Would you be my lady?

I will wait for you, forever ♥

-Narrator's POV:-

 Taemin drove Tiffany back home after the dance came to an end.



 -Tiffany's POV-

 Those words Taemin said got stuck in my mind.

 It repeated itself continuously, as if it was looking for an answer in my head.

Tiffany, would you be my lady? Tiffany, would you be my lady? would you? would you?


 When that sentence came out of Taemin's lips, I was literally stunned.

 I did not know what to say or do, or even how to react.

 So I kept still, showed no emotions and didn't utter a word.

 I don't know what I was doing. I can't tell wrong from right anymore.

 All I hope now is that Taemin understands, that he isn't mad at me.

 I'm just so lost... so confused...


 I guess....


I.... can't...


 I really can't do it...


Somewhere in my heart, I know I am still waiting for him...

 And I guessed Taemin would have felt it too.

 My confusion... and among that my reluctance.

 I'm so sorry.


 And I spent probably the rest of the night up lying in bed...

 Lost in my own world, my own train of thoughts.

 Not even realising it as dawn approaches.


 The next day in school.

 "I'm so tired from yesterday's dance..."

 "Me too. I didn't even sleep much as I spent all night thinking..."

 As soon as we set foot into school grounds, we were both handed a copy of the school's publication.

 And guess who made it to the front cover?? ^^

 I smirked at Jessica as she stared wide-eyed.

 Lucky for her it was a masquerade ball... If not, things might turn out worse. "And is that a blush I see?"

 She shook her head without looking up.

 Suddenly, I stopped my track.

 Jessica turned back after she realised I wasn't walking by her side anymore.

 She saw what stopped me.

 In front of us, was.... no other than Key and SooMin...

 But it wasn't that that affected me so much.

 It was that.... they're... holding hands.

 Not only that, I saw them whispering cheerfully into each other's ears. Giggling happily at each other's joke. Key and Soomin.

 And before they departed, he kissed her on her cheeks... and then hugged her...

 At that moment, I could feel my heart being torn. Shedded to pieces by the one who once made it a whole.

 How much I really wished that was me.

 I guess I should have seen it coming, but do you know how much that hurts?

 Despite all odds, I held back my tears.

 I didn't want to be seen as a weakling. Neither do I need anyone else's comfort.

 I know I am just putting up a strong front.

 Why or for who to see? Even I don't know the answer.

 But I guess it doesn't really matter.

 At this point of time, nothing does....


 Jessica saw my expression changing. From smiles to frowns to stone.

 "Fany-ah, are you okay? To be honest, I know exactly how you feel. Cry if you really feel sad, it okay. I just want to let you know that I'll always be here when you need me. Don't EVER give up."

 "Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, Sica. Really. I will be okay soon, I hope... Don't worry.

 I tried my best to force a smile but its just mission impossible right now.


 Okay? Would it really be that easy??

 Getting on like that as if nothing happened?

 The promise we made years ago. Now, I dare say, promises are just meant to be broken. Unkept. Empty.

 All the happiest memories i had here as a child, all the years i spent abroad, missing you each day. Lost?

 I lied.

 I lied to myself, I lied to Jessica.

 I lied to the world.

 I doubt I'll ever be okay. Ever...



-Key's POV:-

 I shot a quick glance at her.

 Her awe-strucked face. Her emotionless eyes.

 I could feel exactly what she is feeling then and there, and worse.

 Seeing you like this... truly hurts me more than it hurts you, you know?

 Please don't be this way...

 Do you know how much I wished I could be comforting you right now? How I wish I could tell you how I feel? And that I understand you?

 Starting each day thinking about you, how have you been. And end each night with tears accompaning me to sleep. Hurt and in misery.

 Please, it's not SooMin's fault. Don't blame her, don't hate her. She's actually a really nice girl.

 I am the mastermind. The real heartbreaker. She's unfortunate to have met me.

 I shouldn't have existed in this world. I brought everyone around me nothing but pain and suffering...


 Hang in there Kibum, just a bit longer till its all over. Soon, its approaching. Tiffany, it will end soon.




 -End of chapter-



 -Writer's Message:-

 Hello readers and new subscribers!

 Thanks for all your support and love!!!!! I feel really appreciated ♥

 And please keep on commenting~ i love reading them. keke :)

 I am running out of ideas and drama so it might end soon? T___T

 I will try to update more frequently ok! trying my best~

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I'm done!!!!! Don't expect much please. Also, the ending will be up to your imagination so as to not disappoint hehe.


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sherrykeitaro94 #1
Chapter 23: Please don't end the story like that...the ending so sad
Chapter 23: That was the end already? TT A TT
Chapter 21: Please update soon~ The cliff hanger is killing me and it's making me frustrated~ >~<
Chapter 21: Update soon!! I waited so long for you to update~ TT n TT I almost unsubscribed~
Woah!!! I found it!!! The very first fanfic I've read!!! Okay, I'm going to cry now ~
New reader!
Please update!! please!!!!!!
christinyweenie #7
THIS IS TOO GOOD! Hope things go well for key and tiffany is ok! (:
TT^TT Tiffany--sh-she died??