We are back...

That Thin Line



"Sweetie...Hannah...Park Hannah!"

I can feel eomma's light tap on my thighs, she is waking me up but my body refused to follow her, I still need some sleep. Crap! I think I only had 4 hours of sleep last night, no, make it this morning because I am working on some good notes since yesterday.   I thought that it is about time to use the knowledge that I acquired from studying at Berklee. I volunteered to help Leeteuk oppa in composing new songs for their fifth album or else he might break down because of fatigue. The guys are too busy with recordings and dance rehearsals and they still have MCing and DJing duties not to mention variety show guestings and musicals. I am actually worried about their health, they are too busy I can't figure out how can they finish all their schedules everyday and if they even have enough time to sleep. This is the reason why I never dreamt of being a celebrity, much more a kpop idol. Not enough sleep!

"Eomma, ten more minutes. Please." I muttered while covering my face with a pillow and pulling the sheets over my body.

"Wake up now, sweetie. Someone is here to see you." She pulled the sheets away from me. "Ppali!"

"Hmmm. Can't that person wait? It is too early." I reasoned with my eyes closed.

"Early? It is already 15 minutes passed ten in the morning!" She exclaimed.

"It is still early. I slept at about 6 in the morning." I explained.

"Who told you to sleep that late? Err... I mean morning...It doesn't sound right. Aish. Oh well, entertain your visitor first and then continue sleeping later after he is gone."

"Ten more minutes, promise."



"You are giving me a headache!" Eomma exclaimed and I thought she admitted defeat so I tried to go back to sleep.

"I still have to go to the market. You take in charge from here. If she is still too stubborn to get up, you can ask for a bucket of cold water next door, Inyoung is at home with the kids." 

I heard eomma, is she talking to me?

"Got it, eomma. Take care of yourself. Annyeong." A guy replied with a laugh. He sounded like Hyukjae but he called my mother, eomma. Maybe it is just Leeteuk oppa and my still clouded mind is just imagining things.

 'So sleepy.' I hugged my pillow tightly and went back to sleep when I felt someone sat on my bed.

"Oppa, leave me alone!" I exclaimed.

"Wow! That was the first time you called me oppa." He replied and he did sound like Hyukjae a lot. I peeked through my pillow to confirm my thoughts and yes, it is really him.

"What are you doing here? It is still too early!" I told him and pulled the sheets up to my neck to cover myself, suddenly I felt too exposed even if I am wearing shorts and a baggy shirt... Oh shoot! The shirt! I almost groaned at the thought. I shifted position, my back facing him now and accidentally the blanket slipped off and my shirt moved up exposing my waist. He pulled my shirt back and pulled the sheets higher up to my shoulders. 

"You still have this with you? And you are still wearing it? I am touched." He said. I pretended not to make a big deal out of it.

"I wear this because I find it comfortable. Don't think of anything else."

"You can wear it every night and imagine that I am hugging you every time." He teased.

"I have a lot of sleeping wears, I won't settle in using this every night. Don't flatter yourself too much!" I said before burying my face on the pillow. This is getting more embarrassing, I shouldn't have worn this last night!

"Suit yourself. But now, you have to get up, we still have a lot of packing to do."

"Packing? I have no plans of going anywhere. I just want to sleep."

"You may not have any plans for yourself but your brother has one for you. You are staying at their dorm until you finish composing. He wants to keep track of everything and he decided to give you a hand if our schedules will permit him."

"Their dorm? Why, aren't you staying there too?"

"I am on the other floor with some of the guys.  I can join you if you want, you will be staying on the room alone, you know." He teased.

"No thanks. I am fine having the room all by myself." I replied but didn't budge a bit.

"It is sad to be alone every night. I know the feeling, I am spending the night alone in my room at the dorm too."

"I spent 10 years sleeping alone and I don't really mind so don't push it. Aish, you will grab all the opportunity to make advances." I mumbled.

"Yah. My intentions are pure!"

"Right. Tell that to the marines."

"Forget it. Just get up now or else..."

"I am sleeping."

"You are talking to me."

"I am sleep talking"

"Well then stop it and wake up now, sleepyhead."


"Wake up or I'll wake you up with my kisses." He warned but I think something is wrong with me, I felt excited with the idea so I played along. I faced him still lying in bed, my eyes still closed.

"That sounds appealing." I said.

"I am not joking, Hannah."

"I am not joking either." I opened my eyes and saw him looking intently at me.

"I will really do it if you will not get up." He warned and leaned towards me.

"Go on. I am waiting. Or maybe you are just good with words, Hyukjae?" I wrapped by hands on his neck. Why am I this bold in teasing him right now? Oh yes, something is really wrong with me... I am sleepy and no one can disturb my sleep!

"You ask for it." He said while lowering his lips to mine. He will actually do it! Wait! No!Stop! I was just joking I didn't know that he will take it seriously. I can feel my heart beating crazily and i feel somewhat... Excited? That last time we kissed was 3 years ago, I wonder if it still feels the same. I prepared myself to accept his kisses. I closed my eyes when I felt his hot breath against my lips…just an inch away.

"Yikes! Uncle Hyukjae is kissing Auntie Hannah!" I immediately pushed Hyukjae away and in a flash, he stood up and acted innocent in front of the kids.

"No baby,we are not kissing." I said. Well, we almost did but no thanks to them, it didn't happen.

"I saw it too! You are kissing!" Jaehyun exclaimed and Jieun covered her eyes with her small hands but still peeking on the spaces between her fingers.

"Why do old people loves doing that yucky thing?! I always see my parents do that, it is disgusting!" He continued.

"Kissing is a sign of love, Jaehyun ah. Your appa and eomma kiss a lot because they love each other." Hyukjae tried to explain it to the boy.

"So that means you love each other too because you are kissing." He asked back. Is kids nowadays this logical or my nephew is just too smart for a kid?

"We didn't kiss." I stated.

"We almost did." Hyukjae interuppted and I threw a pillow at him.

"It is really complicated to talk with adults, I think I want to stay as a kid forever. Come on, Jieun ah, we will be late for class." He went out of the room first still mumbling.

"Another scene like that, I will really throw up. Yuck!"

The younger kid didn't follow her brother, She is still standing on the foot of the bed, staring at me then at Hyukjae.

"Sweetie, you will be late for class." I reminded her.

"Aren't you going to kiss? I won't throw up. I promise." She said raising her right hand. Hyukjae and I laughed at her cuteness.

"It is not for you to see, little girl." Hyukjae carried her outside and closed the door.

I stood up from my bed and opened my closet, I took all the stuffs that I needed and placed it on my  bag. I placed it near the door and gathered all the papers on my desk where I wrote my drafts for the songs. I am busy packing my things when Hyukjae came back, he entered my room and closed the door.

"My kiss?" He reminded.

"I am already up. I'm sorry but your time expires. Better luck next time." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Your lost not mine. It is your chance to kiss the hottest member of Super Junior but you let it slip. Don't you know that thousands of girls are dying to kiss me?" He said trying to act confidently.

"You can accommodate them if you want, I am not the jealous type. I already have an advantage because I've already seen everything anyway." I played along with his teasing. I looked at him from head to toe.

"Yah! What are you doing." He said and embraced himself.

"You are acting like I am about to you. You and your erted mind." I replied and shook my head.

"You can't blame me, You looked like you want me for breakfast, I am about to oblige myself actually." He said.

"You don't have to. I will rather choose a cup of coffee and a slice of bread for breakfast. Wait for me downstairs, I'll just take a quick shower." I instructed him but instead of going out, he sat on my bed.

"I'll wait for you here."

"No, outside."

"You might need something while you are taking a shower."


"Yeah, I know. Thank me later." He said acting cool.

"OUT!" I yelled at him. I think he is more stubborn than me! He ran outside when I motioned to throw my slippers at him, I locked the door before going to the bathroom. It just now that I realize that I am wide awake, not feeling sleepy at all. I must admit, I had fun teasing Hyukjae a while ago but got lost when he is about to kiss me. The kids... They really came at the wrong time!

We agreed that we are going to be friends but we are not acting like how normal friends should act. There is still this attraction between the two of us, I think we can't help it. It is like we are actually having this mutual understanding of some sort. I think we are too old for that but it is the only way that I can think of to explain it. It is like testing the water. Nothing official and we are fine with it. No pressures yet and we still have our own lives to live with.







Your previous comments generated new ideas in me.^^

New Subsribers! *hugs* hope you like the story, comments are appreciated.

The vacation part of the story ended on Chapter 14 (the talk) and now they are back to seoul. :)

This is already chapter 15 but  there are still a lot of ideas coming... Is it too long? You want me to finish it soon?

BTW, If updates are coming slowly and you are tired of waiting, you can bug me by leaving comments or even posting on my wall. Sometimes I just need some push so that I can force myself to think. 

*starts to think on how to insert a conflict* >:D *Fail* *Gonna think again* *Error* *thinking....* *HELP!* hahahaha

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Chapter 72: I've found out about this story and it's really good. \(^^)/ I watched SS5 Manila too ad we're in the same area/ Hahaahah.
JaeMa4ever #2
Chapter 75: You're also going?! OMG me too! But I purchased General Admission since upper box was sold out and I have no choice and I have not money to buy VIP but still I know I'll still have fun :D

And btw, UPDATE SOON !! I really miss your stories !! :D
ecikurcaci #3
Chapter 75: I thought its an updateeeee~
Just enjoy the showwww!! to bad cant attend the show.. wont ss5 again.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Btw.. iam always re read ur story.. i love it. ^^
Chapter 75: ASDFGHJKL I thought it was an update but then I remembered this fic was finished already. HAHAHA! OMG AUTHOR-NIM, I ALSO BOUGHT AN SVIP 3 TICKET!! I hope I could meet you. hehe :))
Dooo~ne reading!!! Because of this I'm sooo~ subscribing to you Author-nim! Jjang! You did a great job! The best Rom-Com fic I've read for this year! Hehe.
comyfantasy #6
Erm... Can someone remind me who is Nayoung? Hahaha!!! =p
Who's Kwon Jinyoung in this story??
Is it G-Dragon of Bigbang?
I'm really confused right now
Because the picture of Jinyoung in this story is looks like G-D,
And its Kwon, But the name is Jinyoung :\
enna13 #8
A simple yet endearing story! I wonder what Hyukjae's kids would look like! ^^