Just Have Fun~

Just Friends

It was the last full day left before the vacation would be over, and nothing interesting really went on. Minho and Taemin spent their time on the island during the day and the wall at the campsite during the night. Onew would hang out around the beach ether swimming or reading a book; sometimes joining Minho and Taemin on the island. Key was no longer happy so he would stay at the campsite to draw or take a walk around to think to himself. Jonghyun tried to keep Key company but he was being his y diva self, so after being blown off a few times he would go join the others.
Since it was going to be the last night in Italy, Onew saw it fit that everyone spend it together out in the town. They really hadn't left the campgrounds since they had food, bathrooms, beaches and a sleeping space; seeing no real need to go exploring beyond the area.
After gathering everyone back at the campsite Onew prepared to informed them of his plans for that night.
"Why did you want us to all gather like this hyung?" Taemin was the first to question Onew once everyone was sitting in their seats.
"I was talking to one of the workers hear and they mentioned that there's a really good restaurant in town we should check out before leaving tomorrow. So I asked for some directions and decided since it's our last night in Italy we should spend it together in town." Onew explain excitedly ignoring the groans from his dongsaeng.
"As great as that sounds hyung, there is a restaurant right here so we don't have to walk far and can relax after." Minho interjected surprisingly being lazy for once.
"Well yeah, but! There is also supposed to be a fair nearby the restaurant and a good ice cream place. So we could get ice cream after we eat and then check out the fair." A bright smile planted on Onew's face as he thought about the fun they could have that night.
"That sounds fun. We could make good memories with each other as a group." Jonghyun added now just as excited as Onew.
"Yeah it's a good chance to become even closer too." Taemin states as he makes eye contact with Key before gesturing towards Jonghyun with a smile. Key on the other hand just rolled his eyes and silently grunted.
"So are we all in agreement?" Onew asked everyone after a few seconds of silence.
"Of course hyung!" Taemin gave a bright smile while Minho nodded.
"Well you can count me out. I'll just stay here while you guys have fun." Key waved his hand as if to dismiss the plans.
"Aw come on Key, stop being so cranky and have fun with us." Jonghyun nudged Key's shoulder earning a pouty, glare. "I will drag you all the way to the restaurant if I have to Kibum."
"Hmp, I'd like to see you try." Key grunted in response, folding his arms over his chest and turning away from Jonghyun.
"Heh, alright but you asked for it." instantly Jonghyun stood up and grabbed Key, throwing him over his shoulder like a little child.
Key began to struggle and fight against Jonghyun's grasp as he banged on his back, "Kim Jonghyun! Put me down this instant! Or else I'll-"
He cut Key off with a smirk directed to the other members. "Let's get going, shall we?"

After a few minutes of walking on the beach towards the other side of the large lake, Key had finally calmed down.
"You can put me down now. I promise not to run away or whatever." Key sighed as the millionth person gave him a weird look for being carried.
"Ok but if you misbehave I'll be forced to punish you," Jonghyun cued playfully as he set Key down.
"Whatever that means you ," Key just rolled his eyes and turned away, hiding the slight blush from the comment. Jonghyun just snickered in response and continued forward.
"Onew hyung how much further do we have to go? I'm getting tired of walking alone these rocks." A whine came from Taemin as he began to slouch his shoulders and sigh.
"It shouldn't be much further," Onew pointed towards a bridge that was a few feet away, "After that bridge it's about five blocks away." A smile spread across his face in excitement.
Suddenly Jonghyun started freaking out about something he saw up ahead. "Aish! Look at that!"
"Look at wh-" just then Key saw what he was freaking out about and instantly frowned. It was a topless woman tanning in what little left of the sun there was.
"What is it?" Taemin tried to push his Hyung's out of the way to see what they were talking about, but Key covered his eyes.
"Don't look! I don't want my baby to be scarred for life." Key exclaimed in his motherly tone.
"I'm not five Key hyung!" Taemin tried to protest but gave up after realizing he couldn't win.
"Hehe stop drooling, she might think your some kind of ." Minho chuckled at Jonghyun who was still watching her even though they already passed.
"Yah, you’re so gross. Getting all excited over a half woman." there was irritation in Keys voice as he finally allowed Taemin to see again.
"No I'm not, and my reaction is normal for any guy," finally Jonghyun turned, walking normal like everyone else.
"Well I thought it was disgusting so I guess I'm abnormal." Now mad, Key crossed his arms over his chest and frowned.
"Or gay," Minho chimed in with a smirk which Key smacked away in a swing of his arm.
"This is one of the many reasons I just wanted to be alone tonight." Key grunted slowing his pace, like a child having a tantrum, to separate from the group some.
"Look what you did Minho hyung! You just had to say that," Taemin began to scolded Minho for hurting his Umma.
"What I was just having fun. Plus he was complaining and I'm tired of it." Minho shrugged not feeling sorry at all.
Rather than listen to more bickering from the 2min's, Jonghyun slide back to walk with Key to try and cheer him up. After a few seconds of uneasy silence Jonghyun cleared his throat to address Key.
"I'm sorry if I offended you with my behavior."
Silence, nothing but a grunt escaped Key's throat.
"Remember Key-goon, if you misbehave I'll be forced to punish you~" he tried a different approach to lighten the mood.
"Is that your pick up line or something? Why do you keep saying it?" Keys eyes never left their focus as he spoke coldly.
"Only for you Yeobo~" Jonghyun latched his arms sweetly around Keys waist as they kept walking; stopping when they stepped onto the bridge.
"Jjong can we please not play that game right now. I'm not in the mood..." Key didn't fight to get free of the affectionate hug but he didn't respond to it ether.
"Come on Key just have fun. Look I don't know what's be up with you lately but tonight can you forget it and enjoy yourself?" Jonghyun shifted so now he just had his arm around Keys shoulder, turning to face the sunset with him. "It's our last night in this country and we have such a lovely sunset to make it better. So will you have fun with us tonight?"
"...It is a beautiful sunset..." Key agrees after a pause of silence.
"Not as beautiful as you," Jonghyun looked like he'd seen a ghost as those worlds snuck out of his lips. Quickly he glanced at Key only to see him blush and smile before nodding.
"Ok I'll try to have fun for you," Jonghyun let out the breath of air he unknowingly was holding; luckily for him Key ether didn't hear him or just ignored it.

They had reached the restaurant and been seated; now just waiting for their food. Key and Onew helped the others order their food since they were both good at English. When the food finally got there they celebrated (quietly), all their stomachs now on the verge of "starving".
"Thank you." everyone nodded at the waiter after their plates were all put down.
"Yah what is this?" Key began to stab his food with his fork, annoyed that the top was rock hard.
"It's lasagna." Onew smiles at Key not realizing that wasn't the answer he wanted.
"Yes, I know that...but how am I supposed to eat something rock hard?" he gave it another stab before frowning and putting his fork down in defeat.
Without saying a word Jonghyun (who sat next to Key) reached over with his fork and removed the hard layer of lasagna from the rest of the meal.
"Looks like you don't have a problem anymore," Minho states before taking a big bite of the pizza he and Taemin shared.
With a sigh Key began to eat his food, along with everyone else. After finishing and paying for the food, they walked to the ice cream shop that was less than a block away and got their treats.
"What flavor did you get Key-goon?" Jonghyun seemed to appear out of nowhere slightly startling Key.
"Chocolate, weren't you listening when I ordered?" Key states as he at his frozen treat.
"I wanna taste," Jonghyun ignored Keys protest leaning in and the spot just previously . "Mmm that's good~ but mines better. Wanna try?" he offers the cone in his hand towards the object of his attention.
"I doubt that...but I guess I'll try," slowly Key leaned forward and tasted Jonghyun's ice cream, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks as he thought of something inappropriate. A hum coming from Key's throat at said thoughts.
"See I knew you would like it better." A smile of achievement spread across Jonghyun's face as he thought he won.
"Huh what?" Jonghyun's voice brought Key back to reality. "Oh, no I still think mines better."
Before Jonghyun could interject, Onew spoke with excitement, "Look it's the fair! Let's go!" he ran across the street towards the fair. It almost seem to be in the middle of nowhere even though there were stores in the area.
Jonghyun began to chuckle as they all followed after their childish leader causing Key to question him.
"What's funny?"
"Hehe I was just thinking-"
"Omo you were thinking!?"
"Yah" Jonghyun playfully hit Key's arm.
"Keke sorry I couldn't help myself."
"Well I was think that apparently in the middle of nowhere in Italy you can find yourself at a fair." he continued to snicker at his thought.
Key stared blankly at him as they stopped walking, now at the entrance of the fair. "...that wasn't funny..."
"Aw Key-Umma don't be mean." Taemin chimes in as he and Minho stopped with them.
"I'm not being mean, but I'm also not going to lie." Key shrugs off Taemin's interjection.
Taemin was about to say something else when Jonghyun interrupted him, "It's ok Taemin-ah I have thick skin. Key's bluntness doesn't affect me much anymore." adding a smile at the end.
"Well since we're being honest I don't want to be here right now. I'm getting tired and want to be back at the campsite." Key states turning his back to the fair that the group’s leader had disappeared in.
"Well Jonghyun and you can walk back together and we'll see you later." Taemin saw this as an opportunity to help his Umma have alone time with his crush.
Key picked up on it and shot a death glare at Taemin, "I don't need someone to walk me back. It's not like I'm a helpless girl."
"I don’t know about that" Minho smirked, pleased with his mean words towards Key.
"Ok your asking for it assh-" Before Key could freak out on Minho; Jonghyun grabbed his wrist and started walking away with him.
"Alright, time to go Bummie."
With that Jonghyun dragged away a very unhappy Key, so unhappy that he insisted the get alcohol on the way back.

Sorry this took so long to update...I've been really busy with school.

So here is the next chapter! I know it's not that good (because i had a really hard time writing it) but the next chapter will have some fun Jongkey moments!! And I'm starting on it right now so hopefully i'll update it withing this weekend :3

Well i love you guys and if you have any ideas you want me to do just let me know and I'll see what i can do!!!!!~

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MikuJae #1
Chapter 13: This ending was definitely nothing I expected... but although it's like this I like it.

Nice story, really keep on like this! I'm looking forward to a sequel ;-)
Chapter 15: you wrote very nice fic.i enjoyed it very well and now im excited for the sequel.good luck for the best
Chapter 14: YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WRITE A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plot suggestion: Jonghyun could be continually struggling with his feelings for Key, and in the meantime, he gets a girlfriend (I know you said they aren't allowed one, but you could make it for publicity or something). While he's with his girlfriend, he keeps thinking of Key and how this affects Key and how Key feels. Key is obviously heartbroken and is sick of being in love with Jonghyun because he knows (or thinks) that Jjong doesnt like him like that. So Key gets a boyfriend, but he treats Key like crap but Key doesn't tell anyone and just tells them that he's happy. Jonghyun now knows that he likes Key as more than a friend, but thinks that Key is happy. Jonghyun's girlfriend notices things and realizes that Jonghyun is in love Key and breaks up with him. Jonghyun thanks her and goes to find Key, and finds his boyfriend being horrible (abusing//yelling/beating, whatever)to Key. Jonghyun saves him, gets Key's now ex-boyfriend arrested, and then confesses to Key. Then they have and live happily ever after.
Just a suggestion :)
But I do absolutely love this story even if it made me cry!!
ShiningDarkAngel #4
Chapter 14: I loved this story. Please please please please please sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!! ^^
..............that is all..............
Chapter 14: Id say sequel where key tries to move on and be happy maybe have someone show interest in him, but he's oblivious to it, not noticing it . While Jjong starts to recognize his feelings for him but is feeling threatend by this person key hangs out with more, getting jealous.
Chapter 13: wow fic was really great.you did a good job.
BlackRabbit21 #7
Chapter 13: That's it? NO! They have to end up together! Please make a sequel! It's a great story!