Chapter 6

The curse of 100%

Author's Pov:

L.Joe had been staying in the bed, resting for the past 2 days. He had been so sick that he body don't have the energy to get up. He really need a good rest after spenting hours, burning midnight oil to do his works, lacking of sleep. L.Joe hoped that he can regained his energy back and go back to school. He was already missing somebody. Of course he missed his hyung, Chunji, he was his best friend. But there is another person he missed, yes it was Kim Min Young. His angel in his heart.

He was resting on the bed, listening to the music when the girl he was thinking about in his mind actually appeared infront of his doorsteep!....


L.Joe's Pov:

I have been running a high fever for the past 2 days. Luckily my temperature had gone down now after taking some medicine and having a good rest. I am feeling so bored staying at my own bed, doing nothing but reading up some book, listening to my ipod. There was someone I was missing inside my heart. Excluding Chunji, he was my bestfriend since childhood, of course I missed him. But the person I was missing now is Min Young... My mind was full of Min Young, Min Young and Min Young. She appeared every part inside my mind and heart. How I wish she was here taking care of me. As it was just like a dream, the door bell rang all of the sudden.

Who will it be? I thought. Chunji? It might not be, he just visited me yesterday. I put my jacket on, and went downstair to see who it was. 

Ding dong, ding dong. I walk to the doorgate, and to my surprised, there stand a girl, my angel, Min Young. It was so unbelieveable. Is just like a dream. My dream girl appeared infront of me.

"Min Young? Why are you here?" I asked, puzzled her sudden arrival.

"I am here to visit you. How do you feel now?" Min Young replied in a shy tone.

"I am fine, I will be back to school tomorrow. Come in and take a seat." I said as I invited her into my house.

I went into the kitchen, and pour a glass of orange juice for her and walk back to the living room.

"Kamsa." Min Young said as she took the orange juice over from my hand. 

"Thanks for making your way down just to visit me..." I said, feeling embarassed.

"Is okay, I am glad you are fine now. Oh yup, here, take this. Is for you, hope that you can recover soon!" Min Young smiled while handing me a basket of fruits. Aww... How sweet of her! I thought, keke.

"Wow! You don't need to waste your money on these! But still, I appreciated your kindness, kamsa!" I said, receving the basket of fruits with a smile back.

And so we have a good chat in the living room. I immediately cutted the fruits she gave in the kitchen and shared it with her. The fruits tasted so sweet. Aish, what am I thinking? Is like she was the one who make the fruits tasted better~ But indeed, because I like her. Everything she does I find it sweet and caring.

Time pass by so quickly, Min Young need to go home too. I accompany her to the doorgate and see her out.

"Thanks once again, for visting and the basket of fruits!" I said politely.

"Ne cheonmal! I will see you in school tomorrow!" Min Young replied and I accompany her to the door gate before heading back into my house.

Min Young's Pov:

Ya bunny ahh, bunny, tell me did I fall in love with L.Joe? I asked while hugging my bunny tightly. Why did I care and bother the things he do and him so much? The past 2 days with L.Joe absense, I had been staring at his desk thinking of those past conversation with him. I still can remember clearly the first day he transfered to the highschool. He was a person with few words I thought. A person who is a spoil brat. But after getting to know more about his personalities, the relationship betweeen me and L.Joe get better and better. Even Eunji started teasing me that we look like a couple!

I admit that I do have a feeling of L.Joe. Take that day as an example. The day when he given me the hot dog bun instead keeping it for himself, even though he himself have not eaten anything yet. It shows that he was actually a nice person, a person who is caring towards everyone. From that moment, I think I fall in love with him. I don't know why too. Is just too sudden. From hating a person till liking him. Is that a curse? 

I hugged my bunny tightly as I fall asleep on my bed...

The next day at school:

L.Joe's Pov:

I am finally back to school again! How I missed everyone, especially Min Young. I walk into the class and was surprised by my classmates.

"Welcome back my buddy!" Chunji cheers as he give me a tight hug. Aish this kid, he never changed at all! Giving everyone a friendly hug he knows. I was so touched that my classmates actually hold me a welcome party. 

"Yo welcome back!" Other students cheers. 

"Welcome back L.Joe!" I turned my head back as I saw Min Young and Eunji welcoming me back to school together. 

"Kamsahamnida everyone! I am really happy that you guys actually hold a welcome party for me! I appreciated it much." I said to everyone. 

Confetti, balloon, bits of cake was every where in every part of the classroom. We all started clearing up the mess before Mr Oh come in and started giving us a good scolding. 

Min Young's Pov:

Finally L.Joe was back in school. I shall stop worrying about him any more. I am really glad to see him doing fine now, so I should focus on my studies, but not daydreaming about L.Joe.

Throughout the whole lessons, I have been a good student paying attention to the class, taking notes down. Oh yup talking about notes, I have copied down some notes for L.Joe since he was absent for the past 2 days. As a friend, doing this for him is fine. For his studies. I should pass the notes that I copied to him later after class.

The bell rang as is time for dismissal. The students started packing up their bag and leave. I was about to leave the class when  L.Joe stopped me. 

"Min Young ahh, wait." L.Joe said while running towards me.

Oh ya the notes. I was going to pass him the notes I copied for him too.

"L.Joe? Is there any problem why you are looking for me? Oh ya these are some notes that I copied for you when you are absent for the past 2 days." I said while handing him the notes.

"Aniyo, are you free to meet this Friday night on 8pm at the ferris wheel? And thanks for the notes." L.Joe said. WHAT? Did I heard wrongly? Is he asking me out for a date? I was too surprised that I lost my words.

"Erm... I..." My words was not yet being said when L.Joe cut in and said,

"Silence means agreed. Since you are free, I will see you on Friday night!" L.Joe replied happily without waiting for my answer. He just leave me there speechless. Is this considered as a date? L.Joe just asked me out, should I be happy or sad? I am confused.

Aww... L.Joe asking Min Young out for a date? :O

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Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #1
Chapter 9: :'( update soon please :)
PhyuSin #2
Chapter 9: Please update soon!!^_^
update soon!
Chapter 2: update soon ! :DD
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wow , cool ! im your first subscriber ! The plot seems awesome ! :DD updateupdate soon ~