I Need A Doctor

Just Friends

Jonghyun's POV

"Taemin-ah! Where are your manners?" I could hear Key scolding Taemin outside of my tent followed by a light smacking sound. Key probably hit Taemin for "acting bad" or being a "brat" like usual.
It always amuses me when Key acts like Taemin's mother and Taemin reacts like the child he is. Sometimes even I like to join the roll play and scold Taemin with Key.
Slowly I sit up in my sleeping bag stretching my arms wide and yawn trying to wake up. After a little while of waking up I decide to exit the tent, hungry for breakfast.
ping the tent, I stick my head out to observe my surroundings before I fully get out and close the tent again.
"Good morning sleepy head." Key chimes from the mini table (that was not there last night) which held fruits for breakfast and the other members surrounded it in chairs.
"Am I the last one to wake up?" I asked yawning as I take the open seat by the table.
"I tried to wake you up Hyung, but nothing worked." Taemin shrugged as he ate a banana.
Out of nowhere, Key started laughing before he started combed his finger through my hair.
"Your hair is a mess. What did you and Minho do last night?" Key finished fixing my hair with a smile and went back to drink tea he somehow made.
"Well I personally went to sleep but I don't know what he did." Minho stated grabbing an apple from the fruit plate and eating it.

After everyone was done eating;
Key began to clean up, Taemin and myself were made to help Key clean up, while Onew and Minho put bathing suits on and ran off. Once done cleaning up me and Taemin put our bathing suits on, planning to meet Onew and Minho at the island we tried to go to last night.
"Are you going to get dressed Key?" I noticed that Key was still sitting in the same chair as before only now he had a sketch book.
"I'd rather not get attacked by mystery monsters just to see an island." Key shook his head, eyes glued to his sketch book as his hand doodled something.
"Come on Hyung, nothing will happen." Taemin chimed hoping to get Key to go.
"No thank you. I'll just wait here until you guys come back." Key glanced up at us before going back to his drawing.
"But Bummie~ it won't be as much fun without you." I pout as cutely as I can trying to change Key's mind.
He looked up at me again before quickly hiding his face. "I said no."
"Fine, let's go Taemin." Finally I give up, if the nickname and pouting didn't work then nothing would.
"Alright, bye Hyung~" Taemin cheerfully wave to Key was we walk away from the campsite.
"Try not to get eaten." Key called after us.
I chuckled in response; Key can be so irrational sometimes it's just funny.
"Hey Hyung look." Taemin stopped walking to point at a path away from the beach. "That path looks like it leads to the water also. We should take it and see if we can sneak up on Minho and Onew hyung."
I hesitated for a second thinking whether or not to follow Taemin. "Well it can't hurt to check it out." In the end I just shrug and follow Taemin down the mystery path.
The path did lead to water but it was not the safest route to take. Instead of a pebble filled beach it was a bunch of big rocks cover in moss and slight water. Rather than a shallow path to the island you had to jump into the deep water and swim to the island.
"This is perfect! We can defiantly sneak up on those two and scare them." Taemin smirked somewhat evilly as he thought out his plan to scare Onew and Minho.
"We should pretend to be monsters in the trees." I added getting into the idea of scaring those two.
"Great Jonghyun hyung! Let's go." he wasted no time, hopping along the dangerously slippery rock before diving into the deep water.
How did he get across so fast and easy? I can barely make it across two rocks before I start slipping. It wasn't long before I reached the end of the rocks and got ready to jump into the water to join Taemin. But right when I started to jump, my foot slipped and slide in-between two sharp rocks. Bracing myself with my arms as I landed onto the other slick rocks.
"Hyung are you ok?" Taemin instantly became worried as I fell onto the rocks with my foot in-between rocks.
"Aish. That hurt." Slowly, I sit up giving my attention to my arms; shooting pain flowing from my forearms. Suddenly my pain went from my arms to my foot, which was still stuck in a mossy hole.
Quickly Taemin hopped up onto the rocks, helping me remove my foot from its cage before aiding my too stand up. "Can you walk? Did you twist your foot?"
"I'm fine. I just need to go sit down." I winced as I begin to limp on the ground, happy to be off of the rocks.
"Use me like a crutch, Hyung. I'll walk back to the camp site with you." He wrapped his arm on my back as I leaned on him to ease the pain in my foot.
After what seemed like an eternity, we reached the campsite and Taemin lead me to an open chair.
"Thank you Taemin. You can go now if you want." I smiled at Taemin gratefully.
"What happened?" Key looked up from his sketch book seeing my already bruising arms. Then he looked towards my foot and looked scared. "Aigoo! Jjong your bleeding!"
"What?" Quickly, I look down to see that the side of my foot was bright red with liquid. "Oh great..."
"Stay right there, I'll fix you up." Key stood up and ran to his tent before coming back with a first aid kit.
"Wow Key you really came prepared." It still amazed me how prepared he always was, even after knowing him for years now.
Key bent down in front of me, picking up my foot and began to clean it. "Well I am the designated Umma, so I'm kind of obligated to care for you guys. So it only makes sense that I be prepared. Right?" He paused to look up at me with a warm smile.
Something about seeing him so loving and caring while wrapping my injury made me speechless. I could only nod in response as his bright brown orbs traveled from my own down to my injured foot.
"This may sting, but it will only be for a short amount of time." He began to pour some cleaning alcohol onto my open cut.
I wince at the pain, clenching my fist and biting my lip, drawing blood. The pain coursing through my body until a sudden nice breeze cooled my burning cut.
Looking down towards my foot, I notice the source of the breeze cane from Key's lips. After a couple of soft blows he looked up at me with big eyes.
"Did that make it feel better Jjong?" His expression looked so innocent and caring, it made my heart race.
Slightly, I nodded my head. "U-uh, yeah...thanks." My cheeks starting to feel warm, I look away avoiding eye contact.
"So, you care to share how this happened to you?" Key chuckled, going back to his normal self (not the really innocent, caring self he was seconds ago), as he put medicine followed by bandages on my wound.
"I slipped on some rocks and fell." This caused Key to laugh harder at me. Yup he's defiantly back to his normal self. "Yah! What's so funny? I could have been seriously hurt."
"Nothing, why would I laugh at you for falling like a little child." he defiantly did not mean the words coming from his mouth. "I expected this from Onew hyung, but not you." The laughter seemed like it wasn't going anywhere for some time, as he continued to chuckle already back in his own chair.
Semi annoyed, I folded my arms over my chest half pouting and have glaring at him. Key's laughter slowed once he looked at my face until he stopped all together and skilled at me.
"Don't pout like that Jjong. You know I don't like it." He turned his attention towards his sketch book once again.

After about five minutes of boredom, I decided to bother Key, "So what cha drawing there Kibum?"
"Nothing special...why?" he barley even glanced at me, keeping his hand working on his sketch.
"You should draw..." I paused to think for a minute, how could I mess with him? Got it! He always acts weird when I pose without a shirt on. "You should draw me how I am now. No shirt to show off my y body."
With a smirk, I pose like I would at a photo shoot (which tends to mean that I look pretty y if I do say so myself).
Just as I predicted, Key was no longer calm and focused looking; quit the opposite actually. His eyes were darting all over the place trying to avoid me, he ducted his head down to hide his face for some reason, and got fidgety in his seat.
"I-I'd rather not." Key refused to make eye contact, or even just to look up at me; trying to hide behind his sketch book.
"Aw, Kibum~ why not? Am I not worthy enough for you to draw me?"
"No I...I would just rather not, Jonghyun." he turned away from me, still hiding behind the sketch book.
"Then can you at least draw a cute doodle of me and you?" bored already, I rest my head in my hand leaning on the arm of the chair.
There was a long pause of silence, Key almost looked frozen before he turned his head just enough to look at me.
"I guess a little doodle couldn't hurt. But don't judge it in the end or else I won't ever draw for you again." he warned me as he turned back toward me before getting to work.
I watched as his hand made on the paper with the pen. His eyes follow the pen while he pursed his lips; bangs falling in his eyes as he tilts his head slightly to the side. Key had a habit of tilting his head when he was really focused on his work, whether it was drawing or group related stuff.
Time flew by as I got lost in thought, my eyes examining Key up and down. I hadn't realized until he looked up and put the pen down.
"You know, most people don't like it when others stare at them while their trying to do something." He stated, placing the sketch book in his lap and folding his hands on top of it.
"S-sorry," I snapped out of my trance realizing he was talking to me. "So can I see it? The drawing."
"Hmm," Key hummed in thought as he placed a finger on his lips. "I guess I will allow it. But if you make the wrong comment Jjong...!" he warned but I cut him off.
"Yeah, yeah. If I say the wrong thing so help you you'll do...something to me." I waved my hand as I put emphasis on the word something.
With a sigh, Key handed me his sketch book and watched for my reaction.
My lips formed into a smile from the sight of Key's drawing; it was obnoxiously adorable. It was of me and him as I requested, but it was of us in chibi form and animal features. Key was so cute looking with his fox ears and tail, while he held up his usual piece sign. Chibi me was almost an exact mirror of chibi Key, only I had dog ears and tail. In the sketch we were both holding hands and smiling like there was a camera.
"It's so cute!" I exclaimed brightly.
"Really? You like it?" There was a pink ting to Key's cheeks as I nodded excitedly in response.
"Can I keep it? I'll hang it above my bed when we get back home." Hesitantly I gave it back to him, wanting to keep it forever.
"Yeah sure. But I'll hold onto it for now." He closed the book and stood up to put it away.
As Key put the sketch book away Taemin, Minho and Onew came into view walking toward the camp site.
"Jonghyun-hyung I heard about your mishap on the rocks." Minho approached me with a concerned expression. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah Key fixed me up." I nodded smiling at Key as he came back over from the tents.
"That was kind of you Key. Taking care of a fellow member like a nurse." Onew smiled and patted Key's shoulder.
"He was bleeding so I figured he could use some help." He shrugged like it was nothing big.
"But Key-hyung, I thought you hated blood." Taemin chimed in confused.
That's right Key can't stand the sight of blood. He can't even deal with it when it's his own let allow someone else.
Just realizing how caring it was for him to clean my cut, I look over to him making eye contact. We looked into each other’s eyes for a second before he looked away hiding something.
"What? I don't hate blood. Where did you get that from?" Key objected turning away from the others and waving a hand. "Babo..." he almost whispered under his breath.
"But I could have sworn-" Minho cut Taemin off.
"Just forget about it Taemin." he patted Taemin's head with a shake of his head. "On another note I'm hungry. So I suggest we eat then go back to the beach."
"I'll go eat but I don't think I should go in the water with my cut. It might get undercuts." I stated, shifting in my seat to stand up. (Leaning on my uninvited foot more)
"You could just sit on the beach and play with the rocks or something." Onew suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.
"That's not fun though. I'll be stick on the shore bored while watching you guys have fun." I pouted already disliking my injury for being in the way.
"I'll sit with you." Key chimed in nonchalantly as we began our journey for food.
Rather than answer I just nodded and smiled at Key. It seems like me and him are going to become much closer friends during this trip. Maybe my injury isn't that bad after all.

So yay for chapter 2! I hope you enjoy it so far.

So if you’re wondering what the picture Key drew is here’s the link . Obviously he didn’t really draw it but we can pretend lol.


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MikuJae #1
Chapter 13: This ending was definitely nothing I expected... but although it's like this I like it.

Nice story, really keep on like this! I'm looking forward to a sequel ;-)
Chapter 15: you wrote very nice fic.i enjoyed it very well and now im excited for the sequel.good luck for the best
Chapter 14: YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WRITE A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plot suggestion: Jonghyun could be continually struggling with his feelings for Key, and in the meantime, he gets a girlfriend (I know you said they aren't allowed one, but you could make it for publicity or something). While he's with his girlfriend, he keeps thinking of Key and how this affects Key and how Key feels. Key is obviously heartbroken and is sick of being in love with Jonghyun because he knows (or thinks) that Jjong doesnt like him like that. So Key gets a boyfriend, but he treats Key like crap but Key doesn't tell anyone and just tells them that he's happy. Jonghyun now knows that he likes Key as more than a friend, but thinks that Key is happy. Jonghyun's girlfriend notices things and realizes that Jonghyun is in love Key and breaks up with him. Jonghyun thanks her and goes to find Key, and finds his boyfriend being horrible (abusing//yelling/beating, whatever)to Key. Jonghyun saves him, gets Key's now ex-boyfriend arrested, and then confesses to Key. Then they have and live happily ever after.
Just a suggestion :)
But I do absolutely love this story even if it made me cry!!
ShiningDarkAngel #4
Chapter 14: I loved this story. Please please please please please sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!! ^^
..............that is all..............
Chapter 14: Id say sequel where key tries to move on and be happy maybe have someone show interest in him, but he's oblivious to it, not noticing it . While Jjong starts to recognize his feelings for him but is feeling threatend by this person key hangs out with more, getting jealous.
Chapter 13: wow fic was really great.you did a good job.
BlackRabbit21 #7
Chapter 13: That's it? NO! They have to end up together! Please make a sequel! It's a great story!