I Just Want to go Home...

Just Friends


I didn't have feelings for Jonghyun in the beginning when our group was made. It wasn't anything like 'love at first sight' or how it is in movies and whatnot. He (just like the other members) was a stranger that I had to befriend if I wanted to be part of the K-pop world. Though we barely knew each other, when I missed all my friends from my home town he sort of took on the role as my best friend making my homesickness better. Obviously I became friends with the other members but it wasn't like the friendship I shared with Jonghyun. My feelings became stronger towards him when his personality came out. Not the cocky, conceded, know it all personality traits but the flirtatious, funny, childish ones. It's kind of hard not to grow feelings for someone when they flirt with you all the time, whether it's real or not. On top of that he's really attractive and very fit. I think I was doomed from the start to fall for Jonghyun one way or another.
So now here I am with my heart pounding out of my chest as Jonghyun lay next to me with his muscular arm firmly around my waist and his warm breath on the back of my neck. It's probably 12 in the morning by now but I still can't drift off into dream land due to the sleeping body next to me. Jonghyun was supposed to be sharing a tent with Minho but he decided to spend the night in my tent. (Since Taemin and Minho had already fallen asleep in the other tent leaving no room for him) Not that I'm complaining since I get to cuddle with my crush.
"Hmm...don't go~" Jonghyun hummed into my neck tightening his hold around me waist, pulling my hips into his. I could feel my cheeks warming up.
"What are you talking about?" confused I turn my head towards Jonghyun only to find he was just sleep talking. An amused smile spreads across my lips as I turn to look forward again, snuggling into him a little more.
I could stay like this forever.
Shutting my eyes, images of us together flashed through my head before I finally fall asleep.


The sounds of giggling and whispers pulled me from my wonderful dream. Opening my eyes I notice that Jonghyun was still sleeping with his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. I smiled at the pleasant feeling and closed my eyes again forgetting why I woke up.

"Why are we watching them?"
"Shhh! You'll wake them!"
Annoyed with from the disturbance I opened my eyes again and lifted my head, seeing Taemin and Minho sitting in front of my tent watching me and Jonghyun sleep.
"Crap you woke him up." Taemin tried to blame Minho for what he did.
"Yah, Taemin. Be quiet I'm trying to sleep," annoyance showed through my tone as I spoke, lying my head back down.
"It wasn't me it was Minho," he was still trying to point the blame away from himself.
"I don't care. Let your Umma sleep in piece." I positioned my head under Jonghyun's chin and pressed my body into his. It felt wonderful.
"Sorry Umma, I just wanted to see how your night went." Taemin pause waiting for me to respond but when I didn't I heard him stand up with Minho to leave. "I guess we'll be going then."
Just when I thought I had my lovely moment with Jonghyun back he shifted, letting go of me and sat up.
"What was all the noise about?" he yawned cutely with his sleepy face and scratched the back of his head.
"Just Taemin being a pest like usual." I shrugged before also sitting up and making sure my hair fell properly on my head. "How did you sleep?"
"Good, thanks for letting me sleep in your tent. I would have gone to Onew's tent but he has a habit of hitting in his sleep so I decided to sleep with you instead." Jonghyun gave me a thankful smile.
"I don't mind sharing a tent with you, even with your sleeping habits." I gave a short laugh before receiving a confused look from Jonghyun.
"I have more than one sleeping habit? I know that I sometimes sing in my sleep but what else do I do?" he seemed to be waking up more although he still had a massive case of bed head.
"Well you also sleep with your eyes slightly open. Talking in your sleep goes with singing I guess," I put my finger to my mouth to think of his other habits, "and you tend to cuddle with whoever is next to you when sleeping. Or at least you do with me." I'm not really sure if he cuddled with Minho the night before when they share a tent together. I didn't really think, or care, to ask.
"Oh sorry." he gave me an apologetic smile.
"No I don't mind. I actually liked it." Oops. Did I say that out loud?
Crap, I did. "O-oh nothing I just meant that it was comforting and that I didn't really mind." I panicked trying to fix my mistake; my face burning and my cheeks becoming bright pink.
He stared at me blankly before smiling cutely and cupped my cheek leaning in close, "You're cute when you get yourself all worked up."
"Eh?" my heart was pounding out of my chest.
"Hahaha it's also fun messing with you Bummie." Jonghyun removed his hand from my cheek and patted my shoulder while laughing.
Of course he wasn't serious. It's Jonghyun I'm talking about, he always flirts with everyone. That's what made me start liking him after all.
"Yeah, fun for you." I said under my breath as I moved past him and exited my tent.
Rather than sit with Onew and eat breakfast, I decided to go over to Taemin and Minho who were sitting on the wall. With a frown on my face I gave Minho a look telling him to leave me and Taemin alone so we could talk. He hesitated before getting off the wall and going to give Onew company.
"So how was your night with Jonghyun Hyung?" Taemin sounded cheery as he kicked his feet back and forth like a kid.
"It was great until he woke up." I pouted, now on the wall with my knees tucked into my chest.
"What happened?" Taemin noticed my unpleasant mode and turned his attention from the water to me.
"Jonghyun would rather mess with my emotions then return them. He gets my hopes up all the time and then slams me back to reality. Like he would ever want someone ugly like me anyway. I’m not special and he knows that. Why did I have to fall for this punk? Ugh! Taemin why aren't you consoling me!?" I ranted on not even giving Taemin a chance to answer, but still wanted him to respond.
"Hyung calm down you getting yourself worked up." he rubbed my back in a soothing manner as a few tears fell from my eyes.
"What's wrong with me Taemin? Why couldn't I have fallen for someone else?" I wiped a tear from my eye as I looked over at Taemin.
"I don't know Hyung." He looked out to the water for a few seconds before turning back to me, "Just try to enjoy the rest of our vacation while it last. We don't get many of them after all."
"I just want this vacation to be over...” I mumbled under my breath staring at the water getting lost in thought as we sat here in silence.

This was short sorry. hopefully it will be longer next time

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MikuJae #1
Chapter 13: This ending was definitely nothing I expected... but although it's like this I like it.

Nice story, really keep on like this! I'm looking forward to a sequel ;-)
Chapter 15: you wrote very nice fic.i enjoyed it very well and now im excited for the sequel.good luck for the best
Chapter 14: YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WRITE A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plot suggestion: Jonghyun could be continually struggling with his feelings for Key, and in the meantime, he gets a girlfriend (I know you said they aren't allowed one, but you could make it for publicity or something). While he's with his girlfriend, he keeps thinking of Key and how this affects Key and how Key feels. Key is obviously heartbroken and is sick of being in love with Jonghyun because he knows (or thinks) that Jjong doesnt like him like that. So Key gets a boyfriend, but he treats Key like crap but Key doesn't tell anyone and just tells them that he's happy. Jonghyun now knows that he likes Key as more than a friend, but thinks that Key is happy. Jonghyun's girlfriend notices things and realizes that Jonghyun is in love Key and breaks up with him. Jonghyun thanks her and goes to find Key, and finds his boyfriend being horrible (abusing//yelling/beating, whatever)to Key. Jonghyun saves him, gets Key's now ex-boyfriend arrested, and then confesses to Key. Then they have and live happily ever after.
Just a suggestion :)
But I do absolutely love this story even if it made me cry!!
ShiningDarkAngel #4
Chapter 14: I loved this story. Please please please please please sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!! ^^
..............that is all..............
Chapter 14: Id say sequel where key tries to move on and be happy maybe have someone show interest in him, but he's oblivious to it, not noticing it . While Jjong starts to recognize his feelings for him but is feeling threatend by this person key hangs out with more, getting jealous.
Chapter 13: wow fic was really great.you did a good job.
BlackRabbit21 #7
Chapter 13: That's it? NO! They have to end up together! Please make a sequel! It's a great story!