Chapter 1

The Lake on a Sunday


I walked down the path behind my house. It was a cool Sunday morning. It had rained the night before, and the grass made my red Toms get a bit wet. But none the less, I had to carry on. The lake had always been my thinking place. Ever since I was middle school, I discovered a lone bench with a small sandy beach looking over the beautiful blue water.

I laid a towel down and sat on it, taking a deep breath as I savored the fresh air. It was intoxicating. I took off the small back pack I carried, and reached until I felt something cool. I took it out of my pack and gripped the water bottle filled with small spots of vapor and gulped as quiet as I could, trying not to disturb nature around me.

I took out my sketchbook and a pencil and placed the tip of it to the bottom of my lip. Suddenly, the stick touched the paper, creating a piece of art. I looked onto the sunrise and lightly smiled. ‘Good morning, mister sun. It’s me again.’ I sighed and looked at the trees above me and lightly sketched them on the next page. Nature was my specialty.

“Sitting out here alone again?” A voice called out.

I jumped, a bit startled. “What’s the matter with being alone?”

He sighed and sat next to me. “You’re just always out here. Be in the house for a change.”

“Miss me, eh? Little bro?” I chuckled, nudging his muscular shoulder.

“So, whatcha’ drawing?” He had ignored the question.

I shielded my sketchbook, “Hey, you know how I am about showing people my art, Kai.”

He pouted in defeat. “But still, I am your brother. Please?” I shook my head, he rolled his eyes. “Oh please. The guys are coming over today, so if you want to see them, come up soon, okay?”

“Mmm,” I hummed, nodding lightly. He gave a soft smile then walked away.

I wanted to see the guys, but I couldn’t. I just didn’t have the heart to face the guy I loved.

Kai had 11 friends. They were the popular guys of the school, all the girls wanted them. I could see why. They were all good looking, except for my brother. Ew, gross. I liked one of his friends, though. He was my age, and in my chemistry class. Suho was his name. His eyes were smiling; never a hair out of place. He looked perfect every day.

I sighed. Too bad other girls him like too. I am nothing compared to them. I am just that awkward, shy girl in his chem class, that’s also his friend’s older sister.

I picked a Twix bar from my backpack and unwrapped it. I’ll cheat on my diet only once, today. I bit into it, savoring the chocolaty taste.

Guess I should be going, I don’t want to worry mom and dad, I thought. They must think that their daughter is crazy, just disappearing at 6 a.m. I grabbed my backpack and walked back up to our house.

I walked through the glass back door, a warm burst of air brushing against my cool body. I walked through the kitchen and into the living room. I heard Kai laughing and another male talking.

“Jaemi!” I looked and saw the forever smiling, Kyungsoo, who had slept over the night before.

“He, D.O.” I gave him a quick hug, said goodbye and walked up to my upstairs. Okay, I ran upstairs.

I walked into my bedroom and went into my closet. I went back to where another door led me to a secret room that only my mom and I knew about. It was my art studio. Paints were scattered in a corner, along with some dirty brushed and some clean brushes. My hair band, that I always used, hung on the wall and I pulled it off, pushing my bangs from my face. I grabbed a medium canvas and placed it on the easel. I grabbed my sketchbook and looked at the drawing of trees. I grabbed a light green tube of paint and started painting the background.

Then, I got lost in the canvas.

* * * *

“Jaemi, breakfast!” I heard someone shout from downstairs.

“Coming,” I shouted back, trying to clean myself up. I looked at my finished work and breathed out. Three hours spent on this. “Looks… okay,” I shrugged and closed both door.

Walking downstairs, slightly skipping into the kitchen, I greeted my parents. “Hi, mom. Hi, dad.” I grabbed a plate from my counter.

“Good morning, sweetie.” My mom put a steaming pancake on my plate, making the bottom warm on my palms.

“You look rather awake this morning,” My father glanced up from his iPad, and at me. I nodded in response.

I took a few pieces of bacon, that I could smell being cooked from my art studio, and placed it on my plate. I grabbed some strawberries and blueberries and placed them on top of my pancake, and sat across from Kai, who was sitting next to Chanyeol, and started to eat until the front door of my home opened.

“I’m home~” A voice sang. His footsteps sounded throughout the house. “Hi, mom. Hi, dad.”

My parents laughed. “Good morning, Baekhyun. Breakfast?” My mom kindly asked.

“Sure Mrs. Kim.” He gave her an eye smile and she made up a plate for him. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders after setting his plate down.

“Hi, Baek,” I lightly laughed at his cute gesture.

“How’s my favorite older sister, hmm?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know,” I took a huge bite of my pancake.

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

I looked at him after I finished swallowing, “I don’t know.” I simply answered again.

“Stop being so mysterious, it’s not attractive.”

I hit his arm, “Hey! Shut up!”

He laughed, almost showing all of his teeth. “NEVA~!”

The squeaking of the door was heard once again.

“Hello, everyone!” Luhan greeted, as he entered the room. Sehun trailed behind him. I waved, fork in hand. They sat down on the two end chairs, and I continued to eat until I was finished.

I rinsed my plate off, the warm water rushing over my hand and put it in the dishwasher. “See you guys. Have gun.” I said quietly.

“Bye, Jae Mi.”

The door opened again as I went upstairs. “Hey, Jaemi,” I turned around to see Kris and Tao.

I smiled at them, “Hey tree. Hey panda.” Kris narrowed his eyes at me.

“Come here and hug me so you can make up for calling me a tree.” Kris held his long arms out and I walked back downstairs and lightly hugged the much taller boy. I hugged Tao too, because I felt bad about not hugging him.

They joined the rest of the boys in the kitchen and I escaped to the upstairs before anyone else showed up.

I looked out my balcony window; raindrops trickled down the glass panes. Seems like a good day to read. I picked up the half read book on my bed and sat on the cushion beside the window. I opened the book, the fresh smell of the paper drawing me to read. I got lost in it until an hour had past, and I finished it.

I love Sundays. I didn’t mind Saturdays, or any others days of the week, but I loved Sundays. I always had a routine one Sundays. It was amazing just to relax before another long day of school/

I decided to travel back downstairs to grab a snack, or two… or three. I heard voices of the rambunctious boys in my living rom. I knew all 12 were here, including Suho. I snuck past the living room and nobody noticed me, thankfully.

I went into the kitchen and peered inside the fridge. “Nothing here,” I whispered.

Always talking to yourself.

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I know it's short, but I just wanted to introduce the characters...
wee~~ btw its Thankgiving tomorrow!
I am thankful for so much :) 
I have been obsessed with Taeyeon - If Lately
She is so talented and the song is so relaxing. >.<
So listen to it!
love you children!
& Editor-nim LOLOL
Aye, . I edited!
You don't know how badly I want to get through all twelve chapters in one sitting OTL
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Done with school. Updating soon :3


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Chapter 12: GAHAHAHSHKASH I can't believe I just saw this FIC y'all need to update ASAP <3 it is wonderful <3
Chapter 12: Wah~~ >[]< I need more updates
itsELish #3
Chapter 11: UPDATE!!!!! Je-bal!!
Chapter 10: Whoaaa brave much
Chapter 9: "Hello, my name is Kai" HUAHHAHAAHAHAHHHJHJHAJAJJAJA
Chapter 7: You're such an adventure time geek! Drama bomb? LAWDY LAWD LAWD MY UNNIE'S GONE MAD!!!
Hurhurhur I subscribed :)) BE THANKFUL YOU DESPERATE PEDO!
jk lurv youuuuuu