Chapter 3

The Lake on a Sunday


I continued to run until I reached the car and hopped in. Kai stood there, baffled. “Get in, stupid.”

Kai sighed and opened the door. “I really thought you weren’t going to drive me.”

I started the car and laughed. “I would never leave my precious bro behind.” I pulled out of our driveway and we made our way to school.

* * * * *

“Jaemi,” I looked around my locker to see my best friend, Hyorin, waving at me. I waved back, smiling widely. She approached me and opened her locker, which was next to mine.

“Hey, Hyorin~” I sang, slipping my sketchpad from my book pad.

“How was the weekend?” She asked, just like she did every Monday.

“It would’ve been more fun if you came over!”

She pouted her lips, “You know how I am with… them.”

“Them?” I looked at her, puzzled. “The male species isn’t that big of a deal, Hyo.” I watched her pull out her algebra textbook from the top shelf.

“Hey. It’s a big deal to me, okay?” I giggled at him. “Come on, let’s get to cla-“

“Hey low lives,” The girl spat at us, with two girls behind her snickering.

“Good morning, Eunso.” I said, monotone, and began to walk away. Hyorin sighed, following me. “I wished that chick never existed.” I scoffed.

“Don’t we all?” Hyo crossed her arms as we walked to our homeroom class. “I swear, every year her cleavage gets lower and lower. Any lower, it goes, BAM, show.”

We arrived at the classroom. I laughed, “You’re probably right.” We both found our seats at the middle-back of the classroom, and sat down.

“Good morning, Jaemi.” Kris sat in front of me.

“Morning,” I looked at him quickly before pulling out my assignment notebook.

“What’s up?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Just tired, I guess.” I tilted my head quickly to the side.

Hyorin hit my my arms lightly with the back of her hand, “Don’t look now, but, Eunso. 2 o’clock.”

I rolled me eyes. “I’m not scared of her.” I whispered.

Kris laughed, “Scared? Of who?” The bell rang, signaling the beginning of class.

“Eunso,” I whispered as he turned around.

* * * * *

“Your homework is page 19 in your workbooks. Read the passage and translate. Okay?” The bell rang, signaling third period English ended; now for fourth period.


I walked up a flight of stairs and down the hall. I turned left, trying to get past the sea of students. I walked into the chemistry classroom and sat down in my seat in the back of the room. Everyone arrived in the classroom and the class started with roll call.

“Baek Samdong?” The teacher began.


“Do Baekhee?”


“Kim Jaemi?”

“Neh, I’m here.”

“Kim Joonmyun?”

“Neh~” I swore he sang that.

“Park Eunso?”


Her high pitched, annoying voice broke my romantic thoughts. I sighed and took out my sketchbook. I was always good at chemistry and I always listened as I was drawing, so I was fine.

I took out my best art pencil and started to sketch a drawing of a rose I had been working on. I smirked at my work so far and started to sketch again.

“Miss Kim, what does the equation, sodium + copper (l) chloride, yield?” The teacher always checks if I’m listening.

I sigh, “It yields copper (l) + sodium chloride.” I looked up at my teacher, who just nodded her head and continued teaching.

Suho looked back at me, I noticed out of the corner of my eye. I looked up, right in his big brown eyes. Her nodded and winked at me and I gave a small smile. But of course on the inside, I was dying of inner feelings and wanted to smile a smile so big that it would wrap around the globe.

I continued to draw until the bell rang, and finally it was lunch time. Eunso walked down the aisle of seats between me and Suho. She seemed to sashay as she walked towards Suho, and leaned on his desk, cleavage on full display. I walked towards them and accidentally ran into Eunso’s shoulder.

“Watch it, ugly.”


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dear two new subscribers i gained last night,
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i sound like a broken record...
well..still  dont be silent!
show yourself.
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Done with school. Updating soon :3


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Chapter 12: GAHAHAHSHKASH I can't believe I just saw this FIC y'all need to update ASAP <3 it is wonderful <3
Chapter 12: Wah~~ >[]< I need more updates
itsELish #3
Chapter 11: UPDATE!!!!! Je-bal!!
Chapter 10: Whoaaa brave much
Chapter 9: "Hello, my name is Kai" HUAHHAHAAHAHAHHHJHJHAJAJJAJA
Chapter 7: You're such an adventure time geek! Drama bomb? LAWDY LAWD LAWD MY UNNIE'S GONE MAD!!!
Hurhurhur I subscribed :)) BE THANKFUL YOU DESPERATE PEDO!
jk lurv youuuuuu