
Why me?


“Yah! Taemin ah! Come on, we have to practice!” Onew smiled to me and took my hand. I laughed. “All right hyung, just… let me finish it, okay?” He shook and laughed. “No! It’s now, or manager hyung would be mad!” I sighed and went to the car with Onew. Minho, Jonghyun and Key, already were there and joked about something. I smiled and sat at my seat beside Key.

“ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!” the choreographer turned his back against us, and started dance. I moved my body on that way he right had showed us. I loved to learn a new dance. In the mirror in front of me, I saw the others try, but it was only me, who did it like our ‘teacher’. The song finished and I turned around with a smile.

“Taemin ah! Why are you like that?” Key asked.  “What do you mean?” I smiled and went to Onew. Key sighed. “How can you follow the first time!?!” Key looked at me like I was an alien. I shrugged. “I wasn’t that good!” The others sent each other a gaze. I laughed.


“I’m going out tonight,” Jonghyun said with a smile. I looked up from my book. “Who are you going to see?” He winked. “Guess!” he left the room. I rolled my eyes and went back to my book. Sekyung. His girlfriend. Minho came in with a smile. “Do you wanna do something tonight?” he asked. “Watch a movie or something?” I shrugged and lay my book on the bed. “Are Key and Onew going out too?” I asked. He shook. “No, they wanna drink!” he laughed. I smiled. “Drink with them, hyung! I can join you with some bananamilk!” He rolled his eyes and nodded. “Super! Onew had called after pizza! Come!” He left the room, and I sat and starred at the door in several minutes before I got up. Minho. Minho was the guy who made me be a better person. His charismatic face, that confidence he showed us all… I really liked it. In the kitchen, Onew, Key and Minho already sat and ate pizza. “Why took you so long, Taemin ah?” Key asked, with his mouth full of pizza. I smiled. “Just thinking back…” I sat down and took a piece. “Well… let’s be drunk tonight! I’m tired of thinking!” Key said and smiled. “You too Taemin? If you…” Onew hit Key and rolled his eyes. “Key! Taemin are not going to drink! You are a terrible umma!” I laughed. “Don’t worry! Jjong bought a lot of bananamilk to me!” We ate our pizza, talking about stuff. After that, Onew went to our room and came back with a bottle of vodka. Key found some sodas in the fridge, and took a bananamilk with him back to me. I smiled. “Thanks umma!” I said. He smiled and winked. “You’re welcome sweety! Now, we are gonna paaaaartyyyyy!” He laughed. They started drinking, and when the bottle of vodka almost was empty, it started to be really fun. Key and Onew started dancing and got Minho and I with them. I was the only one who wasn’t drunk, like always. Sometimes I hate to be the youngest guy, but on the other side, I hate alcohol. That way, people lost focus and did stupid things, wasn’t good. Sometimes they hurt their friends. “Dance with meeeee!” Minho said and took my hands. I laughed when he turned me around like I was a girl. “M-Minho…” He pulled me into him and looked in my eyes. “You know what Taemin ah? I really like you!” He turned his head against mine and kissed me on my lips. In the start, I was in shock. He opened my mouth with his tongue and… then I pushed him away and looked at him. “H-hyung… you-you are drunk!” I backed away. Onew and Key hadn’t noticed anything. “G-goodnight guys,” I said and hurried to the bathroom. I was totally blushed after Minho’s little attack.

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DoubleYsYeoja #2
awwwwwwwww finally they are together~~~<br />
gosh love this~
i love the ending! :D
aaaaahhhhh!!!!!! TT^TT YAAAAAAYYY<br />
sooooooo cuuuuuuuute!!!
TAEMIN ah~ PAPO <br />
Tell Minho that U love him, if not u will regret~ dont worry
omo, nobody loves taeyeon xDD<br />
confess already!!
hehe miri and me~
update soon T-T
taemin is in love~