Chapter 12

The Lake on a Sunday

Hey there :) Uhm, all the thoughts from people are shown like this 'thoughts' [Too bad, I'm making them italicized] just sayin.

Enjoy this long-ish chapter :3

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He closed the door, leaving me in the dark.
"S-Suho..." The door was already closed by the time I said that. I ran towards the door and opened it. Suho was already walking towards Kai's room. I began to run but suddenly I flew and landed right on my wrist. I groaned in pain and Suho turned around, hearing the loud noise.
"Jae Mi!" He ran over to me and looked at me in my misty eyes.
"What did you hurt? Show me." He prodded. Kai suddenly emerged from his room.
"Keep it down out here! Some people are trying to sl- Jaemi, are you okay?" He walked towards me and I muttered an honest"No." I lifted my arm slowly and Suho grabbed my arm by the elbow.
"Jae Mi-ah, is it normal for the bone to be sticking out like this?" I started to sob as the pain was really hitting me now. Kai looked up at Suho.
"We have to get her to the hospital. Come on, sis. I'll tell mom and dad later." Kai said to me as Suho lifted me up gently.
"Kay." I answered back to Kai. Suho held me in his arms as we walked down the stairs and down to his car. He helped me into the back seat and reached over me to buckle my seatbelt. If I wasnt in so much pain, I would probably be enjoying this. I looked out the window and tried not to think of the  pain coming from my wrist. Soon, the hospital came into view and I found myself in a cast about 20 minutes later. I was sitting in the hospital bed all by myself staring at the huge thing on my arm. I heard a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" I looked up and saw Suho.
"Yeah." He walked up to me and sat on the chair right in front of me.
"I'm sorry this happend...partly becasue of me." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"It wasnt your fault Suho." I placed my non-casted hand on his shoulder.
"But do you really think I dont like you?" His eyes became melancholy.
"Well, you seemed that way." I removed my hand.
"I was just really frustrated, okay?" He sat back in the chair.
"But why?" He questioned me and in response, I just sighed.
"I.." I began.
"Hey Dude, can we go home? The doctor said we could go." Kai poked his head in the doorway. Suho nodded and his car keys jingled in his hands. I got off the hospital bed and Suho helped me put my coat over my shoulders. The cold of winter was here and I didnt really want that. We got into the car and I found myself falling asleep. 
"Wake up. Jae Mi?" I felt someone shake my shoulder.
"Kai, go away." I mumbled.
"It's not Kai. It's Suho." I opened my eyes.
"Suho? Hi." I sat up and realized I was in his car.
"Come on, I'll take you to bed." I nodded my head and got out of his car. I walked into my house and the warmth engulfed my body. My kitchen lights suddenly .
"Kim Jae Mi! Are you okay?!" I turned, eyes squinted from the sudden light.
"Yeah Mom, I'm fine." I held up my wrist and Suho stood behind me.
"Your brother told me everything. What else did the doctor say?" I rummaged in my pocket and pulled out a white piece of paper.
"Sorry Mom. I am really tired. Can I go to bed?" She nodded.
"I guess so. We'll talk in the morning. Goodnight, sweetie." She walked over and kissed my head.
"Mom~." I groaned in displeasure which earned giggles from my mom and Suho. I walked out of my kitchen and into my bedroom. Suho stood in the doorway.
"I'm fine Suho. You can" He looked at me and smiled.
"Kay. Goodnight Jae Mi. See you in the morning." He walked over to me and sat on my bed. I was covering myself with the blankets and I looked up at him. He leaned closer to me and I just continued to stare. He planted a kiss on my forehead and left my room, turning off the lights. I still sat there speechless. It was something that simple that made my heart beat again.
"HE KISSED YOU?!" Hyo Rin shouted through the hallways. I shushed her immediatly.
"On the forehead. No big deal." I took out my Chemistry book from my locker with my not injured hand.
"It is a big deal! You like him and stuff..." She said, throwing my back pack over her shoulder.
"Thanks for doing that for me Hyo. It means a lot and you really dont have to I mean, I only broke my wrist."
"No biggie." She shrugged her shoulders. We walked through the halls towards the Chemistry classroom and she handed me my backpack as soon as we got to the entry way.
"Thanks. See you at lunch." I said to her and she just waved to me and walked off towards her class. I walked into Cemistry and went to my usual seat in the back. Suho wasnt here yet but Eun So was.And she was appraoching my desk with her stupid little group of so called "friends". I looked up at her.
"Eun So." I spoke softly.
"Jae Mi. What happened~? Trip on ugly?" I placed my sketch pad on my desk.
"" I answered her stupid question.
"Well, it looks like it." She cackled. I narrowed my eyes.
"Could you go away? The bell is about to ring." She slammed her hands on my desk, right on top of my sketch book. I grabbed it from under her talons which caused her to slip and almost hit her chin on my desk. I contained my laughter as I sort of hugged my sketchbook. The bell rang sending Eun So back to her seat and a smile to my face.
"LUNCH! Thank God~." I sat down at the table with Hyo rin.
"So, anything eventful happen last hour?" Hyo Rin raised her eyebrows.
"Other than Eun So being her usual self, no. Nothing happened." I took a bite of the salad I had.
"You're eating salad?" She noticed my food choice.
'I am trying to go on a diet.'
"What? Salads are suddenly forbidden to eat?" She laughed at me.
"You are just such a meat person." I just kept eating as she spoke to me.
"So, are you excited for winter break, Jae Mi?" I was finished with my food by that time.
"Yes. I just wanna sleep forever. Especially now." She laughed.
"Why now?" I  propped my chin into my two hands.
"Well, I was up until like 2 in the morning getting this stupid thing." I held up my cast. She lowered her shoulders.
"I'm sorry." I shook my head.
"No, No. Its fine. It had to be done. I just wish I would have never tripped." I breathed out a long breath and soon the bell rang signalling the end of lunch.
"I need a ride home today, is that okay?"
"Actually, I'm letting my brother drive. So if you wanna die, meet us at my car." She shuddered.
"I guess I'll take my chances." She replied back to me and sighed, which made me laugh.
"See ya." I left her behind and walked to my next class. The hallways were near empty on my way to class. I turned a corner and smack!. I found myself on the ground.
"I am so sorry!" The other girl said. 'Gosh, Can I please stop falling?'
"Baek Hee?" I questioned, looking at the girl frantically picking papers off the floor.
"Eun So's going to kill me!" I raised one eyebrow.
"What is that you are carrying?" She looked down at the ground and spoke quietly.
"Eun So's homework." I looked at the innocent girl before me.
"She's making you do her homework for her?" I questioned.
"Shh~ Don't tell anyone. Uh..Bye." She said the last part quickly and sped off, leaving me in the empty halls.
"I remember when she was my friend." I exhaled.
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Sorry i introduced a new character, Baek Hee. (got the inspiration/name from dream high...)
I am slowly finding ways to keep the plot going...
if you noticed the first two chapters i believe have been edited by my lovely co author
But she has been on a trip to Narnia and has no computer access there. bleck.
SOOOO if you see this Dongseng..know that you need to edit a lot. OR I KEEEEEEL YOU
School starts Monday. GAHHH *wall slam*
NUUUU i refuse. nope nope. I just remember i have to take a julius caesar test. FUUUUUU
kay this is the longest authors note i have written SORRY
please comment and shtuffs.
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Done with school. Updating soon :3


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Chapter 12: GAHAHAHSHKASH I can't believe I just saw this FIC y'all need to update ASAP <3 it is wonderful <3
Chapter 12: Wah~~ >[]< I need more updates
itsELish #3
Chapter 11: UPDATE!!!!! Je-bal!!
Chapter 10: Whoaaa brave much
Chapter 9: "Hello, my name is Kai" HUAHHAHAAHAHAHHHJHJHAJAJJAJA
Chapter 7: You're such an adventure time geek! Drama bomb? LAWDY LAWD LAWD MY UNNIE'S GONE MAD!!!
Hurhurhur I subscribed :)) BE THANKFUL YOU DESPERATE PEDO!
jk lurv youuuuuu