Chapter 2

The curse of 100%

Author's Pov:

After lesson ended, Minyong and Eunji go to the library for self-study, while L.Joe went to this cafe nearby the school alone for his favourite, Cappucino.


L.Joe's Pov:

Is my first day of school here in this new highschool. Since I just came back from America for studying. The environment here is Seoul didn't changed much. This cafe here nearby the school was still the same. It was a memory. I used to go to that cafe and compose song or do my works. And I will always ordered for this, a cup of Cappucino. I can still remembered the taste of it. The brew smell of that Cappucino.

I walk into the cafe, and order,

"Can I have a cup of Cappucino please, kamsa." I said and I open my wallet as I wanted to pay the money, I heard someone, a familar voice calling me out...

"Hey man!" 

I look at the person who was calling me out. The person looked surprised to saw me again.

"Why did you look at me with this kind of look? I joked out.

"Ya Lee Byung Hyun!! Long time no see! How are you doing bro?" Chunji said as he give me a tight hug while handing me over a cup of Cappucino. Yes, Lee Chan hee A.K.A Chunji, he was one of my childhood best friend. Ne, he worked part time in this cafe to earn some pocket money, although he was rich like me too.

"I am fine. I just transfered to the high school you are studying too." I replied.

"Ahh jinja? Daebak! By the way, is been so long and you still haven't change your taste? A cup of Cappucino. Why don't you try out our cafe Exprosso? It tasted great too!" Chunji teased me.

Yes, is been a while I ever drink Cappucino. There was a time when I keep ordering Cappucino for my menu. Chunji, he was the one who only understands why is there a need I will always order a cup of Cappucino. Whenever I was doing my work or composing a song, a cup of Cappucino will always make me relax and think.

After hearing what Chunji said, I didn't repy any word but just show him a cool face of mine.

The next day in school...

L.Joe's Pov:

Aish! I completely forgot about my school homework! I was busy doing my other subjects homeworks and composing the song. As I was too tired, I fell asleep on my desk and left out doing my Mathematics homework. After washing and dressing myself up, I quicky rushed to class and get to my seat. As I looked at my watch, is still quite early, I can still spent my time doing my Mathematics homework. But I need some notes. I need to borrow it. Chunji is still not in the class yet. The only person I asked now is Kim Min Young. The girl sitting beside me...

"Erm hi Min Young, may I borrow some Mathematics notes from you...?" I asked her.


Min Young's Pov:

Is only the third day of school and that rich brat, L.Joe rushed in the class and took out his undone Mathematics homework? Asking me for notes? What a spoil brat he is not doing his homeworks, and only knows how to borrow it from the classmates in the last minute! 

"Why did you suddenly want to borrow my notes? Don't tell me you want to copy my works?" I asked with a suspecting look.

"Do you mind?" L.Joe replied back, but with an innocent look. Aish this guy! What wrong with him? Innocent look that soften my heart... Sigh.

"Aish..." I placed my Mathematics notes on the desk for L.Joe to take himself and continued reading on my book.

"Kamsahamnida!" L.Joe replied to me.

As I was reading my book, I saw our class monitor, Woohyun walking towards L.Joe and asked him;

"L.Joe? Aren't you the young master from the Lee's family? Why didn't you do your homework?" Woohyun asked.

Aish... What a spoil brat he really is! I thought.

L.Joe's Pov:

A few days passes, it was already a week I have been in this high school. I can sense that my classmates don't really understand me except Chunji. They only think I came from a rich family, and will be spoil brat being spoil by my parents. Take an example of that incident happened. The day when I forgot to do my Mathematics homework due to tiredness. I knew that Min Young must thought of me as a spoil brat because of what Woohyun had said.

"L.Joe? Aren't you the young master from the Lee's family? Why didn't you do your homework?" 

From the expression I saw from Min Young that day, her look towards me was she didn't like me as her classmate...

As I walk into the class, I was quite surprised to saw everyone reading their textbooks, notes silently and seriously.. Why are these students suddenly reading their notes seriously unlike their usual selfs where they were chatting among themselves. As it was on cue, our class monitor, Woohyun seemed to read through my heart.

"Aish, ! Mianhae, I forgot to remind you that there was a mock examination later on..." Woohyun said to me.

So that is the reason why these students were reading their notes seriously because of this mock examination, there is nothing special to me. I thought.

"Ohh, I thought there was any special thing that happen, well but it was just only a mock examination~" I replied with a relaxing tone. 

Although I didn't prepared anything like revising my notes in the last minute or whatever case, I am confident that I will do well on my mock examination. I might look like a guy who didn't study hard, but actually, I will always do my revision or studies alone at home or with Chunji.


Min Young's Pov:

With such a immature, spoil brat behavior, I believe that L.Joe won't score well for his subjects! He didn't bother to study his notes when Woohyun told him at the last minute that there was a mock examination later on. Yet he seemed to be relax and not even worry about his studies. Well, L.Joe, be sure to receive a big red cross on your paper!


During Mock Examination: 

Author's Pov:

During the examination, L.Joe only spent about 15 minutes to answer every questions on his question paper while other students were still doing their exam seriously. While Min Young was trying to answer those questions carefully without any careless mistakes. After she completed her paper, Min Young raised her head up and saw her rival enemy, L.Joe sitting infront of her already sitting at his seat daydreaming.


Min Young's Pov:

HAHAHAHAHA. That pabo. Look at him, with that face of him, daydreaming, sitting there as if he was so relaxing. I bet he doesn't know any questions on that paper! I guess this L.Joe hope to break the class record of getting a BIG RED ZERO on his examination paper, HAHAHAHA. 

Since young, I really hate those people who are a pabo, pabo, PABO.

I looked at L.Joe with a disappointed look, L.Joe you are going to be died~


L.Joe's Pov:

The paper is manageable for me. I only spent about 15 minutes to answer all questions in my examination paper. Since I did revised my notes at home, is not really a problem for me. I am confident about that. As I was the first one who finished my paper, I sit there and daydream about the song I am going to compose. Every students were trying hard their best to do their examination, I can see Min Young was focusing on every questions on the paper. Heard from the class that she was the top student in every subjects in this high school. No wonder she was that hardworking.

After the examination, I saw Min Young giving me that look when she leave the class. That look of loser. But why?

Hello my dear readers ^^

How do you feel about this story? 

I would like to thanks those readers who subsribed to this fanfic, (not in order)








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Pardon me for any grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes etc. I am sorry that I am not a good writter T^T But still, I hope everyone can enjoy reading this fanfic! Okay, have a nice day everyone! :)

-Sensationoflove- <3


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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 9: :'( update soon please :)
PhyuSin #2
Chapter 9: Please update soon!!^_^
update soon!
Chapter 2: update soon ! :DD
@justmekayy Hi there! ^^ Thanks for your support for this fanfic and subscribing!
wow , cool ! im your first subscriber ! The plot seems awesome ! :DD updateupdate soon ~