Chapter 8- the dance |||part 2|||

The Lake on a Sunday

(sorry i havent updated in days!! DAMN YOU SCHOOOLLLLL but i promise i will find some magical way to update tomorrow TEEHEE)

     I noticed they stopped talking and eun so pulled on his tie and pulled him close to herself. i suddenly became nauseous and grabbed hyo rins arm, pulling her back into the gym where the dance was held. "Jae...are you okay?" she asked me, looking worried. i felt as if i was going to cry, scream and throw up at the same time. eun so...was an enemy...suho...a guy i like. "i'm...fine." my heart was beating so fast, i could barely form sentences. baekhyun approached. a slowsong started to play. "kim jae mi. would you like to dance..


with me?"
he stretched out his hand. i decided this would help me get over suho. "sure."
     plus i did agree to go to this thing with the kid. i grabbed his hand and we got to the dance floor (song that was playing) i placed my hand on his shoulder and he placed his arms around my waist. "you look sad." he whispered in my ear. "yea kinda." i replied back. "why?" we swayed back and forth to the music. "can i trust you with a pretty big secret?" i could feel him smile. "of course." i sighed. "dont tell anyone. and i mean anyone. i suho." i braced myself for the reaction. "really? i am sorry he is here with eun so that why you are upset?" i closed my eyes now. "i think they were going to kiss back there." i bit my lip to keep myself from crying. "i am really really sorry. i know i sound really lame for just saying sorry but, its not something on can really..reply to.." he lightly rubbed my back and i opened my eyes to see kai and his date laughing. he kissed her forehead and pulled her close to him. then his eyes caught mine and he smirked then stuck his tongue out. i rolled my eyes at him. "its okay baek." he breathed out. "come on. lets go to the store. we will go back to your house with all of these amazing snacks and we will just eat. and cry. and talk. and eat." i laughed. "lets do this."
     he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the dance, passed suho, passed the school and baekhyun pulled out car keys from his pocket. "how did you..?" i was confused. "i stole these from chanyeol because i sort of knew something would happen to someone..." he led me to chanyeols car and we were off.
my parents were already asleep. we got to my house and tiptoed upstairs, making sure not to make a noise. and since my parents bedroom was downstairs, it was good since we could make more noise upstairs. baekhyun went into the bathroom and changed into some sweatpants i gave him. when we got upstairs into my room and just sat on my bed, talked and ate snacks. we laughed so much i thought my abdomen would commit suicide because it hurt so much. "ok. well. since i trust you, do you want to see something?" he nodded. "come on." i walked over to my closet and he followed. "now," i paused. "only my mom and dad know about this. not even kai knows. or hyo rin. so dont tell anyone, okay?" i pointed a finger at him menacingly. he nodded and i opened the door to my art studio and flicked on the lights. "wow." was all he could say. "you painted these?!" i nodded. "these are amazing! why dont you show these to anyone?" i shrugged. "i dont know. i dont like when i get too much attention." he snorted. "not like other girls. like eunso." i shuddered at her name. "ew." baek giggled at me. "well you should like submit one of these." i pointed to a painting in the corner. "that one is my favorite." i smiled at the canvas, shaded from  my view. baekhyun walked over and picked up the canvas. "woah. i like this one too. PLEASE JUST BE AN ARTIST." he said and i laughed.

"whatever baekhyun." 
well at least to bacon it isnt
baekhyun is my bias in exo truth be told
so he is going to be like an awesome part in this story 
how i imagine baek looking at the dance >.>


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Done with school. Updating soon :3


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Chapter 12: GAHAHAHSHKASH I can't believe I just saw this FIC y'all need to update ASAP <3 it is wonderful <3
Chapter 12: Wah~~ >[]< I need more updates
itsELish #3
Chapter 11: UPDATE!!!!! Je-bal!!
Chapter 10: Whoaaa brave much
Chapter 9: "Hello, my name is Kai" HUAHHAHAAHAHAHHHJHJHAJAJJAJA
Chapter 7: You're such an adventure time geek! Drama bomb? LAWDY LAWD LAWD MY UNNIE'S GONE MAD!!!
Hurhurhur I subscribed :)) BE THANKFUL YOU DESPERATE PEDO!
jk lurv youuuuuu