Ch. 34

Black Cat



"Chunjiiii!!!!!" Chunji was on the floor while being hugged to death.

"Ricky get off of him," Cap came in as he kicked the younger earning him a glare along with a pout. "Hey Chunji," he smiled at the kitty while Chunji stood up and hugged the latter.

"Cap hyung!!!" Chunji's tail was moving really fast.

Ricky just grumbled, "Thats not fair!! Learn my name, its Ricky! Ricky hyung!!" he shouted.

"Hyung.. how do you know he is younger!" Cap said as they kept on hugging.

"I'll just pretend that he is! Right Chunji?" Ricky asked.

Chunji turned his head as he placed it on the latter's shoulder looking at Ricky, "How are you?" 

They both widened their eyes and looked at the kitty. "Did he just.. he asked a question!! Oh my god Niel where are you?!?!" Ricky stood up. Out walked a sniffling Changjo and L.joe who was rubbing his back. "What happened with you two, where's Niel?"

"Nothing.. and Niel is in the bathroom.." L.joe answered.

"So.. how's the new couple," Cap asked his arms around Chunji's waist while Chunji was humming to the ABC's and biting Cpa's shirt which he failed to notice.

"Oh yea! How did your date go.. did L.joe bully you?" Ricky asked.

Niel came out to the livivng room, "Hey.. you guys are all... here.." he looked at Cap and Chunji and his jealousy started to go a bit overboard. He swallowed hard not liking the sight, "Chunji.. come here," he waved Chunji over. The kitty let go and ran over to Niel hugging him.

"Teddy.." Chunji spoke looking at Niel.

Niel sighed rubbing his back, "Um.. Teddy is taking a bath.."

"Hyung.. did you know Chunji sayd, how sre you, perfectly!" Ricky exclaimed.

"Yea I know.. the learning kit the teacher gave me actually helped," Niel said pulling away from Chunji. He walked to the kitchen to finish his cooking.

"Awww... you are so lucky hyung," Ricky pouted following Niel.

"Dude.. I think he ate your shirt," L.joe pointed to Cap and he looked over himself to see a wet spot on his shoulder.


Changjo left those two and also went in the kitchen feeling much better, "Hyung.. did you look up what cats are in the spring.."

"What cats are.." Niel looked confusingly at him not understanding.

"Hyung you should.. its already spring!" Changjo cried out while Ricky out his phone and shouted he'll do it.

"I dont see what so important though," he looked at Chunji who was rolling on the floor humming some tune.

"Hyung.. its important," Changjo delcared sitting down on the chair.

"Ohhhh.. it says that in spring cats are in heat!" Ricky said and Niel dropped his cooking spoon and looked at the others eyes wide then at Chunji.

"Thats why hyung.." Changjo grumbled.

"B-but.. thats cant be.. I mean Chunji is like a kid.. and..he.. what?!?! You dont expect me to.. I mean.." Niel could not form any proper sentence as he was utterly shocked.

"Hyung.. but you have to start considering it.. I mean.. Chunji will be.. he wont be comfortable. Just be gentle.. since there is no way that he'll be the one doing it.." Changjo said, "see how smart I am.. I should skip some grades!" he praised himself.

Niel just stood there, letting all the information sink in. "But.. I am not even ready yet!! Are you kidding.. Chunji.. he is.. delicate and fragile.." he shook his head, hoping that this wont happen, ever, so he wont have to face it.

"Thats true.. what if he hurts Chunji and makes him bleed and cry and.." Ricky's voice faltered as Changjo glared hard at him.

"Hyung.. I am not saying this for your benefit.. but for Chunji.. I have some relatives that have cats and they say its not good to keep a cat in heat. It wont be good for him.. I am worried Chunji will be sick," Changjo looked at the kitty who was swaping a spoon on the table.

"How do you know if a cat is in heat," Niel asked continuing his cooking. He was almost done but all this talk was getting him all nervous.

"Well.. it will get more affectionate and maybe start to loose his appetite.. stuff like that.. and well.. since Chunji looks like a human.. it will get too hot for him and he'll pant and feel all fidigety and move around and stuff.." Changjo told him.

He inhaled then exhaled trying to calm down, "I see.."

"It doesnt happen to male often but it does.. and its not good," Changjo added.

"Can.." Niel gulped hoping that they cant, "can.. he get pregnant?"

"No.." Changjo said and niel sighed in relief.

"Yes they can," Ricky said looking at his phone.

"What," Niel turned around to Ricky shocked, "I am not getting him pregnant!" he exclaimed.

"No he cant! He's a male," Changjo shouted snatching the phone away from Ricky and looking at it himself, "You idiot.. this is a story! They cant!" he tossed it back to the other.

"Oh.. but still!! You dont know that.. a guy can get pregnant so why cant a male cat! Remember Chunji is not even from this world." Ricky shot back.

"But be logical.... a pregnant Chunji really.. no male cat was ever preganat and there wont ever be!!" Changjo shouted in frustration.

"First of all, a pregnant Chunji will be freaking adorable and you be logical, it can happen! What about you being scared of a bear.. a demon really?!?! Come on Changjo," Ricky glared at him.

"What, no!! A pregnant Chunji will be cute I admit! But a demon can be real.. we have been to another world with half cats and human!! How did you know about that anyway?"

"Are you kidding, you are loud!! We can hear from miles away!! And if that can happen then a pregnant male kitty can also happen!!"

"No it cant! I am smarter that all of you so I would know!!" Changjo shrieked.

Niel was getting annoyed by their constant bickering while Chunji watched them back and forth amazed. "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!! DINNER IS READY!!" they stopped and sat down glaring at each other while the other two came in.

"Do I want to ask what they were aruging about.. hmm?" L.joe asked aloud thinking.

"No you dont... niether do I.." Cap answered for him. They heard the words, 'pregnant Chunji' and they knew after that, that asking will be pointless. Plus they really dont want to know even though they are curious.

Niel sat down next to Chunji after he placed the food on the table. Everyone started talking and Niel looked at Chunji, the thing Changjo told him was bothering him. He watched as Chunji picked his food from the pot and started to chew on it while he looked at everyone talking. Niel placed lot of foo on his kitty's plate.

Chunji looked at him his mouth full, "Niel..."

He smiled scratching his ear making him purr, "Make sure to eat alot okay Chunji.."

Chunji started to nuzzle in his hand fluttering his eyes closed, "Niel.."

Niel breathed in, thinking that Chunji is always affectionate, though lately he has been different. Chunji really cant be in heat right? The thought frightened Niel, Chunji is really like a kid and Niel didnt want to taint him. Mostly he was scared, Chunji seems so fragile and he was not really experienced in that field. But if what Changjo said was true, then he has to think of something quick!


When it was time for bed, Niel turned off all the lights and went in to his room to see Chunji moving around in bed, snuggling with the blanket. He looked at Niel with his big golden yellow cat eyes, "Niel..."

He smiled as he climbed in bed looking at Chunji. The kitty moved in next to him, snuggling up in his chest while clutching his shirt. He looked up at the other, "Good morning.."

He chuckled as he pet his hair, "Its good night now.."

"Good night.." Chunji said.

Niel leaned in and kissed his kitty, "Good night Chunji.." and they both soon fell asleep.


"Sir.. you have to believe me!! I am telling the truth!"

"I am sorry.. but you dont have any proof, please exit this building at once before security comea in and-"

"No.. I have proof here!! here is a picture!!!"

He took the picture and looked at it, "It could just be a costume.. we dont know that it is real," he looked at the other thinking that this person has really gone crazy.

"No please sir!! You have to try.. trust me it is real.. plus this will be good buisiness for you!!"

He sighed as he finally caved, "Alright.. we'll go see... where is the address to where they are living.."

"Its right here sir.."

He took the paper, "Alright.. you better be right kid!"

"i am sir... I am..."


i am dooooonee..

haha poor niel having this talk with some younger ppl....

but oooh something is coming.. can you guess who the person was..

but i hoped you enjoy..



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I'm more of a dog person (sike lol)
khadzdama6 #2
Chapter 44: Omg that was the best
chunjoe2311 #3
Chapter 44: The best teen top fanfic i've ever read !!! and yeah my otps omggg *feelsssss* ;/////;
theonlyhana #4
Hi sis ^^! I'm Angel-ChuNiel shipper from Vietnam and i love your fanfics too much so i want to have permission from you for translation these fics into my language. I hope you will agree and of course i will put credit in my blog and permanlink for them. Thank you ^^
Chapter 2: this story is so kawaii! :3
Yuki0710 #6
Chapter 44: So cute!!! >< i like it so much!
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
DoomdadaDaesungNTop #8
Chapter 44: Uhm. Yes. I absolutely loved this story. Chunji as a kitty was a great idea. And Chunniel is my favorite Teen Top couple. When you mentioned the Big Bang couples I got excited because I ship Todae and Gri. But GTop and Taeri is cool too. Over all it was good story. You made me cry when Chunji was being tortured by the other cat people but it had to be done.
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 44: awwww..... this is sooooo good!! thank you thank you for writing such an entertaining fic! ^0^