew was the first to step into the water, making the path to follow. Taemin and Minho were quick to follow; then Jonghyun joined in but Key stayed still. His feet barely in the water as he second guessed this adventure.
Key now realizing that it’s nearly pitched black outside making it impossible to see what's in the water. On top of that, it was an unfamiliar path; there was no way to be certain that they were following the path right or what kind of creatures were in the water. The only guidance they had was to follow Onew, and to Key that didn't seem like the best idea.
Jonghyun noticed that there weren’t any sounds of Key following behind him, so he turned to see Key still standing on the rock filled beach.
"Come on Key. What are you waiting for?" He waved for Key to follow.
Key opened his mouth to respond but decided to man up and join the other members. Hesitantly he inched through the water feeling the slippery rocks below him. Then, all of a sudden, something slimy rubbed against Key's foot and he screamed and ran as fast as he could in the water to Jonghyun.
"What happened? Why did you scream?" Jonghyun asked as Key grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly.
"Is everything ok?" Minho retracing his steps toward Jonghyun and Key to see what happened.
"S-something slide across my foot!" Key was still freaking out, keeping his grip strong on Jonghyun's hand.
Minho smirked, "Maybe it was a snake."
Jonghyun hit Minho's arm semi playfully and semi protectively. "Don't scare him more by saying things like that."
"Sorry Hyung." Minho chuckled happily as he turns around to go back to the others, who were still advancing toward the island.
"Are there really snakes in here?" Key sounded panicked as he moved closer to Jonghyun for comfort.
"Um, I'm not sure but don't think about it. We'll be at the island in no time so come on." Jonghyun tried his best to reinsure Key as he began to walk forward again; holding onto Key's hand so he wouldn't be too scared.
"...Jjong...will you sing for me? It will make me more at ease..." Key requested, very close to Jonghyun using him as support anytime he slipped on a rock.
"Sure." Jonghyun more than happily obliged as he began to sing songs that he knew Key liked.
As everyone followed Onew's lead they noticed that he started to sink lower and lower into the water. That didn't seem right to the other members since they knew for a fact that the path was only knee deep water, so they hesitated to follow him. Then all of a sudden, Onew began to panic and turn around to run back to the beach. As he ran past, Taemin called after him, "Hyung, what's wrong!?"
Onew didn't stop retreating, though he did slow down, as he quickly stated, "Giant creature."
This terrified Key so he began to run back to shore as well, bringing Jonghyun with him since he didn't release his hand.
Once everyone got back to shore of the rocky beach, Minho and Taemin being last since they didn't run back, they headed back to their camp site.
Onew had to go shower off since he wound up going chest deep in the water; while everyone else just washed water on their legs.
"I am exhausted." Key exclaimed, grabbing his stuff for bed. "And you should be to." Key directed his words at Taemin like a scolding parent.
"I'm not five," Taemin slightly whined not wanting to go to bed yet.
"Listen to your Umma, young man." Jonghyun chimed in playfully, waving his finger in a parental manner towards Taemin.
"Not you to." Taemin sighed at his controlling Hyung's.

After some time, everyone got ready for bed and went to their tents to sleep.

Hope you liked it! Please give me feedback!

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MikuJae #1
Chapter 13: This ending was definitely nothing I expected... but although it's like this I like it.

Nice story, really keep on like this! I'm looking forward to a sequel ;-)
Chapter 15: you wrote very nice fic.i enjoyed it very well and now im excited for the sequel.good luck for the best
Chapter 14: YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WRITE A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plot suggestion: Jonghyun could be continually struggling with his feelings for Key, and in the meantime, he gets a girlfriend (I know you said they aren't allowed one, but you could make it for publicity or something). While he's with his girlfriend, he keeps thinking of Key and how this affects Key and how Key feels. Key is obviously heartbroken and is sick of being in love with Jonghyun because he knows (or thinks) that Jjong doesnt like him like that. So Key gets a boyfriend, but he treats Key like crap but Key doesn't tell anyone and just tells them that he's happy. Jonghyun now knows that he likes Key as more than a friend, but thinks that Key is happy. Jonghyun's girlfriend notices things and realizes that Jonghyun is in love Key and breaks up with him. Jonghyun thanks her and goes to find Key, and finds his boyfriend being horrible (abusing//yelling/beating, whatever)to Key. Jonghyun saves him, gets Key's now ex-boyfriend arrested, and then confesses to Key. Then they have and live happily ever after.
Just a suggestion :)
But I do absolutely love this story even if it made me cry!!
ShiningDarkAngel #4
Chapter 14: I loved this story. Please please please please please sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!! ^^
..............that is all..............
Chapter 14: Id say sequel where key tries to move on and be happy maybe have someone show interest in him, but he's oblivious to it, not noticing it . While Jjong starts to recognize his feelings for him but is feeling threatend by this person key hangs out with more, getting jealous.
Chapter 13: wow fic was really great.you did a good job.
BlackRabbit21 #7
Chapter 13: That's it? NO! They have to end up together! Please make a sequel! It's a great story!