Shinwa High.

I will wait for you, forever ♥

-Narrator's POV:-

A few days later,
Tiffany received a letter addressed to her.

-Tiffany's POV:-

*opens letter*
Its from Shinwa High !

"Dear Ms Tiffany Hwang,
We are pleased to announce that your application has been accepted and that now you are officially a student of Shinwa High.
Thank you for registering with us and we hope to see you soon.

Yours Sincerely,


OMO! I have been accepted!!! :DDD
I shall revise, buy my school books and school uniform today so that I can start school tomorrow!
Can't believe I will see Key again after so long ^^
I couldn't sleep that night. I was too excited about school and about seeing Key tomorrow.

-Narrator's POV:-

Soon, it was already dawn and time for school.


-Tiffany's POV:-
my heart skipped a beat as I got off my aunt's car and stood before the magnificant 'Shinwa High'.
It was more amazing than I thought.
The walls were made of real bricks and the school is enormous!
It looked very new though it has been here for over 50 years O-O

my aunt suddenly spoke and broke my train of thoughts " Bye Tiffany, have a great day at school. I love you."
"Love you too, bye."
She drove off after that.
I took a deep breath and walked in.
I was looking everywhere and trying to find my way around...
I did not see where I was going and accidentally collided with someone >.<

*gets up from fall*
"Kyaaa, I am so so sorry! I did not clash with you on purpose! Sorry!"
*laughs* "Relax, its not like I will kill you or anything.... Its okay (: By the way, are you new? I haven't seen you around before."
"Yeahh. I am Tiffany and today is the first day I am here."
"Oh I see. No wonder you are so nervous ^^ I am Jessica. Do you want me to show you around?"
"Okay, that would be great! But first, I am suppose to go to see the Principal. So where is the Principal's office suppose to be?"

-Narrator's POV:-

Tiffany went to get her class schedule and stuff and realised that she was in the same class as Jessica.
Jessica gave her a tour around the school before the bell rang and they procceeded to class...

-Tiffany's POV:-

On the way to class.
"By the way Jessica, are there any cute boys in class??? (:"
"Cute boys? You mean JongHyun?" Who's that? Nevermind. I will find out soon enough ^^
"Is there a 'Key' in your class?"
"Yupp. How do you know him??"
YAYY ! So he IS here (:
"Long story.... I shall tell it you during lunch??"
"Ok (: "

We reached the classroom.
"I am so nervous!"
"Relax. Everything will be just fine, trust me."
I nodded as I stepped into the class.
I glanced around at my classmates as they all stared at me.
Then, I spotted him.
At least I think its him.

He has changed a lot since then. And he really looks cuter though ^^

I was interrupted by the teacher.

"Tiffany, please introduce yourself to the class."

-Key's POV:-

Is it really her???
Is she finally back after all these years?

She introduced herself to us.
"Hi everyone. My name is Tiffany."

It really IS her. She's back.

"And I just came back from America. I hope that can give me your guidances. Thank you."

Why Princess? Why did you even bother coming back?
It will only make things harder for us.
I really can't deal with this kind of pain anymore.

-Tiffany's POV:-

Its him, its him!
I can't believe Key is actually here!
He looks soooo gorgeous and hot.
I stared at him while introducing myself.

"Ok. You can go and choose any seat now.
I looked around. Too bad the seat beside Key was taken, if not I am sure to take it.
Jessica was also already sitting with someone.
I guess the only sea avaliable was the one at the middle of the class beside this guy which is kind of cute. But Key is still cuter :D

"Hi. I am Taemin. Nice to meet you (:"
He smiled in a superrr cute way. Awww.
"Hello. Nice to meet you too (:"
"You're really pretty."
"Really? Thanks!"

I think I spent almost the whole lesson starring at Key.
I don't why. But I feel that he is avoiding my direction on purpose.

-Key's POV:-

Luckily SooMin is beside me.
I could not imagine sitting with her...
Why does she stare at me so constantly.... I think she recognises me .
I need to find ways to avoid her ASAP.
I could FEEL her eyes on me.
I thought and thought for the whole day and came up with a plan....

-Tiffany's POV:-

After class, I met up with Jessica.
"Hey Tiffany! It wasn't that bad right?"
"Yeahh. You were right."
"So tell me about you and Key ...."

I told her while we ate at lunch everything that happened.
(wow. The food is not bad ^^)
"I had no idea your childhood was so ... complicated? I don't even know how to describe it."
"I know what you mean. Sometimes I do wish that I was a simple and happy child like others. But then again, things happen for a reason right? All I could wish for now is for Key to at least be my friend again."
"All the best to you then, hwaiting!"

-End of Chapter 5-
thankyou for reading~





He is a cool boy but is actually kinda sensitive on the inside.

Hottest guy in school and excells in sports.




Gorjess Jessica

Jessica is a shy but pretty girl.

She is smart and is Tiffany's BFF :D



-Writer's Message:-

Heyyyy .
thanks for the more subscribers !!!!
I am so glad/happy :DD

hmmm .... what do you think is Key's plan???? Actually I have no idea too. :b

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Thank you!
I'm done!!!!! Don't expect much please. Also, the ending will be up to your imagination so as to not disappoint hehe.


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sherrykeitaro94 #1
Chapter 23: Please don't end the story like that...the ending so sad
Chapter 23: That was the end already? TT A TT
Chapter 21: Please update soon~ The cliff hanger is killing me and it's making me frustrated~ >~<
Chapter 21: Update soon!! I waited so long for you to update~ TT n TT I almost unsubscribed~
Woah!!! I found it!!! The very first fanfic I've read!!! Okay, I'm going to cry now ~
New reader!
Please update!! please!!!!!!
christinyweenie #7
THIS IS TOO GOOD! Hope things go well for key and tiffany is ok! (:
TT^TT Tiffany--sh-she died??