Umma is worried.

Why me?


“So, Taemin. As the maknae of SHINee, do you then feel like a child sometimes? When you look at the others?” The interviewer asked me. I smiled to the camera. “Yeah, sometimes… for example, when the other guys is starting drinking!” I smiled. “Then I feel like a baby, but… not else. I like to be the youngest!” That was true. I loved it; I could be childish, without being embarrassed. “Taemin is the best maknae a group could get!” Onew said. “Always smiling, and he isn’t mad at us when we… are drinking or something!” he laughed. The others nodded and agreed. I blushed. “Thanks! You guys are the best!” I smiled to them. The questions continued. I tried not to think about last night, but Minho’s lips against mine couldn’t stop in my head. Deep inside, I didn’t want to push him away. I would love if he continued, but he was drunk. And at that time, I wasn’t sure on my feelings. After I rested today, I was sure. I was in love. I didn’t want that, but that was the truth. “What do you think, Taemin?” the interviewer asked. I looked at her and blushed. “I’m-‘im sorry! I was just dreaming…” She smiled. “That’s okay. What were you dreaming about?” she asked and winked. I sank. “Eh… just a… a party I’ve been to!” I smiled, and hoped that she bought it. She did. “Okay! But, what do you think about Onew as a leader?” I looked at Onew. “Onew… Onew is an amazing leader! When we have troubles, he always would listen to us, and when we fight a bit, he is the one who stops it!” Key laughed and looked at Jonghyun. The two squabble always.

Backstage, Onew hold a little ‘after-interview’-meet like he called it. Only for the five of us. “Well, good job everybody!” he started. “Do someone recognized something? One who said to much, one who said something good, or…?” I shook my head. Jonghyun smiled. “Next time, Tae, don’t sleep in an interview!” I nodded and blushed. “S-sorry hyung…” Key looked at Jonghyun. “Yah! Taemin had it bad before we came here!” he hit Jonghyun’s head for fun. I laughed. They started a friendly fight, with a lot of laugh. Onew scowled. “That was that meeting,” mumbled he and went to the manager. Minho smiled at me. “How are you? Not dizzy or something?“ I shook my head, but couldn’t look in his eyes. “I’m-I’m fine, h-hyung…” Before he could say more, I went to the mens room and looked in the mirror. I was totally red. Why? Couldn’t I talk with Minho anymore or what? I splashed some water in my head and sighed. “What’s wrong with me?” I asked my mirror image. The door to the toilet opened and Key went. He looked worried at me. “Taemin ah! You’re not yourself!” He walked over to me and hugged me. “Tell umma what’s wrong!” I shook. “N-no… nothing’s wrong…” I smiled to him. “Don’t worry!” He rolled his eyes and laid his hands on my shoulders. “Tell me!” I shook my head. “Kibum! Come on…” I chanced subject. “I’m thirsty!” 

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DoubleYsYeoja #2
awwwwwwwww finally they are together~~~<br />
gosh love this~
i love the ending! :D
aaaaahhhhh!!!!!! TT^TT YAAAAAAYYY<br />
sooooooo cuuuuuuuute!!!
TAEMIN ah~ PAPO <br />
Tell Minho that U love him, if not u will regret~ dont worry
omo, nobody loves taeyeon xDD<br />
confess already!!
hehe miri and me~
update soon T-T
taemin is in love~